
The Soviet Union's World War II military god, known as the "commander of commanders", would only rely on the tactics of the sea of people to win

In the Second World War, there were two battles that had to be mentioned, one was the Allied Landings in Normandy, and the other was the Soviet-German war with the greatest losses and the most attrition in history.

When it comes to Germany's great players, we can probably think of it."

Rommel the Desert Fox

", SS Commander Guderian et al. But in the Soviet Union, there was one man who was more dazzling and powerful than these famous generals. Even the German marshal had to bow his head and admit that if he had him under his command, then Germany would be invincible.

The Soviet Union's World War II military god, known as the "commander of commanders", would only rely on the tactics of the sea of people to win

This person is the famous general of the Soviet Union in World War II.


。 In the history of the world, Zhukov was called the best general of the Soviet Union, and he won it four times."

Hero of the Soviet Union

The title can be said to be unprecedented and unprecedented. Even the United States, which had always been at odds with the Soviet Union, praised Zhukov for being"

Commander-in-chief of commanders


In 1939, Japan, which had made tohoku its base, began to stir up the plains of Siberia. But the Soviet Union did not eat white rice, and naturally knew that Japan was an unsatisfied wolf, and to fight a wolf was to hit it to be afraid. So the Soviet Union began to march into the Far East, and at Nomonhan, the war began.

The Soviet Union's World War II military god, known as the "commander of commanders", would only rely on the tactics of the sea of people to win

In this battle, Zhukov, who was originally just a nobody, relied on his command ability and his ability to coordinate various arms and services to defeat the Japanese army. After returning to China, Zhukov was specially praised by Stalin and promoted to general. Two years later, he was once again promoted to chief of the Soviet general staff, and constantly reformed the Soviet army in order to deal with the German army.

The Soviet Union's World War II military god, known as the "commander of commanders", would only rely on the tactics of the sea of people to win

Soon after, the German army did not take it, sent its most elite troops, and quickly blitzed the Soviet union's key points, which made the Soviet army suffer a lot. For a long time, the Soviet army could only maintain a defensive position, and the German marshal ordered that the army should capture the industrial city in order to seize more resources. At this time, Stalin and Zhukov were in a dispute over whether to withdraw the Kiev defenders, and Zhukov was removed from his post. But soon after, the Kiev defenders were wiped out of 800,000 people, and Stalin, who knew that he was wrong, once again brought Zhukov back to the front line, with full responsibility for fighting against the Germans.

The Soviet Union's World War II military god, known as the "commander of commanders", would only rely on the tactics of the sea of people to win

In September, Zhukov, who personally went to the front, was even more the commander of the Leningrad Campaign, which greatly boosted the morale of the Soviet army, allowed the Soviet army to hold Leningrad, and let the Soviets see the hope of counterattack. It also allowed the Germans to suffer heavy losses in the frontal battle for the first time. Soon after the defense of Moscow, Zhukov relied on his own ability to once again severely damage the German army, making the situation of the Soviet-German war completely reversed.

But what made Zhukov so much criticized was the shocking ratio of losses in these battles. Although known as the best Soviet commander-in-chief, after the Battle of Moscow, Zhukov was there after that"

Operation Mars

"In the middle, suffered the biggest loss. In this battle, Zhukov, who was very good at fighting, could not defeat the German army with his own army, and even made his nearly two million Soviet troops break through by the German army, which was far less than his own, causing nearly 700,000 casualties.

The Soviet Union's World War II military god, known as the "commander of commanders", would only rely on the tactics of the sea of people to win

It is precisely for this reason that Zhukov began to be considered by later scholars to be merely using the tactics of the sea of men to crush the opponent's generals.

But it has to be said that at that time, the Soviet Union really relied on the tactics of the sea of people against the German army to gain an advantage. What was the reason why the German army was able to sweep throughout Europe in World War II? It is its own excellent armored tank and highly mobile tactics, that is, the tireless blitzkrieg. Even the claims at the time

"The strongest army in Europe."

France, too, announced its surrender within three months. In the years that followed, the Germans controlled many parts of Europe.

The Soviet Union's World War II military god, known as the "commander of commanders", would only rely on the tactics of the sea of people to win

In the Soviet-German war, the German army was still the same. In the very beginning, the German army relied on its own blitzkrieg tactics to crush the elite troops of the Soviet Union at that time and laid down many military bases in Eastern Europe of the Soviet Union. It can be said that throughout the Soviet-German war, the German army had an absolute advantage before it was severely damaged. It was not until the final Normandy landing that the Germans were caught in a left-right situation.

Compared with the Germans, the Soviet army, which suffered heavy losses, has since been joined by reservists and recruits, and there is indeed a lot of difference in weapons and personal qualities. And what is the only absolute advantage? That's the number of people.

The Soviet Union's World War II military god, known as the "commander of commanders", would only rely on the tactics of the sea of people to win

At this time, in the previous battles, Zhukov, who was good at turning numerical superiority into tactical superiority, naturally became the only choice for the Soviet commander. Facts have also proved that in large-scale battles such as the Battle for Stalingrad, Zhukov, who made good use of numbers, played the greatest role on the stage. But these shocking battle loss ratios have led scholars in later generations to evaluate their tactics as "

Built on the flesh and blood of soldiers

But Zhukov's record, in the most important battle, never made a major mistake. Whether it was Kiev or Moscow, Zhukov was bound to win any battle that determined the fate of the Soviet Union. This made in the army, Zhukov known as "




”。 Therefore, the Soviet people and Brezhnev and other later Soviet leaders naturally admired him from the heart.

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