
In China's history, the army with the best record in fighting the Japanese and kosovo, netizens said that they were crossers

In history, China and Japan fought a total of 6 large-scale wars, namely the Battle of Baijiangkou, the Yuan-Japanese War, the Ming Dynasty's War of Resistance against the Japanese, the Wanli Korean War, the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War and the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. In these 6 wars, in addition to the Yuan-Day War and the Sino-Japanese War, we won the other four wars. So in these four wars, which army had the best record in fighting the Japanese? Many people will have their own answers, but if they only discuss the ratio of war losses, it is none other than the Qi family army.

In China's history, the army with the best record in fighting the Japanese and kosovo, netizens said that they were crossers

In the middle and late Ming Dynasty, the southeast coastal area of the Wokou was rampant, and the people were deeply affected. At this time, the officers and troops of the Ming Dynasty had long lost their combat effectiveness, and when they encountered the Wokou, they were basically on the verge of collapse. Qi Jiguang, with the support of Hu Zongxian, gathered a group of miners and poor peasants in Yiwu, Zhejiang Province, and formed the Qi family army on this basis. After the establishment of the Qi family army and the Japanese Kou more than a hundred battles, none of them were defeated, Qi Jiguang also relied on this strong brigade to wipe out the southeast coast of the Wokou that had been harming for hundreds of years, and the ratio of losses between the enemy and us was extremely large.

In China's history, the army with the best record in fighting the Japanese and kosovo, netizens said that they were crossers

In 1561, the main force of the Qi family army of 3,000 people was sent to participate in the battle against the Taizhou Wokou, and the total strength of the Wokou was as high as about 20,000 people. However, the first battle of the Qi family army produced an incredible record: 3 people were killed, more than 2,000 Wukou were killed, and 5,000 civilians were rescued. In the following battles of Lishui and Wenling, the Qi family army beheaded 1478, and the Wukou drowned tens of thousands of people; in the entire Zhejiang anti-Wu battle, the total number of Qi family troops killed was 69, and more than 10,000 Wukou were killed.

In China's history, the army with the best record in fighting the Japanese and kosovo, netizens said that they were crossers

After the Zhejiang epidemic was pacified, the Qi family army marched to Fujian and successively captured Qiuyu and Fuqing. In the Battle of Putian, the Qi family army was surrounded by the Japanese because of the traitor whistleblowing, and paid the biggest loss since entering the war - 79 casualties, while thousands of the main forces of the Wukou were killed. Surrounded by the Japanese Kou can also create such a disparity in the ratio of battle losses, the combat effectiveness of the Qi family army is really amazing. In the entire War of Resistance Against The Wu Dynasty, the casualty ratio between the Qi family army and the Wu Kou was 1:120, that is to say, after eliminating 120 Wu Kou, the Qi family army only killed 1 person, which was almost a one-sided massacre. In the era of cold weapons, it is really unbelievable to create such a disparity between the enemy and us, and because of this, many netizens say that the Qi family army is a crosser.

In China's history, the army with the best record in fighting the Japanese and kosovo, netizens said that they were crossers

So what caused the Qi family army to have such a terrible combat effectiveness? There are three main reasons: the first point is that this unit is composed of obligated miners and poor peasants who have a deep vendetta against the Wokou, and there is no accumulation of shortcomings in the Ming army; the second point is to make full use of the power of the Mandarin Duck Array, the 12 people in the formation use different weapons, can be far and near, and each of them is extremely closely coordinated, which can be called an ancient version of the special forces squad, as long as the Wokou are surrounded in the formation, there is basically only one dead end. The third point is that the Qi family army has strict discipline and high enthusiasm. The strict military discipline of the Qi family army was absolutely forbidden at that time. At the same time, in order to improve the enthusiasm of the soldiers, Qi Jiguang imitated Shang Martin to behead the enemy to count military merits, and the more enemy heads were beheaded, the more silver was rewarded, and the faster the promotion. Because of this, in the eyes of the Qi family army, the Wokou was no longer a Wokou, but a pile of silver and official positions, and there was no need to mobilize at all when fighting, and the screaming rushed up. Because of this, the Qi family army created a decapitation record of more than 100,000 levels while winning hundreds of battles, and was praised by the people at the time as the strongest army in East Asia in the 16th and 17th centuries.

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