
I am a foodie (4. Shanghai cuisine)

author:Warm Sun 250

I am a foodie (4. Shanghai cuisine)

If you want to get a city and use it to grow old, it must be Shanghai. When I was young, Shanghai was a petty bourgeoisie for me, just the mood. When you are in a bad mood, go to Shanghai for a walk, walk around the streets of Shanghai, eat Shanghai food, buy Shanghai clothing, go to the contemporary book city to choose a favorite book, that is the healing department.

The first time I went to Shanghai was a graduation internship, Zhongbaiyi Store, which was the material for my graduation thesis. On Nanjing Road, my classmates and I had a good time, and we walked for 5 hours from 6 p.m. to the time the store closed. I ate my first dish from Shanghai - oil tofu vermicelli.

The boy who accompanied me shopping was another department, tall and thin, Baoding people, thank you, classmate, that night, did my protective god, so that I could appreciate the style of Ten Mile Ocean Field and Nanjing Road.

In Shanghai, I got to know Brother Hong, who loves antiques, and introduced him to my brother, opening the way for my brother's collection, and so far, I have a Tibetan painting sent by my brother - Thangka. Brother Hong invited me to eat eggplant stewed in oil at that time, and I had a preliminary understanding of the thick oil sauce of Shanghai cuisine.

My favorite restaurants are Lao Zhengxing and Dexing Restaurants. I still remember the grass head circle, shrimp roe large black ginseng, and bad fish fillet in Dexing Hall. The Dexing Pavilion is closer to the people, and the old Zhengxing is more exquisite. Lao Zhengxing's Xiang oil eel paste, Eight Treasures Hot Sauce and Braised Pork represent the essence of this dish. Shanghai cuisine is influenced by SuXi Zhejiang and Ningbo cuisine, and has both overseas characteristics, and the pork cutlet represented by the Red House Western Restaurant is a Western food created by Shanghai.

I am a foodie (4. Shanghai cuisine)

When it comes to Shanghainese cuisine, it is impossible to avoid pickled tuk tuk. It is mainly a soup cooked with bamboo shoots and fresh and salty pork belly slices. "Pickled" refers to the marinated bacon; "fresh" means fresh meat (chicken, hoofed hips, small ribs, etc.); "Duk" means to simmer over a small fire. Add Jinhua ham, fresh fragrant blind knot, juice soup white, delicious do not want. Winter night, warm up a pot of Shanghai Shikumen yellow wine, even if I am a god, I will not change...

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