
MediaTek backstab Qualcomm! The temperature of Tianji 9000 is lower than that of Qualcomm flagship, and TSMC has made a contribution

Although many media after getting Motorola's Edge X30, they are thinking about how to whitewash this phone, especially in terms of the temperature of playing games, because as the first flagship mobile phone using Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen1, Motorola Edge X30 If the temperature is still as exaggerated as the previous Snapdragon 888 mobile phone, then how to blow the flagship chip of Snapdragon 8 in the future? But more and more data shows that the performance of this generation of Snapdragon 8 mobile phones still does not meet everyone's expectations, at least on the Motorola Edge X30, power consumption and heat are still a big problem that can be seen by the naked eye.

MediaTek backstab Qualcomm! The temperature of Tianji 9000 is lower than that of Qualcomm flagship, and TSMC has made a contribution

In many test data, the edge X30 temperature is close to 50 ° C when playing, and the temperature even exceeds 60 ° C when playing the type of game "Original God", which can no longer be held normally. Although it is not known whether this is the pot of the Snapdragon 8 Gen1 chip or the problem of Lenovo's own heat dissipation, it is enough to recall the fear of being dominated by the high temperature of many Snapdragon 888 mobile phones this year. And from the test results, although the GPU performance of snapdragon 8 Gen1 is strong, the power consumption is increased again compared to snapdragon 888, which is also a place where many people are worried.

Of course, at present, Motorola's Snapdragon 8 mobile phone, sampling is not enough, everyone is waiting for other Snapdragon 8 mobile phones to be listed, to see if Qualcomm's flagship chip is really pulling crotch like this. However, this is undoubtedly a good opportunity for Qualcomm's biggest competitor MediaTek, after all, MediaTek's Tianji 9000 has been released, and Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 chip will be confronted head-on, its performance, energy consumption, heat and other performance, is also what everyone cares about, so MediaTek also takes Qualcomm's chip as a negative teaching material to blow a wave for its own Tianji 9000.

MediaTek backstab Qualcomm! The temperature of Tianji 9000 is lower than that of Qualcomm flagship, and TSMC has made a contribution

According to MediaTek's official statement, Tianji 9000 uses global energy efficiency optimization technology, which can reduce power consumption and heat generation under different loads, cover different IP modules in an all-round way, and optimize the power consumption of all scenarios. MediaTek said that in light-load applications, the Tianji 9000 can save as little as 5% and as much as 38% more than a 2021 Android flagship. Well, although MediaTek did not say what an Android flagship phone is, I personally feel self-explanatory.

And everyone is most concerned about the heavy load, that is, 3D games, MediaTek said that Tianji 9000 performs better in heavy loads, the same 90fps frame rate, power consumption is reduced by 25%, the temperature is reduced by the lowest 9 degrees, in MediaTek's PPT picture, you can see that the temperature of Tianji 9000 playing games is about 35 degrees, this performance is much stronger than Snapdragon 8 or Snapdragon 888. Obviously, MediaTek's backstabbing of Qualcomm this time is quite targeted!

MediaTek backstab Qualcomm! The temperature of Tianji 9000 is lower than that of Qualcomm flagship, and TSMC has made a contribution

In addition, MediaTek also showed the Power Consumption Temperature Performance of The Tianji 9000 chip in video and photography, according to MediaTek, the power consumption of the Tianji 9000 in 4K shooting is 30% lower than that of the Android flagship in 2021, and the temperature is about 40 degrees. If mediatek said that the Android flagship is really the Snapdragon 8 Gen1, then the future use of Tianji 9000 mobile phones, at least in terms of power consumption will not make us too worried.

MediaTek backstab Qualcomm! The temperature of Tianji 9000 is lower than that of Qualcomm flagship, and TSMC has made a contribution

From the recent Test Data of Snapdragon 8 Gen1, and regardless of whether the high temperature is caused by the fact that the mobile phone is not doing a good job, but the power consumption of the Snapdragon 8 Gen1 is indeed very high, the peak power consumption of the CPU test is more than 11W, and the peak power consumption of the GPU test is also more than 11W, which is almost fast and the notebook can be compared with the highest power consumption, which is the highest power consumption product in the history of the mobile chip of the mobile phone. Obviously, in order to make the mobile phone heat less exaggerated under such a high power consumption, the mobile phone manufacturer must spend money to design a heat dissipation scheme.

Of course, we feel that the problem of Qualcomm's two generations of chips with heat and high power consumption is directly related to the use of Samsung FOUNDC. The previous generation of Snapdragon 888 with Samsung 5nm has been regarded as a rollover, Samsung 5nm process is actually 7nm improved, unlike TSMC 5nm is a new process. Although the Snapdragon 8 Gen1 uses the Samsung 4nm process this time, the Samsung 4nm is only improved from the Samsung 5nm, and its essence and 7nm are still in a generation of technology, and there is still a big gap in performance, energy consumption, density and TSMC's 4nm.

MediaTek backstab Qualcomm! The temperature of Tianji 9000 is lower than that of Qualcomm flagship, and TSMC has made a contribution

So it is clear that although the Tianji 9000 and Snapdragon 8 Gen1 use similar chip architectures, the Tianji 9000, which has AMC's 4nm process, should have a more obvious advantage over the Snapdragon 8 Gen1 in terms of energy consumption. Perhaps Qualcomm's real lead is the GPU performance, but this also requires mobile phone manufacturers to improve the cooling environment before the performance of the GPU can be brought into play, otherwise in the high temperature environment in addition to the frequency reduction performance, Snapdragon 8 Gen1 will not have other ways.

From this point of view, we are still more optimistic about the Tianji 9000 chip, AI performance is already the world's first, if in terms of energy consumption, heat can also lead Qualcomm, then we have no reason not to buy the flagship mobile phone using the Tianji 9000 chip, of course, we also hope that mobile phone manufacturers can use the best technology and hardware on the Tianji 9000 chip mobile phone, especially in terms of image configuration, do not deliberately reduce the function of MediaTek flagship mobile phone.

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