
Today in history on December 16th


On December 16, 2009, Chinese workers were named Time Magazine's Person of the Year, second only to the Chairman of the Federal Reserve.

The United States "Time" magazine announced on the 16th that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke was elected as the magazine's 2009 Person of the Year. "Chinese workers" and Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of the People's Bank of China, were on the list at the same time.

Richard Steagall, the magazine's editor-in-chief, said in a statement: "This year's annual topic is recession. Without Bernanke, the economy would be worse off. ”

As the only group on this year's list, "Chinese workers" are in second place alongside Commander-in-Chief of U.S. Forces in Afghanistan Stanley McChrystal, Olympic gold medalist Ursan Bolt and U.S. House speaker Nancy Pelosi.

"Times" commented that China's economy has successfully achieved "Bao Eight", continued to maintain the fastest development speed among the world's major economies, and led the world to economic recovery, which is first of all attributed to China's thousands of hard-working and tenacious ordinary workers.

Time magazine is the most influential newsweek in the United States, known as the world's "history library". March 1923 by Henry M. Founded by R. Luce and Britton Harden. Originally titled Facts, it was later renamed to its current name and published by Time Warner in New York. Its "The Person of The Year" is a well-known brand that has had a worldwide presence since 1927.

The People's Republic of China and the United States of America decided to establish diplomatic relations with effect from January 1, 1979. Upon mutual agreement, the Sino-US Joint Communiqué on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations was promulgated in advance on December 16, 1978. The full text of the joint communiqué is as follows:

Joint communiqué of the People's Republic of China and the United States of America on the establishment of diplomatic relations

January 1, 1979

The People's Republic of China and the United States of America agreed to recognize each other and establish diplomatic relations effective January 1, 1979.

The United States of America recognizes the Government of the People's Republic of China as the sole legitimate Government of China. Within this context, the people of the United States will maintain cultural, commercial and other unofficial relations with the people of Taiwan.

The People's Republic of China and the United States of America reaffirm the principles agreed upon by both sides in the Shanghai Communiqué and re-emphasize:

Both sides want to reduce the risk of international military conflict.

No party should seek hegemony in the Asia-Pacific region or in any part of the world, and each side opposes the efforts of any other country or group of countries to establish such hegemony.

Neither party is prepared to negotiate on behalf of any third party or to enter into agreements or understandings with the other party vis-à-vis other states.

The Government of the United States of America recognizes China's position that there is only one China and that Taiwan is part of China.

The two sides believe that the normalization of Sino-US relations not only serves the interests of the Chinese people and the American people, but also contributes to the cause of peace in Asia and the world.

The People's Republic of China and the United States of America will exchange ambassadors and establish embassies on March 1, 1979.

Today in history on December 16th

At the initiative of the United States, on 6 December 1970, ICAO convened a diplomatic conference on international air law in The Hague, The Netherlands, to discuss the hijacking of aircraft in the air, with the participation of 76 states. On 16 December, the Conference signed a convention entitled the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft, referred to as the Hague Convention.

Article 1 of the Convention provides: "Any person on board an aircraft in flight who: (a) unlawfully hijacks or controls the aircraft by force or threat of violence, or by any other means of intimidation, or attempts to commit any such act; "That is the definition of unlawful hijacking of aircraft in the Convention.

Article 2 of the Convention provides: "The relevant Contracting States undertake to impose severe penalties for the above-mentioned offences. ”

The issue of extradition of perpetrators of hijacking aircraft was the focus of contention at the conference. Both the United States and the Soviet Union advocated that hijackers should be sent to the country of registration. However, many States considered that most of the hijackings were for political purposes and therefore did not agree to provide for extradition. However, the participating States unanimously agreed to severely punish the hijackers. As a result, the Hague Convention does not contain mandatory provisions on the extradition of hijackers. Nevertheless, it is clear that the Convention provides that hijacking of an aircraft is a serious offence and that the perpetrators of hijacking are treated either extradited or prosecuted and sentenced under the laws of the State in which the offender is located.

By 1983, there were more than 100 States parties to the Hague Convention.

Today in history on December 16th

Marshal Luo Ronghuan

On December 16, 1963, Comrade Luo Ronghuan, Marshal of the People's Republic of China, died in Beijing.

Luo Ronghuan, formerly known as Shenzhen. Born in 1902. A native of Hengshan, Hunan (present-day Hengdong). In 1927, he joined the Communist Youth League of China and transferred to the Communist Party of China in the same year. In July of the same year, he was sent to the city of Nantong to engage in the peasant movement and participated in the organization of peasant armed forces. From 1930, he served as the political commissar of the Fourth Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, and the director of the Political Department of the First Army, the Jiangxi Military Region, and the Eighth Army. In October 1934, he joined the Long March. After arriving in northern Shaanxi, he served as the political commissar of the first section of the Red Army University, the director of the political department of the rear area of the Red Army, the director of the political department of the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army during the War of Resistance Against Japan, the political commissar of the division, the acting division commander, the commander and political commissar of the Shandong Military Region, and other positions. During the Liberation War, he served as deputy political commissar of the Northeast Democratic United Army, political commissar of the Northeast People's Liberation Army, and first political commissar of the Fourth Field Army.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he successively served as chief procurator of the Supreme People's Procuratorate of the Central People's Government, vice chairman of the People's Revolutionary Military Commission, director of the General Political Department of the People's Liberation Army and director of the General Cadre Management Department, vice chairman of the Central Military Commission, vice chairman of the National Defense Commission, president of the Political Academy of the People's Liberation Army, and vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. He was awarded the rank of Field Marshal in 1955. He was elected as a member of the Central Committee at the Seventh and Eighth National Congresses of the Communist Party of China, and a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee at the First Plenary Session of the Eighth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

