
What to do when menopause "encounters" blood pressure? Don't panic! Alleviate from 4 aspects

Menopause may come to the body may have discomfort, coupled with in an aging state, to actively maintain, adhere to good habits to safely spend menopause, however, some people menopause also encountered chronic diseases, blood pressure continues to rise to bring negative effects, at this time can not panic, can be in many ways to regulate, blood pressure can slowly stabilize and reduce physical harm, if you make a mistake, ignore it, it may become more and more serious.

What to do when menopause "encounters" blood pressure? Don't panic! Alleviate from 4 aspects

1. Rational medication treatment

There are not a few people who encounter high blood pressure during menopause, because most people enter menopause at the age of 45 to 55, and the prevalence of chronic diseases in the middle and elderly stages will indeed increase, and the disease should be alleviated by correct medication.

Because hypertension is a chronic disease, the improvement effect of simple good habit formation is not very obvious, at this time first go to the hospital for detailed examination, you can understand the type and severity of hypertension, if you need medication, you can use antihypertensive drugs according to the guidance of the doctor, the drug plays a role, and the blood pressure will stabilize, thereby improving the condition. If the correct medication method is not understood, the medication is indiscriminate or the treatment is not coordinated, the disease may develop further.

2. Control personal emotions

The arrival of menopause blood pressure changes again, at this time there is a good state of mind to maintain, stable control of personal emotions is necessary. Because many women have obvious emotional changes in menopause, they are prone to anger, anxiety, and negative emotions in addition to accelerating aging, affecting endocrine, and may also make blood pressure fluctuate, so that the two-way impact on the body can not maintain health. At this time, there should be a good mentality to maintain, feel the pressure in time to release, only if the emotions are well controlled, the endocrine will be stable, so that high blood pressure can also be controlled.

What to do when menopause "encounters" blood pressure? Don't panic! Alleviate from 4 aspects

3. Correct diet regulation

Correct diet adjustment is one of the ways to safely spend menopause and control blood pressure, menopause should be appropriately supplemented with calcium, vitamins, dietary fiber, protein, etc., in addition to enhancing resistance can also protect bones, promote fecal excretion.

At this time, if there is the development of hypertension, foods that will affect the change of blood pressure should be avoided, including high-salt foods, alcoholic beverages, high-sugar foods, and high-fat foods. On the premise that the diet is correctly adjusted, the meat and vegetarian are correct and taboo, the nutrition needed by the human body can be provided, and the disease is stabilized, otherwise there is no countermeasure, and the disease will become more and more serious.

What to do when menopause "encounters" blood pressure? Don't panic! Alleviate from 4 aspects

4. Strengthen physical exercise

Menopausal people with high blood pressure can be regulated by the method of exercise, exercise has a relieving effect, because in the process of exercise, the circulation and metabolism of the whole body are accelerated, and the vasodilation can reduce stress, thereby reducing the impact of high blood pressure. Of course, during exercise, the cardiopulmonary capacity is improved, the endocrine is regulated, and the resistance is also enhanced.

If you have arrived after menopause and gradually aging and lack of exercise, the body's metabolic rate becomes slower, and it does not consume enough energy, it may gradually gain weight and aggravate high blood pressure. Therefore, you can choose the sports that are suitable for you to stick to, and your health can be close.

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