
Why do so many countries dislike Jews, and what are they doing wrong? The reason is real

Human civilization has a history of thousands of years, during which countless splendid civilizations were conceived and born, according to history, the basic condition for the continuation of a nation is to have its own land, but the Jewish nation has created a miracle, from 2000 years ago, after Rome destroyed the city of Jerusalem, the Jews living in the Middle East began to live in limbo, living a life of displacement, but they were not integrated or eliminated in the long river of time, but the willpower to survive tenaciously, It was not until 1948 that the Jewish people once again established the State of Israel. Ended his wandering days.

Why do so many countries dislike Jews, and what are they doing wrong? The reason is real

Historically, however, the status of the Jews has always been tragic, they are the party of exploitation and oppression, the most notorious should be the German Chancellor who came to power in 1933, the initiator of World War II Hitler, after the monopoly of power, began to carry out a planned genocide of Jews, throughout the Second World War, at least 6 million Jews died from the butcher knife of the Nazis.

Why do so many countries dislike Jews, and what are they doing wrong? The reason is real

When Hitler persecuted the Jews at home, what was surprising was that those European countries that were in a state of hostility with Germany remained silent, and a large number of Jews fled, but they stood by and watched, and some countries even reduced the number of embassies to apply for political asylum, periodically closing embassy immigration to avoid allowing German Jews to enter, why do so many countries dislike Jews? In fact, the truth is very realistic.

Why do so many countries dislike Jews, and what are they doing wrong? The reason is real

The first is the issue of religion, although the Catholicism of the European continent and the Judaism of the Jews originated in Christ, but the doctrine is very different, and the Savior of Christianity, Jesus, was betrayed by his Jewish disciple Judas, which also made Catholics have a greatly reduced impression of these Jews from foreign lands.

Secondly, there is a conflict of interest, Jews have a strict tutoring since childhood, they also have a special financial mind, are born businessmen, many people in the business operation, accumulated a huge value, but these foreign tourists for the local business owners and employees, but a competitive status, they are not welcomed by the city self-employed.

Why do so many countries dislike Jews, and what are they doing wrong? The reason is real

At the same time, in the Catholic concept, borrowing money and repaying interest is an immoral thing, because it represents taking advantage of people's dangers, for which the Jews think that it is a natural thing to collect interest, they make a fortune by it, lend money to merchants or gamblers who are in urgent need of turnover, many people can not afford to repay the interest of the Jews, and thus bankruptcy, although it is a very common thing to collect profits in the bank today, but the Europeans in the Middle Ages still despised the Jews. Even the great writer Shakespeare was not exempt from the vulgarity, and the Jewish Shylock he portrayed in "The Merchant of Venice" was synonymous with the old treacherous giant and the dime, which happened to be the common impression of Europeans at that time.

Why do so many countries dislike Jews, and what are they doing wrong? The reason is real
Why do so many countries dislike Jews, and what are they doing wrong? The reason is real

Now Jews after the establishment of the State of Israel, set sail again, their past negativity can not hide their own light, the current history of the 770 scholars who won the Nobel Prize in science, 154 are Jews, they are also gradually gaining the world's recognition and respect, I hope that people can remember the lessons of history, work together to progress.

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