
How to care for the intestines and prevent bowel cancer? Doctor's note: Do 5 points well, the intestines are healthier

The intestine is a very important digestive organ in the human body, which is divided into three segments: large, small and rectum. The small intestine has the function of helping to digest food, while the large intestine forms the remaining food residue into feces, which is then excreted through the rectum through the anus.

Only in recent years, many people will be due to some bad diet and other habits, resulting in intestinal health damage, suffering from various intestinal diseases, and even the probability of bowel cancer will be relatively increased.

How to care for the intestines and prevent bowel cancer? Doctor's note: Do 5 points well, the intestines are healthier

Therefore, in daily life, we must do a good job of maintaining the intestines. So, what exactly can be done to maintain intestinal health? Below, let's take a closer look at it.

How to Support Gut Health?

First, a reasonable dietary structure

The so-called "disease from the mouth", if you take an improper way of eating, the bacteria entering the intestine will increase, so that the bacteria in the intestine are unbalanced, and the intestinal peristalsis rate will become very slow, and the probability of suffering from various intestinal diseases will naturally increase. Therefore, in daily life, no matter what kind of population, we must do a good job of adjusting the dietary structure.

The nutritional components that are helpful for intestinal health are dietary fiber, such as more dietary fiber in various vegetables, beans, coarse grains, and fruits.

Although this ingredient does not provide nutrients for the intestine and is not absorbed by the intestine, it can speed up the peristalsis of the intestine and contribute to the rapid excretion of some metabolites in the intestine.

You can eat some gum-rich foods appropriately, such as white fungus, fungus, etc. These gums can adsorb some harmful substances on the intestinal wall and promote their excretion.

How to care for the intestines and prevent bowel cancer? Doctor's note: Do 5 points well, the intestines are healthier

Second, increase the amount of sufficient water to drink

After water enters the human body, it can promote the secretion of intestinal fluid, which has the effect of helping to digest food. It can also improve the peristaltic function of the intestine and lubricate the intestine, avoid excessive dry stool, and have the effect of moisturizing the intestines and laxative. Especially boiled water, be sure to drink it properly every day.

In addition, according to their own physique, they can also drink some green tea, black tea or cauliflower appropriately.

How to care for the intestines and prevent bowel cancer? Doctor's note: Do 5 points well, the intestines are healthier

Third, increase the amount of exercise

For modern people, the main cause of intestinal diseases has a certain relationship with the decrease in exercise. If you sit still for a long time, it will cause the intestine to be compressed, which will not only lead to slower digestion, but also some toxic substances in the intestine cannot be excreted in time, which will cause excessive toxins to accumulate in the intestine.

The balance of the intestinal flora will be disrupted, and the probability of suffering from various intestinal diseases will naturally increase. Therefore, a certain amount of exercise must be carried out every day, especially half an hour after meals, and a proper walk of 20 minutes can improve the function of the intestine.

How to care for the intestines and prevent bowel cancer? Doctor's note: Do 5 points well, the intestines are healthier

4. Intestinal massage twice in the morning and evening

Intestines can be massaged every morning before waking up and within 5 minutes before going to bed at night.

Press your hands on your abdomen, centered on your navel, and massage gently in a clockwise direction, then in a counterclockwise direction, 50 times each. It can speed up the peristalsis of the intestine and can also promote blood circulation in the intestinal area.

How to care for the intestines and prevent bowel cancer? Doctor's note: Do 5 points well, the intestines are healthier

Fifth, appropriate supplementation of probiotics

Especially for people who often have constipation or slow digestive function, some probiotic products, such as yogurt, can be appropriately supplemented in daily life.

In probiotics, bifidobacteria, lactic acid bacteria, yeast and other fungi contained in probiotics can balance the intestinal flora and achieve the role of protecting the intestine.

How to care for the intestines and prevent bowel cancer? Doctor's note: Do 5 points well, the intestines are healthier

All in all, if you want to protect the health of the intestine, you must do a good job in all aspects of life. In addition to the above 5 points, attention should be paid to emotional adjustments, if there is a long-term bad mood, it will also affect intestinal function.

If you have constipation or enteritis and other diseases, do not take any drugs without permission. Scientific and standardized treatment should be received quickly to maximize the maintenance of intestinal health.

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