
New Bookshelf | "Self-Made": "Anthropological Observation Notes" by Famous Ophthalmologist Tao Yong

Cover news reporter Wang Hui

Recently, Ophthalmologist Tao Yong's new work "Self-Made" was jointly published by Hunan Literature and Art Publishing House and Zhongnan Boji Tianjuan. From the dual perspectives of doctors and ordinary people, the author faithfully records the doctor-patient relationship, doctor-doctor thinking and medical stories of this era, shares the feelings of life inside and outside the hospital, and helps readers understand themselves and the world with new eyes.

New Bookshelf | "Self-Made": "Anthropological Observation Notes" by Famous Ophthalmologist Tao Yong

Tao Yong is not only an ophthalmologist, but also a life doctor of a patient's friend. In the face of the reader's various confusions, he naturally wanted to give the helper a solution, which was also his original intention in writing this book.

Tao Yong said: "In the past two years, I have encountered a sudden blow in my life, and I have been exposed to the confusion that young people have generally experienced, the former has only brought me a short adjustment, while the latter has made me think for a long time. ”

The book is an idealist monologue on life, looking at the present from the dual perspective of a healer and an ordinary person, recording the ordinary stories of work and life, and answering how to accept the true self and create a life by oneself in the era of disenchantment. Tao Yong said that he knows that his method may not be suitable for everyone, but he is still willing to sincerely share, let you believe that there is light in this world, let us believe in the power of light.

In Tao Yong's view, the self-made public interpretation is a self-created outlook on life, happiness and values, and for the profession of doctors, he hopes that doctors in the new era will have professional beliefs.

Tao Yong believes that when young people choose a career, they have more or less certain feelings, but with the change of the environment, they slowly forget the feelings at the beginning. He said: "What is lost in comparison, to get back from existence, we have to find our most precious things, to find our own shining points." ”

Using the profession as a speculum, the doctor can see human nature, see good and evil, see life and death, and let his understanding of life move from fragments to integration, from chaos to transparency, and the same is true of other professions. For the question of "how to create your own outlook on life" that readers are interested in, Tao Yong said that there is no absolute standard answer. But he wants to tell everyone that by taking his eyes back to the present, with his profession as a speculum, it is possible to gradually find his own outlook on life along the ropes of time.

For the professional belief of doctors in the new era, Tao Yong also has his own understanding. He said that as technology progresses faster and faster, doctors may no longer need to rely entirely on experience, and if the past was the "era of experience", it may now gradually enter the "era of evidence-based" and "precision". Because of the popularization of medical treatment, science popularization, scientific research, and the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, in the new era, there are new requirements in all aspects. The new doctor in the new era is to face the times with an open mind and a dare to act mentality, and the relative professional belief can also help us establish a self-consistent logical view and outlook on life to a certain extent.

The famous host Jing Yidan commented on the book: "In his text, I see a richer Tao Yong - a Tao Yong who is not just an ophthalmologist. He sees the eyes and strives to see people; he sees man's sickness and he sees man's heart; he is happy to share and he is good at sharing. ”

Xu Zhiyuan also recommended the book to readers, saying that Tao Yong is creating a new image of a doctor, who not only deals with your physical illness, but also tries to help you understand yourself and the world with new eyes.

The famous scholar Liu Qing interpreted it this way: Tao Yong's life has witnessed the conscious process of character shaping. He put the experience of philosophical exploration into active life practice, and constantly moved towards the realization of his true self. Tao Yong's realm is admirable, and his thinking and understanding will give people rich enlightenment.

As a doctor, Tao Yong naturally wants to give a solution to the helper, and "Self-Made" is a prescription for contemporary youth, especially those who are confused between choices and do not know where to go.

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