
Today in history: December 17

author:AS positive energy

1935 - The Wa yao Fort Conference is held

The Wa Yao Fort Conference was an enlarged meeting of the Politburo held by the Communist Party of China in Wayao Fort in northern Shaanxi province from December 17 to 25, 1935. The meeting analyzed the new changes in domestic class relations after the North China Incident, discussed the issues of the anti-Japanese national united front, the national defense government, and the anti-Japanese coalition army, criticized the "Left" closed-door doctrine that has existed in the party for a long time, and formulated the strategic principles of the anti-Japanese national united front. The Wayaobao Conference was an important meeting convened by the CPC Central Committee after the Zunyi Conference; it scientifically summed up the basic experience of the two civil revolutionary wars, resolved the political and tactical problems that the Zunyi Conference did not have time to resolve, determined the policy of establishing an anti-Japanese national united front, and laid the political foundation for the Party to lead the people of the whole country to meet the great War of Resistance Against Japan.

Today in history: December 17

1941 - The CCP implements the "lean army and simplified administration"

On December 17, 1941, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the "Instruction on the Work of The Anti-Japanese Base Areas Behind Enemy Lines after the Outbreak of the Pacific War," which pointed out that it was necessary to universally implement "lean troops and simplify administration." Since the beginning of this year, due to the large-scale and brutal "sweeping" of the Japanese and puppet anti-Japanese base areas, the anti-Japanese base areas have been significantly reduced, and the financial and economic difficulties have been extreme. Under such circumstances, it is necessary to reduce the military and political apparatus accordingly in order to overcome material difficulties in order to meet the needs of war.

1902 - Kyoshi University Hall officially opened

On December 17, 1902, the opening ceremony of Kyoshi University was held. Beijing Normal University Hall was originally the earliest national university in China organized by the Guangxu Emperor in 1898 during the Penghu Restoration, and the school building was at the Inner Horse Temple in Anmen, Beijing. The official Shangshu Sun Jia Nai was the minister of management and managed the affairs of the university hall. The start-up expenses and perennial funds shall be allocated by the Household Department. The original official bookstore and the newly established translation bookstore were merged into the university hall. The university hall's educational policy is "both Chinese and Western"; the purpose is "to cultivate talents and pay attention to current affairs"; the curriculum is divided into two categories: general studies and specialized studies. It was suspended due to the eight-power coalition invading Beijing in August 1900. After the reopening of the school, preparatory departments (political science and arts) and accelerated courses (Shixueguan and Normal School) will be added.

Today in history: December 17

1931 - A bloody massacre occurs at the Pearl Bridge in Nanjing

After the "September 18" incident in 1931, the Nationalist Government in Nanjing adopted a policy of non-resistance against the Japanese aggressors, which was strongly opposed by the people of the whole country. On December 17, student representatives from Beiping, Tianjin, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Jinan and other places went to Nanjing to jointly hold a demonstration with 30,000 local students, demanding that the Nationalist government send troops to resist Japan. The procession was suppressed by the Kuomintang military and police near the Pearl Bridge Central Daily, killing more than 30 people, injuring more than 100 people, and arresting more than 100 people. As a result, students from all over the world held demonstrations and protests. The Shanghai demonstrators destroyed the Kuomintang Shanghai Municipal Party Department and organized a people's court to publicly try the Mayor of Shanghai and the Director of public Security. This movement exposed the Kuomintang government's policy of non-resistance and was the culmination of the student anti-Japanese patriotic movement after the September 18 Incident.

Today in history: December 17

1888 - The Beiyang Navy was officially formed, and Ding Ruchang was the admiral of the sea state

On December 17, 1888, the Beiyang Navy of the Qing government was officially formed, and Ding Ruchang was appointed as the admiral of the sea state. The Beiyang Navy was the main new navy of the Qing government, controlled by Li Hongzhang, the minister of Beiyang.

