
In 49 years, he was only the political commissar of the corps, why was he named a general in 55 years? CHAIRPERSON: The sky fell and he was on top of it

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the state awarded military ranks to some generals who made outstanding contributions to the national struggle. During the war, they calmly commanded the troops to fight, and they charged forward at the cost of their lives.

In them there is a desire for light, and there is the flesh and blood of the sons and daughters of China. Without their efforts, the duration of the war would have increased and the people would have lived in dire straits.

There was a general who was awarded the rank of Great General, but his popularity was much lower than that of Su Yu, who also received the rank of Great General.

Moreover, at the beginning of the founding of the country, the general's position was only the political commissar of the corps, but in just a few years, he was able to rise all the way to become one of the ten generals. In fact, people who know him know that this honor is none other than him, and his name is Luo Ruiqing

In 49 years, he was only the political commissar of the corps, why was he named a general in 55 years? CHAIRPERSON: The sky fell and he was on top of it

Luo Ruiqing has participated in many large and small wars and has a lot of combat experience. After the founding of the country, he did not covet an easy life, but chose to continue to fight for the country.

The Chairman was full of praise for him, very relieved about the work he was doing, and even said that the sky fell and he was on top of it. It can be seen that Luo Ruiqing is a rare outstanding talent

First, early life

Born in a small village in Sichuan Province, Luo Ruiqing's parents had a limited level of education, but they realized the importance of reading. Even if the tuition fee for children to study is a big expense, parents have never thought of not letting Luo Ruiqing study.

Fortunately, the family's income was stable, and Luo Ruiqing was able to attend private schools and primary schools with her partners.

In 49 years, he was only the political commissar of the corps, why was he named a general in 55 years? CHAIRPERSON: The sky fell and he was on top of it

Luo Ruiqing is well aware of the difficult conditions at home, and it is already a great fortune to be able to study.

In class, he always listened carefully to lectures and never deserted, so his achievements were among the best. Every day when I return home, I take the initiative to take on the housework so that my parents who have been working outside all day can rest.

Although the family environment was not superior, such an environment happened to hone his will.

Later, Luo Ruiqing entered middle school, at which time he learned advanced ideas and came into contact with the patriotic movement.

However, this matter was opposed by their parents, who in the eyes of their parents did not want their son to have great ambitions, but only hoped that his son could live a peaceful and smooth life. In fact, under the social background at that time, how could anyone live a peaceful life?

In 49 years, he was only the political commissar of the corps, why was he named a general in 55 years? CHAIRPERSON: The sky fell and he was on top of it

The country is in turmoil, and there is no way to preserve the interests of individuals.

Therefore, only by uniting to resist foreign enemies can we exchange stability and harmony. Only when the country gradually becomes stronger can people's life happiness index increase.

Parents do not want Luo Ruiqing to participate in the corresponding activities, they are afraid that their son will lose his life.

The parents and Luo Ruiqing launched a fierce quarrel, both sides did not want to back down, seemingly arguing endlessly but in fact love their children.

Luo Ruiqing has a firm belief and determination in his heart, and he hopes to get the support of his parents. The parents saw that he had made up their minds and could only support their son's lofty ambitions.

Later, when the school physically punished the students, Luo Ruiqing stepped forward to force the school leaders to apologize, and he was a hero to his classmates.

In 49 years, he was only the political commissar of the corps, why was he named a general in 55 years? CHAIRPERSON: The sky fell and he was on top of it

Unfortunately, the world is uncertain, and the family suddenly changes, and Luo Ruiqing's fate with the school disappears. He was forced to leave the school he loved, and his eyes were full of reluctance, but he would not give up his ideals.

Luo Ruiqing was forced by life to become an apprentice to supplement the family, he saved money to continue to return to school, fortunately, the family's income increased and he returned to school again.

2. During the war

Faced with the lost and regained reading opportunity, Luo Ruiqing could not help but laugh, and he was admitted to the Huangpu Campus with his own efforts.

After graduating successfully, he decided to join the army with what he had learned. On the one hand, Luo Ruiqing is responsible for tactical command, on the other hand, he is responsible for the construction of related work, and he is busy all day.

He had close relations with his comrades-in-arms, and everyone admired his knowledge and ability.

