
Yongzheng 3 favorites: Nian Qianyao and Long Keduo had a tragic ending, he bought an official and entered the soldier, but he was able to die well

Yongzheng 3 favorites: Nian Qianyao and Long Keduo had a tragic ending, he bought an official and entered the soldier, but he was able to die well

If the moon is profitable, it will lose, and when the water is full, it will overflow. - "Zhou Yi Feng"

In life, the pursuit of a consummation. In the Yongzheng Dynasty, there were three officials, it can be said that they were very complete in the early Yongzheng period- they were extremely popular subjects, trusted by the emperor, and could be regarded as the three favorite ministers of Yongzheng, they were Long Keduo, Nian Qianyao and Li Wei. But the strange thing is that of these three favorites, only Li Wei can die well.

Yongzheng's three favorites

Yongzheng's three favorite ministers were Yongzheng's uncle Tong Jia Longkeduo, the general Nian Qianyao and Li Wei.

Tong Jia Long Keduo was the younger brother of Tong Jia, the third empress of the Kangxi Dynasty. Due to the low status of his biological mother Wu Ya at the time of Yongzheng's birth, Yongzheng was raised by Tong Jia when he was young.

Judging from this layer of relationship, Long Keduo can be regarded as Yongzheng's uncle. However, whether Yongzheng was an emperor or an emperor, it seemed very inappropriate to call Long Keduo an uncle.

Yongzheng 3 favorites: Nian Qianyao and Long Keduo had a tragic ending, he bought an official and entered the soldier, but he was able to die well

Because of Empress Xiaoyiren, Kangxi was very fond of Longkeduo, and Longkeduo was on the side of Yongzheng, and he made very important contributions to the Yongzheng Emperor. Therefore, after Yongzheng ascended the throne, Long Keduo was still very trusted, and even once became an extremely popular subject. Yongzheng also called him "Uncle".

Nian Qianyao needless to say, everyone who has seen the "Biography of Zhen Huan" has more or less understanding of him.

Nian Qianyao, like Long Keduo, was particularly trusted by Kangxi during the Kangxi Dynasty, and later made important contributions to Yongzheng's smooth ascension to the throne, and was greatly favored by Yongzheng.

Unlike Longkeduo, Longke was in charge of the affairs of the central imperial court, while Nian Qianyao held the military power of the Qing Dynasty and was a brave and good warlike general.

At the same time, whether it is Long Keduo or Nian Qianyao, because they are yongzheng's favorites, their families also receive official titles,

Even to the point where there is no seal.

Yongzheng 3 favorites: Nian Qianyao and Long Keduo had a tragic ending, he bought an official and entered the soldier, but he was able to die well

Who is Li Wei

Li Wei's origins are different from Those of Long Keduo and Nian Qianyao.

Li Wei was able to become an official in the first place because

He paid for an official

。 He couldn't even read a few big words. Moreover, he received far less attention in the Kangxi Dynasty than Long Keduo and Nian Qianyao.

Illiterate and not from the Dragon's Merits, how could such an inconspicuous Li Wei be favored by Yongzheng and become one of Yongzheng's three favorite subjects?

But some things are destined to be unimaginable to ordinary people. Just as people could never have imagined that an English teacher would become the richest man in the world.

Li Wei and Ma Yun have one thing in common, that is, they are very talented in a certain aspect. Ma Yun is very talented in business, while Li Wei is very talented in governing the country.

Yongzheng 3 favorites: Nian Qianyao and Long Keduo had a tragic ending, he bought an official and entered the soldier, but he was able to die well

In the beginning, he was a magistrate, but because of his great ability, his official position was promoted again and again- from the beginning of The Yunnan Yanyi Road, to the Inspector, to the Governor.

In the Yongzheng Dynasty, there were many people with political talents, but there were only a few favored subjects. Therefore, Li Wei's talent should be very special.

Li Wei's political ability is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

One is in terms of managing official salt, and the other is in the disposal of local heroes.

Salt affairs have always been the focus of state management, and the disposal of local tyrants is related to the basis of Yongzheng's rule. Therefore, Li Wei's good work in these two aspects is the biggest reason for being favored by Yongzheng.

