
Li Lianglei divorced Wang Lihong after giving birth to 3 children in 8 years, and the cruel side of the marriage was pierced

It is said that happy marriages are the same, and unhappy marriages have their own misfortunes.

Indeed, in an unhappy marriage, everyone has their own bitter experience, whether it is a star or an ordinary person, they cannot escape this law.

Recently, star Wang Lihong and his wife Li Lianglei ended their 8-year marriage, and Wang Lihong responded to the divorce incident with a brief post. He wrote, "We have done so much in these years of marriage and we feel sorry for it. Now we have different ideas and plans for the way we live in the future, so we decided to live separately. ”

Li Lianglei divorced Wang Lihong after giving birth to 3 children in 8 years, and the cruel side of the marriage was pierced

In just a few words, there is not so much dog blood plot, and there is no intense text. Like most middle-aged couples, divorce is bland. There is no denigration of the lover, but a bland way of breaking up.

At the same time, from this divorce statement, we can also see the differences between the two, in this 8-year marriage, Wang Lihong's wife has given birth to 3 children in succession. How many 8 years does a woman have? It can be said that in this marriage, Li Lianglei is basically on the road of continuous birth, physical recovery, and regeneration of the baby.

The best 8 years of my life were left for this marriage and also raised 3 lovely children. The abundance of children did not make the marriage the icing on the cake, but drew a rest.

Li Lianglei divorced Wang Lihong after giving birth to 3 children in 8 years, and the cruel side of the marriage was pierced

I think that When Wang Lihong played the guitar and sang at the concert, kissing his wife Li Lianglei under the gaze of many fans, I don't know how many women were envious of that scene. Looking back now, it is really love that is fragile and marriage is difficult to protect.

Some people are upset about Li Lianglei, after all, Li Lianglei is a hundred times better than those Internet celebrities. Li Lianglei graduated from Columbia University, worked at JPMorgan Chase for four years, and is a professional capable property consultant. Since marrying Wang Lihong and having children, he has become a full-time wife and has taken care of 3 children wholeheartedly.

And what has Wang Lihong done in these 8 years? He has always devoted himself to music and has devoted most of his energy to his work. From the experience of the two after marriage, it can be seen that the circles they are exposed to are becoming more and more different, and they naturally have different plans for the future.

Li Lianglei divorced Wang Lihong after giving birth to 3 children in 8 years, and the cruel side of the marriage was pierced

In the marriage of ordinary people, there are not a few divorces for this reason, no matter how sweet and loving they were at the beginning, in the long and ordinary life after marriage, they will be worn away, leaving a trivial place.

Li Lianglei's marriage experience is also a wake-up call to every woman in marriage, and people ultimately have to rely on themselves to achieve financial independence. Even if you don't have to worry about money after marriage, your mentality after not having personal income will definitely be different.

Someone once said that the hardest road in the world is the road of stay-at-home mothers. The decline in social status and the change in personal sense of value will affect your mood.

Li Lianglei divorced Wang Lihong after giving birth to 3 children in 8 years, and the cruel side of the marriage was pierced

A friend once complained that when he brought his baby, he saw that most of the grandparents downstairs were helping, and it was rare to see people of the same age. Every time she saw her mothers come home from work, she would always show a look of envy.

In her words, since being full-time, she feels like she doesn't feel needed except for having children. In the past, although I was tired when I worked, I had a great sense of existence, and now I don't have to worry about eating and drinking or worrying about pocket money, but I don't have that sense of value.

Li Lianglei divorced Wang Lihong after giving birth to 3 children in 8 years, and the cruel side of the marriage was pierced

Of course, everyone's family is different, and some families really don't have parents to help take care of their children, so they have to make sacrifices and give up their rising careers. Such a woman is commendable and should be affirmed by family members.

Stay-at-home mothers are not just at home with their children, they personally pay not only time and energy, but also their original careers.

I hope that everyone who is a stay-at-home mother has a strong and independent heart, and maintains spiritual independence without sinking in order to bravely face the hardships of life in the future.

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