
When blood sugar rises, the hands and feet may have these 5 kinds of discomfort, after discovery, it is necessary to control blood sugar in time

Blood sugar is the glucose in the blood, the human body must consume an appropriate amount of glucose every day to help the body replenish energy, so that the power of major tissues and organs is maintained.

Healthy body has a relatively stable blood glucose level, about 3.92 ~ 6.16mmol / L on an empty stomach, the blood glucose value after meals is about 5.1 ~ 7.0mmol / L, if it is higher than the normal value, it means that the blood glucose value is super high, and this phenomenon is called hyperglycemia in the clinic.

When blood sugar rises, the hands and feet may have these 5 kinds of discomfort, after discovery, it is necessary to control blood sugar in time

According to statistics, there are already more than 100 million hyperglycemia patients in China, and many people are precisely because they have not found that blood sugar has risen, and long-term hyperglycemia has caused diabetes.

Diabetes is a chronic disease that cannot be cured, people who suffer from the disease can only survive with the disease for a long time, if they do not control blood sugar, they will also cause various complications and make their lives threatened.

In order to prevent the occurrence of diabetes, controlling blood sugar is the first important thing, when blood sugar rises, people's hands and feet will appear the following 5 feelings, we should pay attention to it.

When blood sugar rises, the hands and feet may have these 5 kinds of discomfort, after discovery, it is necessary to control blood sugar in time

First, the hands and feet are numb. After the hands and feet are compressed or excessively cold, it is easy to cause numbness after the blood circulation is obstructed. After proper activity raises the temperature and the blood returns to normal circulation, the feeling of numbness improves.

If these two factors are excluded, the hands and feet often appear numbness symptoms inexplicably, it is necessary to be vigilant that the blood glucose value has increased, because after the blood sugar rises, the circulation speed of the blood may slow down, and the limbs are also prone to numbness in the case of ischemia and hypoxia.

When blood sugar rises, the hands and feet may have these 5 kinds of discomfort, after discovery, it is necessary to control blood sugar in time

Second, the toe pain. Normal people generally do not have toe pain, unless the toes are traumatized or long-term walking causes toe overextension, gout, rheumatism causes the toe joint inflammation and causes pain symptoms.

In addition, blood sugar levels exceeding normal values will also cause blood to become more and more viscous and unable to circulate better in the body, affecting the microvascular and nerves of the toes, and further swelling and pain.

When blood sugar rises, the hands and feet may have these 5 kinds of discomfort, after discovery, it is necessary to control blood sugar in time

3. Herpes grows on the limbs. Herpes is a viral skin disease formed by changes in the mucous membranes of the skin, and there are many causes of herpes, such as infection by bacteria or viruses, vasculitis or mosquito bites, burns, etc.;

After the blood sugar level rises, it may also cause herpes to appear inexplicably in the hands and feet, which looks like it has been burned, but it is not painful or itchy. If this herpes is not treated in time, it is prone to ulceration and cause infection.

When blood sugar rises, the hands and feet may have these 5 kinds of discomfort, after discovery, it is necessary to control blood sugar in time

4. Granulomatous. After the blood glucose level rises, some patients will have granulomas in the hands and feet. Granuloma caused by this condition is in the early stages a papule that looks bright red;

As the papules slowly grow, they become nodules, the texture is soft when touched by hand, the surface is prone to ulceration and bleeding, and the necrosis of the granulomatous tissue is easy to cause repeated ulcers.

When blood sugar rises, the hands and feet may have these 5 kinds of discomfort, after discovery, it is necessary to control blood sugar in time

5. Itchy hands and feet. When the weather is relatively dry, the skin is also easy to become dry, so it is easy to peel and itch the hands and feet, and the skin infection may also cause itching.

In addition, the blood glucose value of the human body exceeds the normal range, which will also cause people to have symptoms of itching of hands and feet, because there are a large number of microvascular in the hands and feet, and high blood sugar will irritate the skin slightly, while the skin's self-healing ability decreases;

Therefore, there will be frequent itching symptoms, no matter how to scratch or use antipruritic drugs for treatment, it is difficult to make the itching disappear.

When blood sugar rises, the hands and feet may have these 5 kinds of discomfort, after discovery, it is necessary to control blood sugar in time

The above 5 are the manifestations of the hands and feet after the rise of the blood glucose value of the human body, I hope that after everyone understands, you can observe whether the body has an increase in blood glucose value according to their own situation, if you find that you meet any of these conditions, you must go to the hospital in time to do blood glucose testing.

After the blood glucose value is confirmed to rise, the patient should timely regulate the blood sugar according to the doctor's instructions through drugs, adjust the diet structure, and strengthen exercise, so that it can return to the normal range, so as not to cause more damage to the body after diabetes.

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