The end of the three favorites

Long Keduo, Nian Qianyao, and Li Wei were all Yongzheng's favorites in the early Yongzheng Dynasty, and all had been extremely popular subjects, but their endings went to two diametrically opposed aspects.

Yongzheng 3 favorites: Nian Qianyao and Long Keduo had a tragic ending, he bought an official and entered the soldier, but he was able to die well

Roncodo was later identified

Accept bribes and form parties for personal gain

。 At that time, Roncodo was discussing affairs with foreign countries on the frontier, and he was hastily recalled to the capital by Yongzheng, and was later convicted, convicted, and imprisoned in a remote courtyard.

A generation of ministers, who eventually fell to the point of being imprisoned, and finally died in that remote courtyard, is not to be described as lamentable.

But compared to the ending of Nian Tangyao, Roncodo's ending is much better. I think this is also inseparable from the fact that Roncodo is Yongzheng's uncle.

Nian Qianyao was a general with heavy troops in his hands, and finally he also took it

He was charged with raiding his home and even sentenced to death. Poor Nian Family was officially knighted, and even the Nian Emperor's concubines in the harem were deeply favored, and as a result, the family was ruined and the white expanse was a really clean ending.

Li Wei can be said to be an outlier in it, because not only was he not punished by Yongzheng, but he was also used by Yongzheng and lived well until Qianlong ascended the throne.

Yongzheng 3 favorites: Nian Qianyao and Long Keduo had a tragic ending, he bought an official and entered the soldier, but he was able to die well

Why li wei will die well

After reading the history and ending of the three people of Long Keduo, Nian Qianyao and Li Wei, we can't help but wonder why only Li Wei can start and end well in the end. There is only one word in it, and that is ''loyalty'''.

All three of them were very capable people, but only General Li Wei


Word for word, this is why he was able to end up well.

In a feudal dynasty, as a courtier, no matter how capable he is, no matter how much he has contributed to the country or will make in the future, one of the things they must know and do is to be loyal to the king. Remember, not loyal to the country, loyal to the court, but loyal to the king. Because except for the last emperors of those dynasties, most emperors were very jealous of disloyalty to their subjects when they had real power.

Although Long Keduo and Nian Qianyao were very capable and made great contributions to the country and to Yongzheng, when they reached the top later, they drifted away, and they forgot that the reason why they were able to have everything now was because of Yongzheng's favor, and the reason why they could have such a big right was also because of Yongzheng's trust. So they took bribes and formed parties for personal gain.

They forgot that this, in the eyes of the king, was an act of disloyalty to him.

In particular, Yongzheng extremely hates people who are corrupt and pervert the law, and especially hates people who manipulate money. Wasn't Cao Xueqin's family, which had flourished at the beginning, raided by Yongzheng because of money?

Yongzheng 3 favorites: Nian Qianyao and Long Keduo had a tragic ending, he bought an official and entered the soldier, but he was able to die well

Yongzheng came from the era of the Ninth Son, so he was far more sensitive to politics than other ordinary emperors. It is even more taboo in forming parties for personal gain

Both Long Keduo and Nian Qianyao touched Yongzheng's reverse scales in these two things, and it was both unexpected and reasonable to have such an ending.

The reason why Nian Qianyao ended up with a more tragic ending than Ronkodo was that in addition to Ronkodo being Yongzheng's uncle, it was also because Nian Qianyao was a general.

Since ancient times, generals, especially those who hold great power, must be disciplined and careful everywhere, otherwise ''death'' is their end. For example, Han Xin, such as Zhu Yuanzhang's founding general. If any reader has read the "Langya List", he should know that the general belongs to the special high-risk group of people who are innocent and bear their guilt.

As a high-risk group, Nian Qianyao did not know how to restrain at all, and finally ended up with death as an end.

Li Wei understood this truth, so in his professional career, he always carried out the word "loyalty" to the end, did not embezzle, did not accept bribes, did not form a party for personal gain, and finally gained a nickname of "Minda".

Long Keduo, Nian Qianyao and Li Wei, all three of them were Yongzheng's favorites, but in the end only Li Wei could die well, and the reason was nothing else, just because only Li Wei carried the word "zhong" to the end.

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