
In the midst of youth and blood turmoil, the new version of Dragon Clan 3: Black Moon Tide is back!

The People's Literature Publishing House recently launched a revised edition of Dragon Clan III. This is another new book in the Dragon Clan series after the first and second volumes have been listed, with a total of three volumes. On the evening of December 16, Jiangnan Yunshang Readers' Meeting was broadcast on Douyin and Dangdang, and this ingenious online meeting form was warmly responded to by the readers of "Dragon Clan", with more than one million likes in a single session, and Jiangnan's personal live broadcast room has always ranked first in the popularity list of the platform.

In the midst of youth and blood turmoil, the new version of Dragon Clan 3: Black Moon Tide is back!

Jiangnan Cloud Readers' Meeting

The revised version of the new book has won the praise of many readers: "We like "Dragon Clan" because we have found our own shadow in the book"; "Jiangnan Dada, you write slowly, I read slowly." There is a second decade after the decade. "I hope that just as Teacher Mo Yan said, may all the 'late ripening people' grow up to be the 'king who carries the battle flag'."

Ahead of loneliness is light and warmth

"Dragon Clan" not only won the "Five One Project" award of Hubei Province, but also was selected by the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television to "Recommend 100 Excellent Publications to Teenagers Across the Country", and was recommended by the special interview of CCTV's "Reading" column. Readers have such great enthusiasm for this work that has actually been on the market for ten years, and it is because "Dragon Clan" is still a work of growth.

It has accompanied countless readers from their youth to society, and for the author himself, the ten years of creating "Dragon Clan" is also his most precious life course. After experiencing many ups and downs in life, Jiangnan can still grasp the pen of creation, and with rare courage, re-revise the old works carefully and carefully, hoping that this unfinished book can be more complete.

"Dragon Clan" once broke due to depression, talking about his current state, Jiang Nan seemed more relaxed: "Admitting that I am not bothered by illness, I want to get through this disease is very troublesome." Two or three years ago I spoke faster than I do now, because depression can make people stutter, nervous, unable to speak, insomnia, nightmares, and sudden awakenings are more common. The most frightening thing is that sitting alone in a room will feel the walls on all sides slowly approaching you, pressing your space smaller and smaller. This period of time lasted for about three or four months, and then with the combination of taking medicine, exercising, participating in group activities, and slowly getting better. ”

Because of this experience, Jiangnan hopes that his readers and friends can also exercise regularly and work and rest regularly to reduce the pressure in daily life. After his physical condition improved, Jiang Nan gradually returned to his writing state.

In the midst of youth and blood turmoil, the new version of Dragon Clan 3: Black Moon Tide is back!

Yang Yan and Jiangnan

Yang Yan, the former editor-in-charge of "Dragon Clan", came to the live broadcast room as a special guest and recalled with Jiang Nan the beginning of "Dragon Clan" in 2009. Talking about why he chose to revise this work, Jiang Nan said that the new book is mainly a revision of the text, hoping to be concise, condensed and accurate in language expression; on the other hand, in order to improve the setting of the world of "Dragon Clan", the new book has added the description of the blood source engraving and the explanation of the word spirit, so that the storyline is clearer and the characters are richer and more three-dimensional.

Talking about the possible ending of "Dragon Clan", Jiang Nan said: "A work with a grand body should write out all the tragic comedies, so that even if the tragedy in the end is sad, it doesn't matter." But if a book has spent many years with many readers, the author should try to write the warm side of the story. However, he also said that this does not mean that "Dragon Clan" is a happy ending. As Yang Yan judged as an editor: "'Dragon Clan' may still insist on a lonely aura, but the lonely front is not necessarily more lonely, it is likely that the lonely front is light and warmth." ”

A book of fairy tales for adults

There are many categories of fantasy literature and youth literature in China, especially under the rapid expansion of online literature, thousands of works emerge every day. But "Dragon Clan" is still one of the most prominent works. This refers not only to the accolades and awards it has received since its birth, but also to its literary quality. There must be other deeper reasons that can sustain a work that has been popular for ten years but is still selling well, in addition to the most easily captured in this work, such as the theme of youthful blood, delicate and deep emotions, breathtaking imagination, and magnificent and warm language.

In the midst of youth and blood turmoil, the new version of Dragon Clan 3: Black Moon Tide is back!

"Dragon Clan" writes about the various confusions of each teenager facing the world in a witty and secondary two tone, but they are always active in the desperate situation of fate, even if they are desperate. Unlike other growth novels, "Dragon Clan" does not want to tell the story of the protagonist who has grown up after experiencing a huge spiritual crisis, nor does it intend to focus on the broken process that teenagers may experience in the process of growing up, but hopes that all teenagers do not have to become a mediocre adult in the shortness of life. In this sense, Dragon Clan is a fairy tale for adults. It hopes that we will face the world like teenagers, find love and friendship, and resist loneliness in this way, without having to let ourselves drown in the crowds in the dilemma of fate and the trivialities of reality.

The famous literary critic Li Jingze praised this work, and he believed that "Dragon Clan" is literature about dreams. "In our dreams, we all want to have another life, to be in a different world than reality. In this sense, almost all popular literature is fantasy literature. A world like Dragons, an alternate, fantasistic, extremely rich and complex world, so much so that we are going to live, grow, adventure, and realize our inner dreams, and probably we will always need it. ”

The famous science fiction writer Liu Cixin commented that the imagination of this work is amazing and has an epic temperament. He said: "Ancient mysteries descend into the fashionable modern world, and the ancient magic and advanced technology are intertwined to form the amazing 'Dragon Clan', like the rising sun, so ancient and so new." Never imagined that the magic of science fiction and the brilliance of fantasy were so perfectly combined, youth and blood stirred in between, gentle and majestic coexisted, bursting out of unprecedented brilliance. For those who are young and once young, the charm of this epic is irresistible. ”

Nandu reporter Huang Qian

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