
Don't want to cause bowel cancer, these 5 points in life to observe, bowel cancer or far away from you, need to understand

Many people will regard bowel cancer as a kind of rich disease, because in the case of long-term excessive consumption of high-oil foods, it is indeed easy to cause a significant increase in the incidence of bowel cancer.

However, this does not mean that as long as you eat more high-oil foods, you will inevitably suffer from bowel cancer or if you do not eat high-oil foods, you will not have bowel cancer.

In this regard, we must pay more attention to it, because there are actually many key factors that can have a significant impact on the incidence of bowel cancer.

Don't want to cause bowel cancer, these 5 points in life to observe, bowel cancer or far away from you, need to understand

Let's take a closer look at what you should do to really stay away from bowel cancer.

1. Healthy eating

If you want to really stay away from bowel cancer, the first thing to do is to ensure a healthy diet, and in addition to high-oil foods, the intake of high-salt, high-sugar, spicy and difficult-to-digest foods must also be more restrained.

Otherwise, it is possible that the intestinal function will be greatly reduced due to improper diet, and over time it is easy to cause a significant increase in the incidence of bowel cancer.

Don't want to cause bowel cancer, these 5 points in life to observe, bowel cancer or far away from you, need to understand

2. Actively drink water

In order to maximize the maintenance of intestinal health, it has always been necessary to actively develop good drinking habits.

Because adequate drinking water can moisturize the intestines in time, the help for the prevention of bowel cancer will be very huge.

Usually, it is recommended that you control the total daily water intake between 1500 and 1800ml.

And the type of drinking water is best based on warm boiled water, if in order to enhance the taste and excessive preference for milk tea, coffee, alcohol and other irritating drinks, it is easy to adversely affect the intestinal health.

Don't want to cause bowel cancer, these 5 points in life to observe, bowel cancer or far away from you, need to understand

3. Avoid sitting for long periods of time

For office workers who are frequently sedentary, the incidence of intestinal diseases will increase significantly, mainly because in the process of using the sitting position for a long time, the blood circulation in the abdominal cavity and perianal cavity will be significantly slowed down, and over time, it will cause very serious adverse effects on fecal excretion and intestinal maintenance.

If intestinal diseases are not treated effectively in time, they can easily cause bowel cancer troubles. Therefore, even if you have to use the sitting posture for a long time due to the needs of work, it is recommended that office workers and friends get up and walk around in time every 45 minutes.

Don't want to cause bowel cancer, these 5 points in life to observe, bowel cancer or far away from you, need to understand

4. Active exercise

The role of developing good exercise habits in helping to prevent bowel cancer has always been very obvious.

Because active exercise can be very effective in improving blood circulation and promoting food digestion, which will be very beneficial for improving gastrointestinal function and staying away from intestinal diseases. Therefore, in addition to working at the same time, it is recommended that everyone must be active in sports.

And no matter which type of sports you choose, you must grasp the correct exercise method in time, and at the same time, you must pay attention to reasonable control of the total amount of daily exercise.

Don't want to cause bowel cancer, these 5 points in life to observe, bowel cancer or far away from you, need to understand

5. Develop good bowel habits

Whether the bowel habits are correctly mastered will also have a certain impact on the prevention of bowel cancer, such as in the case of long-term defecation and long-term defecation for too long, it may also lead to a significant increase in the incidence of bowel cancer.

Therefore, we must pay full attention to whether the bowel habit is healthy. If there is a bad bowel movement, it is important to actively correct it.

Don't want to cause bowel cancer, these 5 points in life to observe, bowel cancer or far away from you, need to understand

The above are five key points to actively follow in preventing bowel cancer. For such important knowledge, we must pay more attention to it.

Especially for high-risk groups of bowel cancer who have been sedentary for a long time, lack exercise and excessive preference for a high-oil diet, it is necessary to correct them in time in the face of bad habits that are not conducive to intestinal maintenance.

Otherwise, for a long time, once the bowel cancer is induced, it will be very unfavorable for prolonging life.

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