
The three were in the same column, the deputy commander was the general, the political commissar was the general, and the commander was the lieutenant general

The three were in the same column, the deputy commander was the general, the political commissar was the general, and the commander was the lieutenant general

There was a column during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and his development trend was very confusing and strange, the original commander was the founding lieutenant general, and the political commissar was the founding general, none of them became a general, but the deputy commander became the founding general. This is the Jin-Ji-Yubian guerrilla column.

The three were in the same column, the deputy commander was the general, the political commissar was the general, and the commander was the lieutenant general

Their commander was Ni Zhiliang, a very powerful man, and during the War of Resistance Against Japan, he was also a man who had a lot of work, once was the chief of staff of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army, the commander of the Jinji-Yu Military Region, and of course, the commander of the guerrilla column in the Jinji-Hebei-Yu Border Region, and was later awarded the rank of lieutenant general.

The three were in the same column, the deputy commander was the general, the political commissar was the general, and the commander was the lieutenant general

The political commissar is Wang Xinting, as a political commissar is also a good person, in his military career, looking back, there have been many important and profound wars, such as the Long March of the Red Army, or the War of Resistance Against Japan and the War of Liberation, all of which have witnessed the growth of China. Later awarded the rank of general,

The three were in the same column, the deputy commander was the general, the political commissar was the general, and the commander was the lieutenant general

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Wang Shusheng successively served as deputy commander of the Jinji-Hebei Yu Border Region, deputy commander of the guerrilla column of the Jinji-Hebei Yu Border Region, and deputy commander of the Taihang Military Region. In 1955, Wang Shusheng was awarded the rank of Founding General.

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