
He is the prototype of "Cai Shouyuan" in "Amnesty 1959" The "Compass General" in Gong Delin

In the recent hit TV series "Amnesty 1959", there is a mysterious war criminal who does not leave his hand and the copper plate, his name is Cai Shouyuan.

Cai Shouyuan is a fictional character, but the story that happened to him is not completely made up, Cai Shouyuan this character refers to a number of real character archetypes, including "left hand compass right hand gun", known as "compass general" Zhang Gan.

He is the prototype of "Cai Shouyuan" in "Amnesty 1959" The "Compass General" in Gong Delin

Zhang Gan served as the commander of the 3rd Corps of the Nationalist Army, the deputy commander of the Central China Military and Political Governor's Office, and a lieutenant general in the army. He was a senior Kuomintang officer, but sometimes more like a "feng shui master."

Zhang Gan was a native of Guilin, Guangxi, of Hui ethnicity, and Li Zongren was a fellow student of the Guangxi Army Accelerated School, and later served in the Guangxi Army Model Battalion with Bai Chongxi and Huang Shaogang.

This general greatly admired the theory of feng shui, and led the soldiers to fight without delaying the "hard study", and it is interesting that he closely integrated the feng shui theory with the military.

He is the prototype of "Cai Shouyuan" in "Amnesty 1959" The "Compass General" in Gong Delin

As a result, Zhang Gan had a superior soldier around him, and his main task was to carry the compass, and once Commander Zhang needed it, he had to pass the compass as fast as possible. There was a compass-carrying superior soldier, and because of his "excellent performance", Zhang Gan promoted him to major officer.

Marching, fighting, deploying, attacking, retreating, and holding firm, Zhang Gan had to do a calculation, and then act according to the result. Zhang Gan's love of calculations became more and more intense later, and it is said that even if he attended a meeting, he also had to take a compass to survey the terrain and find a position that was most conducive to him to sit down.

Therefore, Bai Chongxi gave him the nickname , General Compass. Maybe zhang gan's little trick trick deceived Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi, as long as Zhang Gan did not affect the war, Li and Bai never bothered to take care of him.

He is the prototype of "Cai Shouyuan" in "Amnesty 1959" The "Compass General" in Gong Delin

Moreover, in the view of Xiao Zhuge Bai Chongxi, an excellent leading general, if he can grasp the terrain and hydrological environment and make good use of the local climatic conditions, will play an important role in marching and fighting, such as the Three Kingdoms Zhuge Liang grass boat borrowing arrows.

When Bai Chongxi was in Wuhan, he once said to his subordinates that those who had great general talents, one was Zhang Gan and the other was Hu Lian, and he had a very high evaluation of Zhang Gan. Bai Chongxi compared the three corps of the Gui clan to cars, horses and cannons, of which Zhang Gan's 3rd Corps was the "car".

In June 1938, "Compass General" Zhang Gan was transferred to the post of lieutenant general of the 7th Army of the Gui Army, known as the "7th Steel Army". This period was also the golden period when Zhang Gan's feng shui knowledge shone brightly, where the troops were stationed, where to attack and retreat, Zhang Gan had to use a compass to calculate a gua.

He is the prototype of "Cai Shouyuan" in "Amnesty 1959" The "Compass General" in Gong Delin

Zhang Gan had attended a regular military school, and was as heroic as Zhuge Liang, and the soldiers of Guangxi had no doubt about it, and in the war against Japan, as long as Commander Zhang calculated and told everyone that the dead code would be victorious, and even if the soldiers fought hard, they would not retreat for half a point. As a result, the arrogant Japanese army was afraid to fight with this Gui army.

In 1939, Zhang Gan was promoted to deputy commander-in-chief of the 21st Group Army and deputy commander of the 7th Appeasement District, and participated in a series of battles against Japan.

However, during the Liberation War, Zhang Gan found that "feng shui" and bu gua were not so magical.

In September 1949, before the Battle of Hengbao in Hunan Province began, Zhang Gan also made a special trip to Shaoshan to dig the tomb of Mao Jiazu to destroy feng shui. However, "Feng Shui" did not favor Zhang Gan, and after a battle, Zhang Gan was defeated and lost nearly 50,000 people.

He is the prototype of "Cai Shouyuan" in "Amnesty 1959" The "Compass General" in Gong Delin

On November 29, the general trend of the Kuomintang had gone, and only Bai Chongxi was still stubbornly resisting in Liangguang with Zhang Gan and others. The commander of the 3rd Corps, Zhang Gan, who also had nearly 20,000 remnants of the Nationalist army under his guard, planned to confront the People's Liberation Army at Bobai and then escape from the sea via Hepu.

At midnight on this day, Zhang Gan was in a mess at the headquarters of the Bobai County Library, and the sound of gunfire outside was continuous, and the shouts of the People's Liberation Army were almost clearly visible.

Master Zhang asked Bu Tan Ji as usual, he took out the compass, surveyed the direction, and threw three copper coins into the sky, saying: "When people face up, there will be strange soldiers to save each other." "

The copper coin was indeed head-up, and the crowd breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhang Gan happily told the chief of staff, "Rest assured, the Divine Soldiers will arrive soon!" ”

The words were still there, and the "Divine Soldier" did indeed fall from the sky, but this "Divine Soldier" was not the reinforcement Zhang Gan was looking forward to, but the Flying Tiger Team of the 382nd Regiment of the 43rd Army of the People's Liberation Army.

He is the prototype of "Cai Shouyuan" in "Amnesty 1959" The "Compass General" in Gong Delin

The Flying Tigers captured the headquarters and took a long time to catch Zhang Gan under the bed in a room.

Zhang Gan, the highest-ranking Kuomintang general captured by the People's Liberation Army during the Guangxi Campaign, was later escorted to the Gongdelin War Criminals Rehabilitation Center in Beijing.

In Gongdelin, Zhang Gan and Shen Drunk had a good relationship, and Shen Gan often joked with Zhang Gan on topics such as "compass" and "feng shui".

Shen Drunken laughed at him: "It seems that your gua is indeed very accurate..."

Without waiting for him to finish, Zhang Gan triumphantly picked up the words: "Of course, the spirit is very good, do you want me to help you count a gua?" ”

"It is said that there are strange soldiers and there are strange soldiers, but unfortunately it is not calculated that they are the strange soldiers of the People's Liberation Army." Shen Drunk then finished speaking, and Zhang Gan realized that he had been tricked by Shen Drunk.

He is the prototype of "Cai Shouyuan" in "Amnesty 1959" The "Compass General" in Gong Delin

Zhang Gan cried and laughed and said, "You really don't open which pot to mention!" ”

Shen Drunk asked again, "If you can count so well, then you didn't calculate that you would be captured by the People's Liberation Army?"

Shen's drunken words were so tricky, or he still failed to make Zhang Gan dumb and speechless, he said with a straight face: "When King Wen of Zhou was still imprisoned for a hundred days, did you say?" ”

The "Compass General" Zhang Gan put "feng shui" above everything else, which was biased. However, if we can make full use of the good time and place, it will indeed help to line up the troops, but in any case, we cannot or slightly the subjective initiative of the people.

In 1959, "Compass General" Zhang Gan died of illness at the war criminals management center at the age of 62.

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