
He was the Liao Tiger General who killed Gao Huailiang, Yang Liulang and Yang Jiye were defeated, and Yang Qilang sacrificed his life to fight

author:Xu Shishi said

In 1005, during the reign of Zhao Guangyi, Taizong of the Song Dynasty, the general Yang Jiye led the Qilang and Eight Tigers and other fierce generals to expedition to the Sixteen Prefectures of Youyun. At that time, the Liao State was a brave and warlike nation, and its national strength spread throughout the entire Northeast region at that time. The two sides encountered a big battle in Youzhou City, and the fierce generals of the Yang family were killed by arrows one after another, leaving only the veteran Yang Jiye and his sons Yang Liulang and Yang Qilang struggling to support themselves on the golden beach. At this critical juncture, a Liao Tiger slaughtered Wu Tietou out of the encirclement, which was extremely ferocious. It is said that he was armed with a Santing machete, and once cut off the head of the Song general Gao Huailiang with one knife, which is simply a human Shura. In the face of such a fierce enemy, Yang Liulang and Yang Jiye were defeated one after another, and in the end, only Qilang Yang Yansi, the first fierce general of the Yang family, pressed the battle and counterattacked. That battle was extremely tragic, in the end, could Shichiro overcome this Liao fierce general? How will this bloody battle end? We'll see.

He was the Liao Tiger General who killed Gao Huailiang, Yang Liulang and Yang Jiye were defeated, and Yang Qilang sacrificed his life to fight

Gao Huailiang was killed, and the Liao Tiger broke out of the encirclement

The Battle of Youzhou City was a key battle in the Song-Liao War. The Song army was led by the general Yang Jiye, and the Liao army was supported by many brave and warlike generals under Han Chang. At that time, the two sides were hunting with flags, murderous, and the war was about to break out.

He was the Liao Tiger General who killed Gao Huailiang, Yang Liulang and Yang Jiye were defeated, and Yang Qilang sacrificed his life to fight

Gao Huailiang is a fierce general of the Song Army, brave and unparalleled, a ride is a pass, and ten thousand people are improper. He is holding a treasure sword, a super horse, experienced in a hundred battles, invincible. This time, he accompanied the army to conquer Liao and made great achievements. Unexpectedly, in a battle, a Liao army soldier Wu Tietou broke out of the encirclement, holding a Santing machete and approaching Gao Huailiang.

The head of the black iron is brutal, infinitely powerful, brave and good at fighting. He was born in the brave tribe of the north, and he has been practicing martial arts and fishing since he was a child, and he is extremely brave. With his extraordinary strength, he was taken as a tiger general under Han Changna, and he was known for his courage to conquer the battlefield. At that time, the black iron head was angry and depressed, and the sticks were added together, hitting Gao Huailiang hard.

Gao Huailiang did not hang his hands and fought back. The two of them galloped on the battlefield, evenly matched. But who knew that the black iron head was cunning and vicious, and suddenly turned around to plot, his hand rose and fell, Gao Huailiang was brutally poisoned, and his head spun down. Seeing this, the soldiers of the Song army were furious and charged to take revenge. However, Wu Tietou has broken out of the siege and returned to the Liao camp, where the ferocity is raging.

He was the Liao Tiger General who killed Gao Huailiang, Yang Liulang and Yang Jiye were defeated, and Yang Qilang sacrificed his life to fight

Gao Huailiang was killed, the war suddenly escalated, the two sides were equal, you came and went, and the flag was victorious. Yang Jiye bravely killed the enemy to take revenge and personally commanded the army. And Wu Tietou has made great contributions, with extraordinary martial arts, famous on the battlefield, and is regarded as an invincible tiger general. Since then, the two armies of Song and Liao have fallen into an even more tragic struggle to the death.

Qilang and Eight Tigers were defeated, and Yang Jiye and Yang Liulang lost one after another

After Gao Huailiang was killed, the battle intensified, and the contradictions between the soldiers on both sides became even worse. The Yang brothers are famous, known as the Seven Lang and Eight Tigers, brave and unparalleled, and are important towns in the frontier of the Song Dynasty. In this expedition to the Sixteen Prefectures of Youyun, they went all out, determined to break the enemy and raise their might.

