
He was the culprit of Shu Han's short life, burying 700,000 troops, otherwise Liu Bei would have claimed the title of emperor long ago

The story of "Taoyuan Three Knots" in the novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" has been passed down through the ages, and I think that Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, three heroes with ambitions, were like-minded, and the three of them became brothers, which led to the feat of the three brothers from the initial powerlessness to the final establishment of the great cause of Shu Han. Among these three people, Liu Bei was a descendant of the imperial family after Liu Sheng, the King of Zhongshan jing in the Western Han Dynasty, and later became the founding emperor of the Shu Han Dynasty, his political ability is beyond doubt, but the more famous in later generations is Guan Yu, and the imperial courts of successive dynasties have many praises, and the people even deified him, honoring him as "Martial Saint" and naming him "Wensheng" Confucius. Then Zhang Fei's fame among the three brothers seems to be slightly insufficient compared to the two brothers.

Counting Zhang Fei's life and deeds, he is definitely a major fierce general in the Three Kingdoms, brave and brave, and Guan Yu is called "ten thousand enemies", Zhang Fei and Guan Yu followed Liu Bei to fight in the four directions, and made meritorious achievements, especially in the Battle of Changshanpo, Liu Bei was in an extremely dangerous situation, Zhang Fei only led twenty horsemen to break the bridge, so brave, broke the boat, even caused the Cao army to no one dare to approach, for Liu Bei to win time to retreat, Liu Bei thus turned the crisis into safety. Victory and defeat are common to soldiers, Zhang Fei's exploits include righteous interpretation of Yan Yan, great destruction of Zhang Guo, etc., and there are also defeats in the Battle of Wudu, but it is undeniable that Zhang Fei is an excellent martial artist with outstanding ability.

He was the culprit of Shu Han's short life, burying 700,000 troops, otherwise Liu Bei would have claimed the title of emperor long ago

In addition, since he followed Liu Bei, he has never had two hearts, and has been doing his best to assist Liu Bei, such an image is recognized and consistent in novels and history, but his final cause of death is extremely absurd, he did not fight in blood, died on the battlefield, but was secretly beheaded by his generals, or with his XintingHou knife.

Although Zhang Fei was loyal and respected gentlemen, he never showed compassion for the soldiers, often beat the soldiers with a whip, Liu Bei thought that his approach was not benevolent, often admonished him, but Zhang Fei did not actively change, when he insisted on avenging the death of his brother Guan Yu, before leaving the army, he was murdered by the generals Zhang Da and Fan Qiang, bringing his head to Sun Quan, so far, the original three brothers were left with only Liu Bei alone.

In folk traditional opera, Zhang Fei's image is biased towards comedy roles, the mighty and reckless, in the image of the novel, he is jealous and hateful, heavy on love and righteousness, and has a distinct personality, especially his friendship with his two brothers is really touching, and even disregards the security of his family and country, the decline of Shu Han is because he is too emotional, if there is no sentence he said to Liu Bei, I am afraid that Shu Han will not enter the period of decay so early. What exactly did Zhang Fei say? How did he change the hegemony that Shu Han might have achieved?

He was the culprit of Shu Han's short life, burying 700,000 troops, otherwise Liu Bei would have claimed the title of emperor long ago

Some people may say that the decline of Shu Han began with Liu Bei's defeat at Yiling, when Zhang Fei was already dead, in fact, the decline of Shu Han began from the moment Liu Bei decided to cut down Wu, and it was Zhang Fei's words that made Liu Bei make up his mind to cut down Wu, so what did Zhang Fei say

The friendship between the three people is unparalleled, even if the three later become important figures in the country, perhaps mixed with some political interests, the friendship has become impure, but in the three countries full of betrayal and fraud, this friendship is particularly valuable.

At that time, Guan Yu's lone army was in the Northern Expedition, flooding the Seventh Army, shocking Huaxia, and at the same time he was also in a desperate situation, attacked by the two armies of Cao and Wu, isolated and helpless, and finally Guan Yu was captured by the Wu army and killed, this famous figure in the Three Kingdoms eventually died at the hands of soldiers, and later his brother Zhang Fei was the same. After Guan Yu's death, his elder brother Liu Bei immediately said: "I will raise troops to ask Wu for the crime, and I hate it with Xue", such impulsive words were naturally blocked by Zhuge Liang and the ministers of culture and martial arts, who did not approve of Liu Bei's current troops, but encouraged Liu Bei to establish the Shu Han regime.

He was the culprit of Shu Han's short life, burying 700,000 troops, otherwise Liu Bei would have claimed the title of emperor long ago

Even if he became the lord of a country, Liu Bei still could not do things according to his own wishes, he wanted to send troops to fight Wu to avenge Guan Yu, but Zhao Yun, Zhuge Liang and others around him repeatedly advised, Liu Bei was also somewhat moved, "First the lord saw Kong Ming's bitter advice, and his heart returned slightly", at this time Zhang Fei stood out, he was in pain to Liu Bei, and the first sentence he said was "Your Majesty is a king today, and he has forgotten the oath of Taoyuan!" The revenge of the second brother, how not to repay? Liu Bei's selfish heart naturally wanted to avenge Guan Yu, and the same world knew about the friendship between the three of them brothers with different surnames, and now that he had become the head of a country, he certainly could not renege on his oath of alliance, otherwise he would bear the insults of the people of the world, but he was still hesitating. ”

This angered Zhang Fei, who was angry that his brother did not avenge his brother, and he said a word, "Do others know about the old alliance?" If His Majesty does not cloud, the subject will give up this body to avenge the second brother! If you can't tell the time, you won't see Your Majesty when you die! ”

This sentence made Liu Bei firm up his mind and sent troops to cut down Wu, and he said to Zhang Fei: "Qing Fei and Qing are going together; Qing Ti's headquarters troops are out of Langzhou, and the elite troops of Qing Commandery will be in Jiangzhou to jointly cut down Eastern Wu, with snow this hate!" Not listening to the advice of the Wenwu Qunchen, this move laid hidden dangers for the Shu kingdom, just as Qin Mi said, "Unfortunately, the new creation of the industry will subvert the ear!" ”。

He was the culprit of Shu Han's short life, burying 700,000 troops, otherwise Liu Bei would have claimed the title of emperor long ago

Liu Bei took an army of 750,000 to attack Wu, but unfortunately did not make all the preparations, the early stage of the war was still relatively victorious, but then Lu Xunhuo companyed seven hundred miles of camp, the Shu army suffered heavy losses, Liu Bei retreated to Chang'an, but at this time Shu Han was still not easy to provoke, Sun Quan did not want to provoke, asked Shu Han for peace, Liu Bei agreed, soon after, Liu Bei died of illness in the White Emperor, leaving Liu Chan alone with Zhuge Liang, but the decline of Shu Han has been slightly apparent, even if Zhuge Liang has been seeking a great cause for Shu Han, it is still impossible to reverse.

In this way, the decline of Shu Han began to decline because of Zhang Fei's words, and he was determined to avenge his brother Guan Yu, so Liu Bei made the decision to personally conquer Eastern Wu, but unfortunately Liu Bei, who lost two generals, could no longer win as always. We can't blame all the faults on Zhang Fei, Zhang Fei's serious love and righteousness is not a mistake, the three of them were able to do a great job by virtue of their deep friendship, and this friendship should not be condemned.

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