
The Japanese girl who was saved 40 years ago was carefully cared for by Nie Shuai and returned to China 40 years later to repay the favor

Probably due to the ideas handed down from ancient times, most Chinese still feel that human nature is not so evil in itself, and many people are only induced by the outside world to change. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, this person also thought so, and this was Marshal Nie Rongzhen; through his understanding, he believed that many Japanese soldiers did not come to China to fight out of their own wishes, but were only seduced by Japanese militarism, which made them have a wrong understanding of what they were doing. We must not underestimate Nie Shuai's tactics against the enemy, because under this kind of ideological and political work, the desired results have indeed been achieved, so that a considerable number of Japanese troops have truly realized the merits and laid down their weapons.

The Japanese girl who was saved 40 years ago was carefully cared for by Nie Shuai and returned to China 40 years later to repay the favor

In August 1940, the Battle of the Hundred Regiments began, in which a soldier of the Eighth Route Army rescued two young Japanese girls in a coal mine where the war was raging, namely Mieko and her 1-year-old sister. Because the matter was relatively special, the situation was reported to Nie Rongzhen, who immediately said that he would send the two children to the headquarters after listening to it, and he would come to ensure the safety of the two children. The two little girls were not only healed of their wounds, but also breastfed. The two children, who were getting better, soon became acquainted with Nie Rongzhen and followed Nie Rongzhen all day, but considering that the war might not end in a short period of time, Nie Rongzhen decided to send the two children back.

The Japanese girl who was saved 40 years ago was carefully cared for by Nie Shuai and returned to China 40 years later to repay the favor

Nie Rongzhen entrusted the two children's compatriots to send them to the Japanese army headquarters in Shijiazhuang, and wrote a letter to the Japanese commander, hoping that they could transfer the children back to China, and advised them to lay down their weapons and return to China as soon as possible, and not to kill in vain. After receiving this letter, the Japanese army was touched by Nie Rongzhen's behavior, and they began to reflect on whether what they had done was correct. It has formed a certain response in the Japanese army, and it can even be said that it has weakened the combat effectiveness of the Japanese army to a certain extent. This may be the "attack on the heart" in the ancient Chinese art of war.

The Japanese girl who was saved 40 years ago was carefully cared for by Nie Shuai and returned to China 40 years later to repay the favor

In 1980, Japan's Yomiuri Shimbun published a front-page headline article titled "Mieko Sisters, Chinese Marshal Nie Rongzhen Misses You", which attracted the attention of the Japanese people, and Of course Mieko also noticed that she decided to go to China to thank the benefactor in person. In July 1980, the hall of the Great Hall of the People was crowded, and the Mieko family had been waiting here for a long time, after seeing Nie Rongzhen, Mieko did not find the language to thank, directly knelt down in front of Nie Rongzhen's body, and was quickly lifted up by Nie Shuai, Who was already in tears, holding out a calligraphy and painting she had brought, with the words "Sino-Japanese Friendship Forever and Everlasting." In fact, it is not only Mieko who is grateful to Nie Shuai, there are many Japanese people, and Nie Shuai has also become a Japanese figure of the year.

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