Today in history: December 17

1998 - U.S. Launches Operation Desert Fox in Iraq

Operation Desert Fox was a large-scale airstrike launched by the United States and the United Kingdom against Iraq from 1:00 a.m. local time on December 17, 1998 to 4:50 a.m. on December 20, 1998. Air raids were mainly based on tomahawk cruise missiles fired by U.S. Navy warships and precision-guided weapons dropped by the U.S. and British Air Forces. The blow inflicted on Iraq's military forces was insignificant, and the Iraqi government, after the airstrikes, formally suspended the United Nations weapons verification program against it, accusing UNSCOM Chairman Butler of being "unjust" and a "puppet manipulated by US imperialism" and demanding the immediate lifting of economic sanctions against Iraq. For a time, the United States fell into passivity in the international community.

Today in history: December 17

1971 - The war between India and East Pakistan ends

In December 1971, the war between India and East Pakistan ended. On 16 December, Indian troops captured Dhaka. On December 17, the two sides reached a ceasefire agreement. In this war, India occupied about 2,240 square kilometers of Pakistan's territory. East Pakistan became an independent Bangladesh.

Today in history: December 17

1903 - The Wright brothers' first aircraft is successfully tested

Wright Brothers refers to the American aircraft inventor brother Wilbur Wright (April 16, 1867 – May 30, 1912) and his younger brother Orville Wright (August 19, 1871 – January 30, 1948). They developed a keen interest in mechanical assembly and flying from an early age, working in the repair and manufacture of bicycles, and have been active in flight research since 1896. After several studies and experiments, their dream finally became a reality after several cold and hot tests of the manned glider over the Kitty Hawk Dunes. On December 17, 1903, the first aircraft built by the Wright brothers, The Flyer 1, was successfully test flown in North Carolina, USA.

Today in history: December 17

1986 - Great Wall Computer Group was established

China Great Wall Computer Group Corporation, referred to as the Great Wall Group, is a large enterprise group directly under the central government specializing in the development of computer and related industries, founded in Beijing on December 17, 1986. The group has a registered capital of 110 million yuan, total assets of 12.3 billion yuan, 8 wholly-owned subsidiaries, 14 holding companies, 11 shareholding companies, 4 listed companies, and a total of more than 20,000 employees. Great Wall Group makes full use of domestic and international resources, actively explores domestic and foreign markets, and has established joint ventures and cooperative relations with IBM, TI, KINGSTON, Hitachi, Ricoh, Nokia, ELCOTEQ and other international well-known enterprises, and its products are exported to overseas developed country markets.

Today in history: December 17

1830 - Bolívar, leader of the South American War of Independence, dies

Simón José Antonio de la Santísima Trinidad Bolívar y Palacios (24 July 1783 – 17 December 1830), commonly known as Simón Bolívar, was a Latin American revolutionary, military, politician, and thinker. As a result of his efforts, six Latin American countries, Venezuela, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia and Panama, were liberated from Spanish colonial rule and gained independence, leading to the nickname "George Washington of South America". He died of tuberculosis in Santa Marta on 17 December 1830 at the age of 48. Bolívar is also an idol of former Venezuelan President Chávez.

Today in history: December 17

1996 - Annan becomes the seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations

On December 13, 1996, the United Nations Security Council adopted a resolution unanimously recommending to the United Nations General Assembly the next Secretary-General, Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping, Kofi Annan. On the 17th, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution by acclamation appointing the Ghanaian from south of The Harrah to succeed Gali as the seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations, thus making the world's largest international organization the first time in its 51-year history that a black person has been appointed to the highest office.

1940 - Film artist Shen Xiling dies of illness

Shen Xiling (1904 – December 17, 1940), formerly known as Shen Xuecheng and pen name Ye Shen, was a famous Chinese film and theater artist of the 1930s. The films he wrote and directed all reflected real life in different procedures, with distinct anti-imperialist and anti-feudal anti-Japanese patriotic ideas, and his "Cross Street" and Yuan Muzhi's "Road Angel" marked the first peak of the development of left-wing films in China. Shen Xiling can write and direct, can write poetry and painting, and can also translate, is an all-round artist, has written the film script "Condor", "Little People in the Big Era". He died in Chongqing on December 17, 1940 at the age of 36.

Today in history: December 17

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