
What should I do if I suffer from athlete's foot during pregnancy? Don't mess with the medication, come over and tell you what to do!

After pregnancy, in addition to the pregnancy reaction, the taste changes. Some pregnant mothers find that they have not had athlete's foot for more than ten years, but they get it after pregnancy. Scratching Ah Rao, still uncomfortable, and did not dare to take medicine casually, some pregnant women even woke up in the middle of the night by beriberi torture.

What should I do if I suffer from athlete's foot during pregnancy? Don't mess with the medication, come over and tell you what to do!

Why do pregnant women get athlete's foot during pregnancy?

1: Personal hygiene is not careful, some of the shoes are mostly public, which will also trigger cross infection.

2: Physical problems, some people belong to the sensitive physique, the change in body shape during pregnancy will affect the reduction of activity, which greatly reduces their immunity.

3: Dietary changes, pregnant women as a special group of people in this period will certainly eat a lot of high-fat, high-protein nutritional products, some mothers do not deliberately carry out dietary balance, just eat their favorite food as they want, so give the fungus an opportunity.

What should I do if I suffer from athlete's foot during pregnancy? Don't mess with the medication, come over and tell you what to do!

Care methods of beriberi during pregnancy:

1. Pay attention to foot hygiene. Wash your feet frequently, change your socks frequently, keep your feet dry, breathable, and dry them in the sun after washing your feet. Soak your feet with hot water before going to bed.

2, try to wear less breathable shoes, such as sneakers, travel shoes, etc. These shoes can lead to a massive increase in foot sweat, which in this case will not only cause athlete's foot, but also make foot odor worse.

3. Stay away from spicy and irritating foods. Do not eat foods that can easily cause sweating, such as peppers, raw onions, raw garlic, etc.

4, maintain a good attitude, excitement and nervousness can easily induce sweating, aggravate foot odor.

What should I do if I suffer from athlete's foot during pregnancy? Don't mess with the medication, come over and tell you what to do!

What should I do if the pregnant woman has itchy athlete's foot?

Pregnant women are in a special period of pregnancy, if you have beriberi, it is best not to use some drugs casually, avoid the use of hormone ointments, you can choose safe and non-side effects of the treatment of athlete's foot products, you can also take some safe methods to alleviate and treat.

Pregnant women due to changes in living habits and physical functions, will lead to a series of adverse reactions, beriberi for pregnant women is extremely common, so we do not have to worry too much, many will be self-healing after childbirth. Really understand the baby understand you understand the baby even more!

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