In 49 years, he was only the political commissar of the corps, why was he named a general in 55 years? CHAIRPERSON: The sky fell and he was on top of it

Luo Ruiqing has always been on the front line of the battlefield, but he has never feared the enemy. Once he was hit by the enemy in the artery, the situation was very critical and immediately fell into a coma, after a series of rescues to get out of danger of life

。 Everyone sweated for him, but Luo Ruiqing did not think so, and immediately after waking up, he wanted to devote himself to work, not wanting to rest at all.

In addition, Luo Ruiqing also participated in the Long March, crossing snowy mountains and crossing meadows, and his life was threatened countless times. I believe that whenever the Long March is talked about, people can't help but burst into tears.

If they hadn't been cornered, who would have wanted to go through those tough years? The warriors not only defeated the pursuing enemy, but also defeated the harsh natural environment, and they were the heroes of the Chinese nation.

In 49 years, he was only the political commissar of the corps, why was he named a general in 55 years? CHAIRPERSON: The sky fell and he was on top of it

Luo Ruiqing once deeply studied the enemy's combat methods and sorted out some actual combat experience, which became a rare and valuable material. At the same time, he promoted the construction and propaganda of the army, so that more people could accept new ideas.

Luo Ruiqing's contribution cannot be ignored, and he is an example for people to learn.

At the beginning of the war, Luo Ruiqing was everyone's reassuring pill, and he always pushed his emotions to the commanding heights to greatly boost morale.

At the time of negotiation, Luo Ruiqing was the magic weapon of victory, and he always hit the point. For many years, Luo Ruiqing has been paying silently, regardless of the benefits of merit and fame

In 49 years, he was only the political commissar of the corps, why was he named a general in 55 years? CHAIRPERSON: The sky fell and he was on top of it

3. After the founding of the Country

After a long war, New China was finally born in its infancy. For a time, the whole country celebrated, and everyone could not hide their smiles.

However, the crisis has not been contacted, and there are still many countries that are looking at the tiger and trying to strangle new China in the cradle, will the Chinese nation let them succeed?

Luo Ruiqing still holds important positions, his desk is always full of documents, and it is already midnight when he returns home.

He has completed the work of public security and the construction of the legal system in an orderly manner, and has always protected the safety of the people. He developed a new training plan to further improve the tactical level of the army and solve a major problem that plagued the army

In 49 years, he was only the political commissar of the corps, why was he named a general in 55 years? CHAIRPERSON: The sky fell and he was on top of it

Because Luo Ruiqing's exploits were too dazzling, he became one of the targets of attack during the turbulent period, and he was disabled in his lower limbs.

But this did not stop Luo Ruiqing, who was optimistic and continued to guide the work in spite of his illness. And clear the way for the country and stick to the right path. Until the last moment of his death, he was still thinking about how to make the country prosperous and strong.

4. Summary

Luo Ruiqing is a well-deserved general, he has been in the organization for a long time, and he has made great contributions. He has witnessed the whole process of the Chinese nation going through a long period of suffering to stand up, so he hopes to do his best to protect the fruits of this hard-won victory

。 Luo Ruiqing represents the predecessors who pay silently, who are not afraid of sacrifice and indifferent to fame and fortune.

In 49 years, he was only the political commissar of the corps, why was he named a general in 55 years? CHAIRPERSON: The sky fell and he was on top of it

Luo Ruiqing has many valuable spirits, he loves to read without giving up reading, and knows how to change his fate with knowledge. He is brave enough not to be afraid of sacrifice, even if it is a peaceful era, people still need to move forward without fear of difficulties.

He is indifferent to fame and fortune and does not seek anything in return, and many people hurt others for their own selfish interests, which is not advisable.

Luo Ruiqing has keen judgment and excellent leadership ability, and he has contributed to the construction of the motherland. In particular, the security work is properly handled and the security of the country and the people is protected at all times.

His repeated promotions are a powerful testament to his ability, and it is precisely because of the emergence of many people in the country who dare to take on heavy responsibilities and can take on heavy responsibilities that they have developed so rapidly.

In 49 years, he was only the political commissar of the corps, why was he named a general in 55 years? CHAIRPERSON: The sky fell and he was on top of it

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