Yang Jiye is the leader of the Seven Lang and Eight Tigers, who has experienced a hundred battles, worked hard, and made many military exploits. He was holding a heavy golden knife of seventy taels, and his sword skills were superb and invincible. When it came to the Battle of Youzhou City, Yang Jiye personally risked the arrows and stones, smashed the Yellow Dragon, strategized and commanded. Unexpectedly, the war was repeated and the progress was difficult, and the black iron head was extremely brave, and he defeated several fierce generals of the Yang family repeatedly.

He was the Liao Tiger General who killed Gao Huailiang, Yang Liulang and Yang Jiye were defeated, and Yang Qilang sacrificed his life to fight

The first to be injured was Yang Liulang. He is brave and exquisite, and every time he uses the "clever gun" stunt, the opponent is often unable to guard against it. This time I fought hard with Wu Tietou, you went back and forth, fought for dozens of rounds, and failed to win. Yang Liulang's temperament was heroic and hesitant, but he also lost for a while and was defeated.

Immediately afterwards, it was the turn of the old Linggong Yang Jiye to come out. He was over sixty years old, but he was unstoppable, and immediately stepped forward to confront the black iron head. The two sides were full of sticks and murderous, and Yang Jiye's golden knife was superb, but he also struggled for a long time, and finally exhausted. Wu Tietou pursued the victory, and Yang Jiye had no choice but to retreat.

Seeing that the two generations of soldiers of the Yang family, father and son were injured, the scene was once precarious. Yang Jiye bravely killed the enemy, was hit by several arrows, and was wounded and entered the camp. Yang Liulang fought for dozens of rounds, using both fists and feet, and it was difficult to defeat the superb sword skills of the black iron head, and finally retreated. Even the seven Lang and Eight Tigers, who were entangled in the past, are now several injured and have left the battle, and they are all panicking.

Wu Tietou and Yang Qilang fought hard

He was the Liao Tiger General who killed Gao Huailiang, Yang Liulang and Yang Jiye were defeated, and Yang Qilang sacrificed his life to fight

Although Wu Tietou temporarily overwhelmed the Yang family's father and son, victory was still far away after all. Seeing that the old Linggong Yang Jiye and Liulang Yang Yanzhao were defeated one after another, the soldiers of the Song army were panicked. At this moment, Yang Qilang personally went into battle, bravely went to battle, and fought a decisive battle with Wu Tietou.

Yang Qilang is the first brave general in the world, and his marksmanship is at the pinnacle, and no one can beat him. He has been practicing martial arts and fishing since he was a child, and he has a strong physique and is brave. He has been honed more and more hard, and his marksmanship has become more and more exquisite, which can be called a peerless martial art. Every time he is on the battlefield, he advances straight with his gun, and the operation is extremely neat, and when the gun shadow is dancing, the opponent is often defenseless.

In this Youzhou War, Yang Qilang rode a horse and held a gun, showing his skills. As soon as he came on the field, he showed amazing martial arts, and his marksmanship was exquisite, like a mad tiger rushing into battle, killing him with his moves, and completely suppressing the fierce and unparalleled sword skills of the black iron head. The two sides come and go, galloping on the battlefield, and after several desperate struggles, no one wants to show weakness first.

The black iron head has infinite strength, and he has already performed many miraculous feats, but now he has met the strong Yang Qilang, and he has suffered enough for the first time in his life. He was holding a three-pavilion big knife, extremely fierce, and wanted to split Yang Qilang into two pieces several times. But Yang Qilang's marksmanship is exquisite, and with his extraordinary alertness, he was able to avoid this sharp knife cut, which made Wu Tietou feel quite embarrassed.

He was the Liao Tiger General who killed Gao Huailiang, Yang Liulang and Yang Jiye were defeated, and Yang Qilang sacrificed his life to fight

The two fought on the battlefield for dozens of rounds, and you went back and forth, and they were on an equal footing. Although the black iron head was already drenched in blood, he had no intention of retreating, and he was extremely brave with the determination to take revenge. And Yang Qilang tried his best to make a move, and when the gun shadow danced wildly, he was full of arrogance, and his marksmanship was endless, which really suppressed the fierce knife technique of Wu Tietou.

Shichiro used his horse pistol skill to defeat the black iron head

After dozens of rounds of fierce fighting, the two sides went back and forth, and neither side was able to achieve a decisive victory. At this time, Yang Qilang was covered in bruises, and his condition was critical, and Wu Tietou was also out of breath and scarred. At this critical juncture, Yang Qilang actually used the family heirloom "Returning to the Horse Gun" magic skill, and finally defeated this fierce tiger general of the Liao State.

