
Continuing the high-quality genes of the X series, the glory X30 released from 1499 yuan will open pre-sale on the same day

On December 16, at the 2021 Glory Anniversary Celebration and Honor X30 New Product Launch Conference, honor X series launched eight years of sincerity - honor X30. Honor X30 main fast charge long endurance, full-screen strength, is the largest screen in the gear, the narrowest bezel, fast charge the strongest 5G mobile phone, it through innovative technology and excellent underlying technology cooperation, for users to bring a full range of high-quality experience. The newly unveiled Glory X30 has four colors of morning sun gold, titanium air silver, charm sea blue, and magic night black, and is priced from 1499 yuan.

Continuing the high-quality genes of the X series, the glory X30 released from 1499 yuan will open pre-sale on the same day

Honor X series insists on making friends with high quality, and in the past 8 years, it has won praise from tens of millions of users with excellent quality experience. According to Honor at the press conference, the product Honor 3X 8 years ago is still used by more than 40,000 users. According to the operator data report, the replacement cycle of the Honor brand is 29.1 months, which is higher than the industry average. As an eight-year sincere work, Honor X30 has gathered the series' commitment to quality in terms of communication stability, system fluency, hardware reliability, fast charging security, product durability and the pursuit of the ultimate visual experience, and is expected to become the star model of this year's mid-range market, and the breakthrough achievements of the Magic series and digital series in the flagship and high-end markets have jointly helped honor market share "smile curve" continue to rise.

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