
The remains of the Han Dynasty are still intact after 2100 years, and Japan has repeatedly asked for his hair and has been rejected

China has a long history and culture, and many cultural relics and monuments have been excavated, including qin figurines and treasures with a long history, but the most impressive is a corpse. When the body was exhumed, it had very dark and thick hair, and there was a complete body, which is a miracle in the history of archaeology.

The remains of the Han Dynasty are still intact after 2100 years, and Japan has repeatedly asked for his hair and has been rejected

After this body was examined by posterity, it was identified as "Lady Xin Chai", a body from the Han Dynasty, and after this news was exposed, many people were shocked, when it was first excavated, more than 2100 years had passed, but the body was still very well preserved. In 1971, when Japan and China had very close contacts, Japan was very impressed when it heard that China had exhumed such a rare ancient corpse, so it wanted To apply to China and wanted to "Lady Xin Chai".)

The remains of the Han Dynasty are still intact after 2100 years, and Japan has repeatedly asked for his hair and has been rejected

After the Japanese government made this application, it did not explain the reasons to China, so China felt that it was not safe and did not give it. But Japan did not stop, from the first few to the later one, one inch, Japan's strange behavior made Chinese doubt, why Japan is so desperate to hair, is there any secret? China has never compromised, and Japan's repeated requests for its hair have been rejected, and this decision seems to be quite correct now.

Because Japan and China had just broken the embarrassing period of the Cold War and entered a period of relaxation, although Japan had friendly exchanges with China on the surface, only the Japanese knew what careful thoughts they were playing in their hearts. And Japan has always demanded the hair of "Mrs. Xinchai" without giving a reason, which must also have an ulterior secret. Therefore, it is a very correct decision for the Japanese to apply and China did not agree, otherwise I don't know what kind of chaos will be made.

The remains of the Han Dynasty are still intact after 2100 years, and Japan has repeatedly asked for his hair and has been rejected

In the subsequent exploration of Chinese archaeologists, they learned the cause of death of this "Mrs. Xin Chai", and then found that the genes in the original hair could know the news of the corpse's life. In the archaeologists' autopsy of the female corpse, it was found that "Mrs. Xin Chai" suffered from very serious coronary heart disease, and had very serious diseases such as hypertension in her body, which also led to hardening of blood vessels everywhere, and also suffered from diseases such as gallstones, and the most surprising thing was that there was some liquid in the coffin.

The remains of the Han Dynasty are still intact after 2100 years, and Japan has repeatedly asked for his hair and has been rejected

Therefore, with this information, we can know the medical level of the dynasties at that time, and can open a new door to the medicine of modern society. During the Han Dynasty, the level of medical technology was not developed, but the body and hair of Mrs. Xin Chai were preserved very well, which shows that the people in the Han Dynasty period were resourceful, and it can be seen that only the dissection of the corpse can be seen so much, this is still a corpse that has been dead for thousands of years, even if it is a hair, it can also be extracted through modern technology. Therefore, we can roughly guess the intention of the Japanese, that is, we hope to find out the genetic code of our Han people through this thousand-year-old female corpse.

As the "Lady Xinchai" of our country's national treasure, if she cannot be given a reasonable purpose, we will certainly not send her out, even a hair is a treasure of our country.

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