
Before the United States dropped the atomic bomb, it had dropped 63 million leaflets to inform the evacuation, but why did the Japanese not withdraw

When it comes to World War II, even though more than seventy years have passed, it still feels chilling. In this world war in which 2 billion people were involved, the military and civilian casualties totaled more than 90 million people. The culprits of this world war were the three fascist Axis powers of Germany, Japan and Italy, and in the end they paid the price one by one. Japan, in particular, inflicted more than 600,000 casualties on the eve of the end of the war.

Before the United States dropped the atomic bomb, it had dropped 63 million leaflets to inform the evacuation, but why did the Japanese not withdraw

In fact, on the eve of the end of the war, the defeat of the Fascist Axis powers was still an inevitable trend. In order to end the war at an early date and reduce casualties, on July 26, 1945, China, Britain and the United States jointly issued the Potsdam Proclamation. The purpose was to allow Japan, which was still dying and struggling, to surrender as soon as possible. However, japan responded by ignoring it and saying that it would fight to the end.

At that time, the countries of the world were still exhausted by the war, including the United States, which had invested a lot of financial resources and troops in World War II for a long time, and in order to end the war as soon as possible, the United States planned to drop two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan to deter Japan and other fascist countries.

Before the United States dropped the atomic bomb, it had dropped 63 million leaflets to inform the evacuation, but why did the Japanese not withdraw

The power of the atomic bomb, everyone here should have heard of it, and it can raze a city to the ground in an instant. So before the Bomb was dropped, the United States also sprinkled 63 million leaflets on Japan for humanitarian reasons, in order to allow residents in both places to evacuate themselves.

Let's start by looking at what this leaflet says: "Be sure to read it carefully, it will most likely save your life and your family's lives." In the coming time, we will carry out atomic bombing of this area. "The general meaning can be said to be very clear, but we know that in the end the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki did not evacuate and chose to ignore it.

Before the United States dropped the atomic bomb, it had dropped 63 million leaflets to inform the evacuation, but why did the Japanese not withdraw

First of all, during World War II, the Japanese were seriously influenced by militarist ideas, and in the face of the upcoming air raids, even many people felt very excited and trusting, they almost from the bottom of their hearts that Japan would not be defeated, that their emperor and good imperial army would help them through this difficult time, and would not let them be hurt.

These Japanese people's faith in the emperor has gone deep into their bones. And even if some people believe the leaflets, those who want to run will be escorted back by others, so they are simply not moved. It was this mysterious worship of the emperor that led to the heavy price that Japan paid in the late part of World War II.

Before the United States dropped the atomic bomb, it had dropped 63 million leaflets to inform the evacuation, but why did the Japanese not withdraw

Of course, another important reason is that the Japanese people at that time did not know the true power of the atomic bomb. It was not until July 16, 1945, that the United States successfully developed and test-detonated the world's first atomic bomb. Only three were made that year, and except for one for the test explosion, the other two were all thrown into Japan a month later.

At that time, many people in Japan did not believe that there was such a powerful ammunition in the world, and they were already accustomed to a war-torn life, and being attacked by air was already commonplace. I thought that this time it was just a little more serious than in the past, although it was not taken so seriously, who would have thought that this would be a devastating blow.

Before the United States dropped the atomic bomb, it had dropped 63 million leaflets to inform the evacuation, but why did the Japanese not withdraw

When the two atomic bombs detonated at an altitude of 100 meters above Nagasaki and Hiroshima, sixty percent of the city's buildings were destroyed in an instant, 100,000 people disappeared in situ, and 600,000 died shortly after being exposed to nuclear radiation. The Japanese government saw these two atomic bombs, completely dispelled the idea of resistance, and announced its unconditional surrender on August 15, 1945.

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