
Why is the historical order of The Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties, and not the Tang, Jin, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties? Why can't the Jin Dynasty be ranked?

The Jin Dynasty was a regime established by the Jurchens, and in 1115, after the leader of the Jurchen clan completed the great cause of unifying the Jurchen tribes, the regime established in present-day Harbin, Heilongjiang, Huining Province, with the name of jin.

Why is the historical order of The Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties, and not the Tang, Jin, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties? Why can't the Jin Dynasty be ranked?

There are several theories about this country name, the first is that the Jin Dynasty did not have a national name, and in the process of concluding a maritime alliance with the Northern Song Dynasty, the Northern Song Dynasty believed that it belonged to Huode, so it suggested that the Jurchen regime use Jin as the national name, and the Jurchens who did not understand the Han Five Elements culture used it. The moral of the Song Dynasty's doing this is that it is huo Kejin, in the hope of destroying the Jurchen regime, but it did not happen contrary to wishes, but was destroyed by Jin.

After the establishment of the Jin Dynasty, it vigorously attacked the Liao state, which had already shown a situation of decline. The Liao state used to be very tyrannical to the Jurchens, so these Jurchens hated the Liao. On the battlefield, the Jin state was not soft on the Liao state, after ten years of conquest, the Jin state captured the five capitals of the Liao state, and in 1125 the Tianzuo Emperor was captured, and the Liao state was destroyed.

In this process, the Northern Song Dynasty agreed with the Jin State on a maritime alliance in an attempt to use the Jin State to recover lost territory and attack the Liao State. The Northern Song Dynasty also sent Tong Guan to lead an army to attack Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures, and as a result, the Northern Song army was defeated by the Liao army. At that time, there was already a rebellion in the Liao state - the rebellion of Yelü Zhangnu and Gao Yongchang, and a strong enemy outside - the Jin state attacked, and the Northern Song Still could not defeat the Liao army, which showed the weakness of the Northern Song army and the strength of the Liao army.

The Jin state finally gave the looted city to the Northern Song army, and after destroying the Liao state, the Jin state decided to go south to eliminate the Song dynasty. Therefore, he accused the Song Dynasty of taking in the Jin rebel generals to violate the covenant, raise troops to attack the Northern Song Dynasty, and finally meet the division in the Song capital Kaifeng, because Li Gang desperately defended, the Jin army returned without success.

In 1126, the Jin state raised an army again and attacked Kaifeng. In 1127, the Jin army captured Emperor Huizong of Song and more than 3,000 people in the harem, and the Northern Song Dynasty fell, which is known as the Disaster of Jingkang. King Zhao of Kang, who survived the disaster, established the Southern Song Dynasty.

Why is the historical order of The Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties, and not the Tang, Jin, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties? Why can't the Jin Dynasty be ranked?

In 1135, Jin Taizu was killed and succeeded by Jin Xizong, and two years later, the Jin Song began peace negotiations. The Southern Song Dynasty's main peace faction Zhao Zhuo and Qin Jumi murdered the anti-war general Yue Fei, and the Song and Jin peace agreements were reached, and the border between the two countries was demarcated. At this time, the Southern Song Dynasty, jin and Mongolia stood on three legs, and a new Era of Three Kingdoms appeared.

Under such conditions of the times, the territory of the three countries is not the entire territory, so they are all isolated regimes in a remote corner, and they do not have the conditions of an orthodox dynasty in the traditional sense, so they cannot be called orthodox dynasties. Although the rulers of the Jin Dynasty worked hard to govern, this regime was passed down for ten generations, lasting 119 years. But it was a regime that occupied part of its territory and did not fully unify the country, so it could not be counted as an orthodox dynasty.

On the contrary, the Tang Dynasty, the Song Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty, and the Qing Dynasty are all orthodox dynasties covering the entire country. Among them, the more special ones are the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty, which was established on the basis of ending the disputes between the five dynasties and ten countries, and basically occupied the territory of the country, but lost in the later wars and became half of the country.

Why is the historical order of The Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties, and not the Tang, Jin, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties? Why can't the Jin Dynasty be ranked?

However, the Southern Song Dynasty and the Northern Song Dynasty were related by blood and politics, so although the Song Dynasty was divided into two stages, it was still a country, but the territory of the country was later reduced. Until the mongols destroyed the Jin Dynasty in 1234, the Jin State did not unify the whole country, so it could only be counted as a local government, and naturally it could not be ranked in the historical order of the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties.

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