
Her husband was a hero of the Anti-Japanese Resistance, but she defected to the enemy as a traitor and dedicated her 15-year-old daughter to the Japanese

Her husband was a hero of the Anti-Japanese Resistance, but she defected to the enemy as a traitor and dedicated her 15-year-old daughter to the Japanese

As we all know, the history of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression is simply a tragic history. During this time, countless heroes died on the battlefield. The anti-Japanese fighters threw away their heads and spilled their blood in exchange for our peaceful life today. However, during those years, there were also many Chinese who had lost their conscience, and in order to survive, they turned to the Japanese. They are also what we often call "traitors". Traitors are also divided into male traitors and female traitors. Today, we want to talk about a female traitor during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, whose name is Liu Si'e.

Her husband was a hero of the Anti-Japanese Resistance, but she defected to the enemy as a traitor and dedicated her 15-year-old daughter to the Japanese

Speaking of Liu Si'e, in fact, her husband is still an anti-Japanese hero. Died in Battle in Peiping. After her husband died in battle, Liu Si'e not only did not hate the Japanese because of this. Instead, they began to attach themselves to and defect to the Japanese. She used her beauty and good figure to get along with a local Japanese shogun. Liu Si'e, on the other hand, became a hardcore traitor.

Her husband was a hero of the Anti-Japanese Resistance, but she defected to the enemy as a traitor and dedicated her 15-year-old daughter to the Japanese

Liu Si'e also has a daughter, who was only 15 years old at the time, and also joined her in the Japanese. At first, Bao Chang was only interested in Liu Si'e, but after getting tired of playing, watching Liu Si'e's daughter gradually grow up, he began to play with Liu Si'e's daughter's idea. When Liu Si'e found out, she was very angry and directly gave her daughter to the local Japanese officer. After her daughter was given to a Japanese officer, Liu Si'e's status also rose sharply, becoming a rich woman on the side of power.

Her husband was a hero of the Anti-Japanese Resistance, but she defected to the enemy as a traitor and dedicated her 15-year-old daughter to the Japanese

After that, Liu Si'e became the dog's leg of the Japanese army, helping the Japanese army collect grain, scourge the township, and commit many unforgivable crimes. Under the influence of Liu Si'e, her daughter also became a little traitor, following the Japanese devils in the fish and meat village.

Her husband was a hero of the Anti-Japanese Resistance, but she defected to the enemy as a traitor and dedicated her 15-year-old daughter to the Japanese

But the good times did not last long, and the Japanese were defeated within a few years. And Liu Si'e and her daughter were also arrested for treason and adultery. At that time, Liu Si'e was still cunning, hoping to repeat the same technique and exchange her body for glory and wealth. But Chinese don't eat her set, she is a traitor, she is a traitor, how can it be said that it is free? As a result, Liu Si'e and her daughter were sent to a military court for punishment.

Her husband was a hero of the Anti-Japanese Resistance, but she defected to the enemy as a traitor and dedicated her 15-year-old daughter to the Japanese

In the end, Liu Si'e and her daughter were sentenced to death and executed by firing squad. And this hateful female traitor has also completed her life. Originally the widow of an anti-Japanese hero, it became a traitor who was spat upon by thousands of people, and the matter of Liu Si'e also represented the mentality of many Chinese at that time. If the Chinese could unite at that time, the little devil would not have been arrogant for so long! Unfortunately, Liu Si'e's daughter was pulled by her to be a traitor before she understood things, and finally ended up in a disgraceful end!

Her husband was a hero of the Anti-Japanese Resistance, but she defected to the enemy as a traitor and dedicated her 15-year-old daughter to the Japanese

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