
"Qinghua Jian" (Shi Yi) is now a long book of "Five Classics" to build a pre-Qin grand celestial system

On December 16, Tsinghua University released the research results of the "Tsinghua Jane" (Shiyi) of the Bamboo Jane of the Warring States. The long Warring States Bamboo Book "Five Classics" included in it is an unprecedented pre-Qin book, with a huge length, borrowing the mouth of the Later Emperor, with the Five Ages (sun, moon, star, chen, year) as the center, and establishing the routine and law of all things in heaven and earth.

"Qinghua Jian" (Shi Yi) is now a long book of "Five Classics" to build a pre-Qin grand celestial system

The "Five Records" included in "Qinghua Jian" (Shi Yi) has 130 janes, the whole content is basically complete, the total number of words is nearly 4500 words, it is an unprecedented pre-Qin book, the length is huge, and it can be called the most excavated Jane. The Five Ages borrowed the mouth of the Later Emperor and centered on the Five Ages (day, moon, star, chen, and year) and the five calculations, establishing the routine and law of all things in heaven and earth. The Five Chronicles match the star calendar with the five virtues of etiquette, righteousness, love, benevolence, and loyalty, and the heavens and goddesses and the gods and the earth, while the larger space focuses on the corresponding personnel and practices, involving the establishment of the state, ritual sacrifices, human ethics, geotechnical things, soldiers and wars, fertility and reproduction, human body diseases and other aspects. The whole text constructs a grand and complex system of heaven and man, which can be said to be a synthesis and summary of the understanding of the relationship between heaven and man in the pre-Qin period.

The Five Chronicles deal with the Doujian December name and the Twenty-Eight Houses contained in the Erya, as well as mythological content such as the Yellow Emperor's Battle Ofs. The article begins with the calendar and eventually returns to personnel affairs, with a grand scale, strict structure, rich levels, and rich meanings, which is of great significance to the study of ancient astronomical calendars and national governance, and is a newly discovered important document on the history of pre-Qin thought and culture, providing valuable classical materials for understanding the concept of ancient Chinese celestial beings.

"Qinghua Jian" (Shi Yi) is now a long book of "Five Classics" to build a pre-Qin grand celestial system

"Tsinghua Jane" entered Tsinghua University in Tibet in 2008, and under the leadership of Mr. Li Xueqin and Mr. Huang Dekuan, the compilation report has been successfully published in eleven series. The press conference was launched by the Center for Research and Conservation of Unearthed Documents of Tsinghua University, the Chinese and Western Bookstores and the "Xuetang Online" developed by Tsinghua University, and the opening of Tsinghua University's WeChat video number and official Weibo portal launched a global live broadcast. Many scholars at home and abroad watched the whole process. At the press conference, Qin Zhihua, president of the Shanghai Dictionary Publishing House and the Chinese and Western Bookstore, introduced the editing and publication of "Bamboo Jane of the Tibetan Warring States of Tsinghua University (Pick One)". The young teachers of the Center for The Research and Conservation of Excavated Documents interpreted the contents of the text. Professor Huang Dekuan, director of the center, introduced the research and collation of "Bamboo Jane of the Tibetan Warring States of Tsinghua University (Pick One)" and answered the questions raised by online and offline scholars and journalists.

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Lei Jia

Edit/Hairy Feather

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