
Save a million luxury cars in three years! Jingong new energy strategy released! And the world's first...

You can save a million luxury cars in three years!

Save a million luxury cars in three years! Jingong new energy strategy released! And the world's first...

Held this afternoon

Jingong new energy vehicle industry press conference

Save a million luxury cars in three years! Jingong new energy strategy released! And the world's first...

The "intelligent pure electric loader" officially unveiled by Jingong Machinery has far exceeded the high efficiency and energy saving performance of traditional fuel loaders, which has made many industry practitioners lament the amazing changes brought about by green technology!

At the new energy industry conference with the theme of "Jingong Future E Road Forward", the new energy industry strategy of Jingong Machinery was also disclosed for the first time, and Jingong Machinery will work with the top partners in the industry to open the future layout of the new energy industry.

Save a million luxury cars in three years! Jingong new energy strategy released! And the world's first...

With the adjustment of the national energy structure, the implementation of the "double carbon" strategic goal and the progress of science and technology, based on social responsibility and new value needs, low carbon, energy saving, green and sustainable have become the main theme of the development of the times.

Innovation, green and openness are the development concepts upheld by Jingong New Energy, and the strategic layout of Jingong New Energy Industry is of landmark significance in both enterprises and industries.

Ke Jintao, chairman of Fujian Jingong New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., said in his speech

"Jingong explores with scientific research institutes and industrial chain partners to provide more low-carbon, green and sustainable solutions for the industry." We firmly believe that a green future, low-carbon industry and low-carbon industrialization are the only way for future industrial development, and are willing to make continuous efforts for the industry to move towards carbon neutrality. By establishing new companies, integrating more industrial partners and resources, we give full play to the advantages of traditional manufacturing and new technology innovation, and create more value. ”

Jingong Machinery

Since its establishment in 1979, Jingong Machinery has started from a traditional parts manufacturer and has developed into China's largest forklift manufacturer, top ten loader manufacturers, and the main brand of China's wheel loaders after more than 40 years of ups and downs.

Save a million luxury cars in three years! Jingong new energy strategy released! And the world's first...

At the press conference, the "Jingong New Energy Industry Planning" was released: Jingong will pour all kinds of resources and elements to create a new industrial ecology, provide customers with the most advanced and energy-saving construction machinery products and system solutions, continue to build a new energy leading enterprise integrating new energy product research and development, manufacturing, financial services and ecological construction, and create a new benchmark and a new single champion in construction machinery-related products, becoming a leading brand in the field.

At the scene, Jingong Machinery also signed contracts with Quanzhou Equipment Manufacturing Innovation Center of Haixi Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Zhejiang CRRC Shangchi Electric Co., Ltd., State Grid Commercial Electric Vehicle Investment Co., Ltd., and C&D Ningpu Times New Energy Technology (Fujian) Co., Ltd. to jointly develop the ecological future of the new energy industry of construction machinery with top partners in the field of new energy.

Save a million luxury cars in three years! Jingong new energy strategy released! And the world's first...
Save a million luxury cars in three years! Jingong new energy strategy released! And the world's first...
Save a million luxury cars in three years! Jingong new energy strategy released! And the world's first...
Save a million luxury cars in three years! Jingong new energy strategy released! And the world's first...

At the press conference,

As a play,

Jingong Machinery made an appearance

Save a million luxury cars in three years! Jingong new energy strategy released! And the world's first...

▲Intelligent pure electric loader

Save a million luxury cars in three years! Jingong new energy strategy released! And the world's first...

▲Super heavy tonnage super excitation force self-propelled electric roller

Save a million luxury cars in three years! Jingong new energy strategy released! And the world's first...

▲Vehicle-mounted hybrid insulated bucket arm car

Save a million luxury cars in three years! Jingong new energy strategy released! And the world's first...

▲Electric wheeled excavator

Save a million luxury cars in three years! Jingong new energy strategy released! And the world's first...

▲Spider type self-propelled electric insulated bucket arm car

and five other mass-produced new energy products.

Among them, Jingong's "intelligent pure electric loader" can save customers a million luxury vehicles in three years according to conventional working conditions and operating time, run zero emissions, and reduce carbon emissions by 51 tons a year, which is equivalent to the carbon dioxide absorption of 10,000 trees.

Save a million luxury cars in three years! Jingong new energy strategy released! And the world's first...

The three products of super heavy tonnage super excitation force self-propelled electric roller, vehicle-mounted hybrid insulated bucket arm car, and spider type self-propelled electric insulated bucket arm car are the world's first products, which meet the more complex construction conditions in the engineering field, and contain a variety of intellectual property technology, which can be equipped with functions such as remote control and unmanned operation.

At present, Jinjiang New Energy has initially formed a set of research and development, manufacturing, customization, financial services, and integrated service system solutions, and strives to promote the upgrading of manufacturing enterprises to service-oriented manufacturing enterprises.

Ke Jintao, chairman of Fujian Jingong New Energy Technology Co., Ltd

"We will take new energy as a new starting point, work with all parties to invest in the new track of the industry, and open up a better future for the industry." Ke Jinfeng said, "We have the confidence and ability to set another industrial benchmark in the new track! ”

Green and low carbon, the future has come!

The release of Jingong New Energy Strategy is just in time!

Reporter: Ke Guojia Dong Yanjun Wentu

Editors of this issue: Yan Ya, Ye Xuyi

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