The Yang family's marksmanship has been passed down from generation to generation, and it has long been a martial arts mastery, especially the "back to the horse gun" magic skill, which is the pinnacle and unique in the martial arts. Once this move is used, the wind is fierce and the momentum is like a thousand pounds, and few opponents can resist it. Yang Qilang has practiced martial arts since he was a child, and he knows this magic skill well, and every time he uses it, there is no omission.

He was the Liao Tiger General who killed Gao Huailiang, Yang Liulang and Yang Jiye were defeated, and Yang Qilang sacrificed his life to fight

At that time, Yang Qilang's strength was gradually defeated and dying, and the black iron head took advantage of the momentum to attack, and it was extremely fierce. Yang Qilang knew the difficulty, shouted, and actually used the "return to the horse gun" magic skill. I saw him holding a spear, turning around on the horse, his whole body was covered with murderous machines, the shadow of the spear suddenly became extremely powerful, and a spear turned into dozens of sharp spears, and the murderous aura was close to the black iron head.

Although Wu Tietou has been in the army for many years and has seen a lot of things, it is really unheard of and dizzying. When he came back to his senses, he had been suppressed by Yang Qilang's lightning speed and couldn't fight back. I only heard the strong wind howling, the spear had arrived in front of him, and the black iron head was forced to retreat again and again, and the Santing big sword in front of him was also defeated.

Seeing that his old opponent was losing and retreating, Yang Qilang took advantage of the victory to pursue, and the shadow of the gun became more and more fierce, like a bamboo. Although Wu Tietou tried his best, he couldn't defeat this kind of magic skill after all, and if he was negligent, he was shot and died. In order to save space, he had to flee in embarrassment, and retreated quickly.

Yang Qilang sneered and immediately pursued in person. The magic skill of "returning to the horse gun" is endless, and he casts several shots in a row, and every move is head-on, so that the black iron head has no way to dodge. Wu Tietou ran around the field, but he couldn't get rid of this power, so he was hit by Yang Qilang with a shot and fell off the war horse.

He was the Liao Tiger General who killed Gao Huailiang, Yang Liulang and Yang Jiye were defeated, and Yang Qilang sacrificed his life to fight

The Liao army was defeated, and the Song army won a great victory

After the death of Wu Tietou, the morale of the Liao army was suddenly greatly damaged. This tiger general, who has always been fierce and brave and has made great achievements, was killed by Yang Qilang with a single shot, which really suffered a heavy blow. Han Chang commanded the army, and when he saw this, he was furious, went to the battlefield in person, and resisted stubbornly.

I saw Han Chang taking the lead, burly and arrogant. He looked around angrily, and several tiger generals around him surrounded him, extremely brave. The Yang brothers came out one after another, showing their heroic posture. The two sides immediately fought fiercely, with swords, guns, swords, and halberds, and there was no way to avoid it.

Yang Jiye personally led his troops and horses and returned to the battle to supervise the battle. He was holding seventy taels of heavy treasure knives, and his sword skills were exquisite, and he was invincible in battle. Lao Ling's public spirit is extraordinary, invincible, and immediately cut down several Liao army tiger generals, brave and mighty, unmatched.

Yang Liulang is also heroic. He was armed with a steel spear, with a fluttering shadow and a very agile figure. I saw him stepping on the empty field, jumping up, waving a spear, and several Liao army tiger generals were suddenly poisoned by him and were shot to death. Liulang's superb marksmanship, coupled with his dexterity, the Liao army is difficult to beat.

As for Qilang Yang Yansi, he is naturally even more brave. He was holding a family heirloom gun, and the shadow of the gun was dancing, and each shot was like a bamboo, approaching the Liao army camp. Han Chang personally led the tiger generals to battle, wanting to turn the tide of the battle, but Yang Qilang's marksmanship was exquisite, endless, and unmatched.

The three brothers were heroic and invincible, and the Liao army was in chaos. Yang Jiye personally led the army, and all along the way were remnants of the defeated generals, and the Liao army suffered heavy losses, and there was no power to fight back. In order to keep the remnants of the army, Han Chang had to secretly order the withdrawal of the army, retreated one after another, and retreated to the Liao camp.

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