
A promise of gold! After 74 years of waiting, the 92-year-old tomb keeper finally waited for the miracle to appear

Every Chinese will not forget that tragic history, the Japanese army knocked on the door of China with cannons, countless Chinese to the battlefield, in those 14 years, 35 million Chinese soldiers and civilians sacrificed their fiery lives, such a sacrifice is great, but also deplorable. Those heroes who died, they did earth-shattering things, they did great things to save the country and save the people, but they were unknown, many heroes died in this way, buried in the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, no one knows their names, no one knows their great achievements.

The Chinese soldiers eventually drove the Japanese army out of Chinese territory, and the establishment of New China can also be regarded as a consolation to the undead of those unsung heroes. Every time it comes to the Qingming Festival, people today still miss the heroes who gave their lives for the motherland, and hope that their posthumous affairs can be properly arranged. In Linyi, Shandong Province, there is a 92-year-old man, Niu Yuqing, who has been guarding the tomb of an unsung hero for 74 years. Everyone thought that the old man could not wait for the result, but they did not expect that after 74 years, waiting or buying a miracle. This story needs to be told in detail, starting in 1941.

A promise of gold! After 74 years of waiting, the 92-year-old tomb keeper finally waited for the miracle to appear

In 1941, China was in the midst of turmoil, and the anti-Japanese front had been pulled to Shandong. That year, in a small town in Yinan County, Shandong Province, a very extraordinary thing happened, which changed Niu Yuqing's life.

At that time, Xitaohua Village, Dazhuang Town, Yinan County, had long been reduced to the base of the Japanese army, and more than 40 Japanese troops were stationed here. Niu Yuqing was originally just a very ordinary Chinese citizen, but he did not expect that one winter night, his uncle suddenly came to the door and brought an earth-shattering news. His uncle told him that several of the Eighth Route Army had not moved away in time and were now staying in their Xitaohua Village, which was very dangerous and that if they were discovered by the Japanese troops stationed here, they would not survive tomorrow. His uncle wanted to save these Eighth Route Army, wanted to dig two cellars near Niu Yuqing's house, hide these Eighth Route Army, and it was very dangerous to do this under the eyes of the Japanese army, but Niu Yuqing, as a Chinese, did not hesitate and immediately promised his uncle, they quickly dug the cellar, and the 18 Eighth Route Army also had a place to live.

A promise of gold! After 74 years of waiting, the 92-year-old tomb keeper finally waited for the miracle to appear

Although it was a fortunate thing to be able to hide in the cellar temporarily, the situation at that time was too difficult, in order to avoid them being discovered by the Japanese army, Niu Yuqing did not dare to casually send food to these Eighth Route Army, and could only occasionally send a little bit of resistant sweet potatoes. The living conditions were so difficult, how could the seriously injured Eighth Route Army bear it, there was a young Eighth Route Army surnamed Zhang who finally died, and with the help of Niu Yuqing, his soldiers buried it in a small ditch.

A promise of gold! After 74 years of waiting, the 92-year-old tomb keeper finally waited for the miracle to appear

It was not until the Japanese troops stationed here withdrew that another group of the Eighth Route Army found here to help the remaining 17 Eighth Route Army transfer. One of the Eighth Route Army troops who helped evacuate was sad after hearing the news of Sergeant Xiao Zhang's death. It turned out that this soldier turned out to be Xiao Zhang's brother, and he told Niu Yuqing that they had three brothers in total, Xiao Zhang, who died not long ago, was his youngest brother, and he was the eldest brother, Xiao Zhang was only 20 years old when he died, and there was a newly married wife in the family before joining the army. After Niu Yuqing heard Xiao Zhang's story, he was also very emotional.

Before Leaving, Xiao Zhang's brother once asked Niu Yuqing to help his brother guard the tomb, as long as he lived, as long as he had the opportunity, he would definitely come back to visit his brother, and he would definitely bring his brother's ashes back to his hometown. With tears in his eyes, Niu Yuqing agreed to Xiao Zhang's brother's request, and he took this simple promise to heart.

A promise of gold! After 74 years of waiting, the 92-year-old tomb keeper finally waited for the miracle to appear

In this way, Niu Yuqing began to guard the tomb for Xiao Zhang, and he waited for Xiao Zhang's family to bring home the ashes of the unsung hero.

In the blink of an eye, 74 years have passed, niu Yuqing has never seen Xiao Zhang's brother again, but he has never given up and still adheres to the original promise. Every once in a while, Niu Yuqing would come to visit Xiao Zhang's warriors buried here and talk to him about home. Niu Yuqing told the story of the outside to Xiao Zhang warriors buried in the ground, he told Xiao Zhang warriors, the Japanese are gone, new China has been founded, the outside personnel have been renewed several times, the world is changing too fast, but Niu Yuqing still adheres to the original promise and has never changed.

A promise of gold! After 74 years of waiting, the 92-year-old tomb keeper finally waited for the miracle to appear

Chinese has always attached importance to the roots of fallen leaves, niu Yuqing is a typical Chinese, he hopes that Xiao Zhang warriors can return to his hometown. As he grew older, Niu Yuqing began to worry a little, worried that he would not be able to live to see Xiao Zhang warrior go home. He began to take the initiative to inquire about the news from the major units, but the sea of people was vast, and where did he go to find information about the families of these xiao Zhang fighters?

A promise of gold! After 74 years of waiting, the 92-year-old tomb keeper finally waited for the miracle to appear

Fortunately, with the help of the local government and media, the story of the 92-year-old man silently guarding the tomb for 74 years was spread, and a miracle happened. It turned out that Xiao Zhang's two brothers had died in the battlefield, so after such a long time, no one came to pick up Xiao Zhang's warriors and go home. But the Zhang family still has descendants, and after the descendants of the Zhang family saw this news on the Internet, they took the initiative to contact the old man Niu Yuqing, and the unsung hero Xiao Zhang warrior finally returned home.

As the story of Xiao Zhang's warrior returning home spread, everyone knew that the original Zhang clan was actually full of door loyalties

violent. The nephew who took Xiao Zhang home said that when he was a child, he had heard his grandfather say that his grandfather had three cousins who had gone to the army to fight, and none of them had returned. The eldest Zhang Weishun is still missing, the second brother

Zhang Weixin also died on the battlefield long ago and sacrificed his life for the anti-Japanese resistance, and Xiao Zhang's real name is Zhang Weiji, who also sacrificed his life for the anti-Japanese war. The three heroes of a family, their deeds are great, their sacrifices are great, their stories should not be forgotten, if there are no such unsung heroes, where would there be today's new China.

A promise of gold! After 74 years of waiting, the 92-year-old tomb keeper finally waited for the miracle to appear

A 92-year-old man can silently guard the tomb for 74 years, all because he does not forget the hero's kindness, and the Chinese nation can stand in an invincible position because Chinese never forget the hero. The Chinese nation was able to get out of that dark history because of these unsung heroes, who are the loveliest people in the world and the people who Chinese most grateful. No matter how the years change, and no matter how the world changes, the great deeds of these heroes cannot be forgotten! We should all be "Niu Yuqing" and should all protect those unsung heroes.

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