
The grand finale of the year! Win11 new version released Fixed power over 100%

On December 16, Microsoft pushed a new preview version for Insider members of dev channels, operating system version number Build 22523. What is more conscientious is that iso images are also open for download, which is convenient for pure installation.

New feature changes:

The grand finale of the year! Win11 new version released Fixed power over 100%

1. The snap groups function opened for the first time on Build 22494 in early November is open to all Insiders, and users can experience it through ALT + TAB key combinations or task view, the effect is similar to when hovering over the taskbar activity program.

2. Open this computer and use "..." to add and remove media servers.

3. Transfer more functions from the Control Panel to the new Settings, including programs and features (Settings - Installed), Uninstall Cumulative Updates (Settings - Update - Update History).

In addition, the version also fixes bugs such as battery level values above 100%, icons that do not overlap with date and time on multi-screen monitors when opening multi-screen programs.


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