
Two people love deeply to reach this realm

Two people love deeply to reach this realm

I don't know what to do, but I go deeper.

Such a beautiful sentence comes from Tang Xianzu's "Peony Pavilion" of the Ming Dynasty, which means that feelings burst out unconsciously, and they are getting deeper and deeper.

We tend to fall silently in love with someone at every inadvertent moment.

Maybe you fall in love with that person at first sight, but you don't know what kind of attraction he really has.

Maybe he looks ordinary, and he is an extremely mediocre person in the eyes of others, but the moment he comes into your eyes, he emits a thousand lights. His presence will thrill you and even confuse you.

It is difficult to describe in words your fascination and attachment to him, and it is difficult to understand why you love him for a while. But there is an indescribable charm in him that makes you trapped in it and unable to extricate yourself.

Two people love deeply to reach this realm

Or you have a long-term affection for him, but you don't know at what point you are together.

Maybe it's the moment he says something carelessly, maybe it's the moment he makes a move in peace, and your heartstrings are gently plucked, and it is difficult to calm down for a long time.

Whether it is a love affair at first sight or a long-term relationship, once everyone falls in love with another person, they will give everything with deep affection.

If you are lucky enough that the person you love deeply also happens to love you, then this love is no longer a carnival of one person, but a dance of two people, a sweet two-way rush.

Therefore, you are willing to pay for each other, willingly rely on each other, and in the process of getting along day and night, the two hearts gradually get closer, and the two people become more and more affectionate.

When the two of you fall in love to the depths, you will naturally reach this state.

Two people love deeply to reach this realm

One: Understand and understand each other

Our desire to be loved and understood is innate nature and essence.

It is precisely because we are deeply looking forward to being understood, so after falling in love with a person, we will try our best to get close to him, understand him, and let him feel the joy and joy of being understood.

Two people who love each other will put themselves in each other's shoes and spare no effort to understand each other.

The so-called understanding is that even if the other party does not take the initiative to disclose his situation, you can understand his difficulties and his difficulties.

After he made his decision after careful consideration, he truly understood his pain and resolutely supported his decision.

In short, without too much explanation and clarification from the other party, you can take the initiative to consider the problem from his point of view, understand him, be considerate of him, rather than blaming him and hitting him.

Two people love deeply to reach this realm

The so-called understanding means that even if the other party does not open his mouth to reveal his thoughts to you, you can read his thoughts and his thoughts.

Through a casual look or demeanor, you can go straight to the depths of his soul and get his inner feelings.

All in all, without the other party's special words to express their hearts, you can understand all his thoughts and emotions through every little detail of him.

Loving a person deeply, you will feel sorry for him, so you try to stand in his position and understand his hardships. Loving a man deeply, you will care about him, so you try to get close to his heart and understand his thoughts.

Only when love is deep, both parties will understand and understand each other. Because of deep love and care, I empathize with each other's difficulties and understand each other's moods meticulously.

Two people love deeply to reach this realm

Two: Mutual accommodation and tolerance

Zhang Ailing once said: Because of love, so compassion. Because they understand, they are tolerant.

When you truly fall in love with a person, you will have love and pity for him, and you will not want him to be sad, so you will tolerate him and understand him with a compassionate mind.

Everyone will have their own willfulness and temper before falling in love, and will not easily compromise and give in to others.

But when you love someone deeply, you will find that all the stubbornness and stubbornness that were there before have long disappeared in front of him.

In fact, what makes you let go of stubbornness is not him, but your heart that loves him deeply.

Your heart is filled with warmth toward Him, so it becomes softer, no longer as tough and stubborn as before.

Two people love deeply to reach this realm

You willingly gave up your own willful style for him, and gradually changed your deep-rooted bad habits for him, just to accommodate his preferences and present a beautiful appearance in front of him.

Even if he reveals his flaws in front of you, you will try your best to appreciate his strengths and choose to mercifully tolerate his flaws rather than trying to reform him.

If we are faced with someone we do not love, we can only show disgust and boredom. Since you don't love, you naturally don't care about it and feel sorry for it.

Only when two people love deeply will they accommodate and tolerate each other. Accommodate each other's habits and tolerate each other's shortcomings.

It is precisely because of deep love that they will care about each other and will choose to accommodate and tolerate each other.

Two people love deeply to reach this realm

Three: Desire to spend the rest of your life together

The verse has clouds: death and life are broad, and the son is said. Holding the hand of the son, growing old with the son.

This means that we have already made a pact that no matter whether we live or die, we will hold hands and grow old.

What a romantic and affectionate commitment, this is the gesture of love for someone.

Ten fingers clasped hands, holding the promise of hand in hand. The white hair snuggled together hides the vow of life and death.

As Lin Weiyin said: I never believed that someone would love someone with a lifetime. It's just that each of us will have a period of time and meet a person who wants to love with a lifetime.

In the years when you loved a person with your heart, you are bound to fantasize in your mind about the picture of you being white-headed and old, loving as before, and sketching the blueprint of your beautiful future.

Life is short and precious, and no one wants to give the rest of their precious life to someone who does not love at all.

Only when you love a person to the depths, the bottom of your heart will naturally emit the affection of "not falling into the city, not pouring out the country, but pouring out all I have", releasing the desire of "for whom to cry, for whom to laugh, and stay with you for a lifetime".

Two people love deeply, and they will be eager to spend the rest of their lives with each other, white heads and old age. I look forward to spending the rest of my life hand in hand with each other, and witnessing each other's white hair.

Two people love deeply to reach this realm

Emotional Message:

Love needs to go through a gradual process from shallow to deep.

Love to the depths of no complaints, love to the depths of the affection to the strong.

Two people love deeply, they will understand and understand each other, accommodate and tolerate each other, and desire to spend the rest of their lives with each other.

This is the highest state of love. These three actions and feelings all originate from deep love, but they transcend love.

May you find a good man who loves you more than you do, and that your white head is inseparable.


Two people love deeply to reach this realm