Today in history on December 16th

During the Liberation War, Luo Ronghuan (right), Lin Biao (center) and Liu Yalou (left) were on the front line

Today in history on December 16th

Mao Zedong bid farewell to Luo Ronghuan's body

Today in history on December 16th

On December 16, 1949, Mao Zedong, Chairman of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China, led a Chinese delegation to visit the Soviet Union. This was the first foreign visit by a Chinese government head of state since the founding of New China. During his visit, Mao Zedong held talks with Stalin, chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union, on important political and economic issues related to China and the Soviet Union. On January 20, 1950, Zhou Enlai, premier and foreign minister of the Chinese State Council, arrived in Moscow to participate in bilateral talks.

On February 14, Premier and Foreign Minister Zhou Enlai and Foreign Minister Vyshinsky of the Soviet Union signed the Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance in Moscow. The Treaty entered into force on 11 April of the same year and is valid for 30 years. The treaty consists of 6 articles, the main contents of which are: the contracting parties undertake to jointly do their utmost to take all necessary measures to stop aggression and breach of peace by any country; when either of the contracting parties is attacked by Japan or its allies, the other contracting party will do its utmost to provide military and other assistance; neither of the contracting states will conclude or participate in any alliance, group or action against the other; the two sides will consult with each other on all major international issues concerning the common interests of China and the Soviet Union; and the two sides will abide by equality, mutual benefit, We should respect each other's sovereignty and territorial integrity and the principle of non-interference in each other's internal affairs, develop economic and cultural relations between China and the Soviet Union, provide economic assistance to each other, and carry out economic cooperation.

Today in history on December 16th

Zhou Enlai, Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of the Council of Ministers, signed the treaty, with Stalin in the back row 1 on the left and Mao Zedong on the 2nd from the left

The China Democratic Construction Association (CDB) was founded in Chongqing on December 16, 1945, with the founders Huang Yanpei, Hu Weiwen, Zhang Naiqi, Shi Fuliang, etc., and the members at that time were mainly patriotic national industrial and commercial capitalists and intellectuals associated with them.

The establishment of the China Democratic National Construction Association has a profound political and economic background. China's national capital grew up with difficulty under the oppression of imperialism and feudalism. After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, under the influence and concrete help of the CPC's policy of peace and democracy, the China Vocational Education Society headed by Huang Yanpei, the Qianchuan Factory Federation represented by Hu Weiwen, and the upper-level intellectuals and national industrialists and businessmen in the cultural and educational circles who were associated with them, conceived and established this political organization representing their interests.

In the political program of the early days of the founding of the China Democratic National Construction Association, it advocated the need to practice political and economic democracy, earnestly protect the basic rights of the people, implement a democratic economic construction plan, and go all out to cultivate national capital. After the founding of New China, the Cd-FSB, with the "Common Program" and the general program of the CPPCC National Committee Charter as its program, defined the political line of accepting the leadership of the Communist Party and serving socialism, and played an important role in consolidating the people's democratic dictatorship, restoring and developing the economy, realizing the transformation from new democracy to socialism, and especially actively cooperating with the party in the socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commerce. Since the beginning of the new period, the China Democratic National Construction Association has actively adapted itself to the requirements of the development of the situation, resolutely implemented the basic line of the primary stage of socialism, given full play to its advantages of close ties with the economic circles, paid attention to giving play to the role of former industrialists and businessmen, and actively carried out economic consulting services, professional training in industry and commerce, and the introduction of overseas Chinese and foreign capital, thus making contributions to reform, opening up, and economic construction.

There are more than 69,000 members of the CDF, mainly composed of representative figures of economic theory teaching and research units and relevant enterprises, and the development members are mainly large and medium-sized cities, mainly middle and upper-class people, and mainly people in economic circles. The CDB has established organizations in 30 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, except Tibet and Taiwan.

The previous leaders are Huang Yanpei, Hu Weiwen, and Sun Qimeng; the current honorary chairman is Sun Qimeng, and the chairman is Cheng Siwei. The Central Committee of the China Democratic National Construction Association sponsors the internal journal "Minxun" and the publicly distributed economic theory journal "Economic Circles".

Today in history on December 16th

Some members of the CPC delegation, from left: Lu Dingyi, Zhou Enlai, Deng Yingchao, Dong Biwu, Wang Ruofei

On December 16, 1945, the Communist Party of China sent a delegation of seven members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, including Dong Biwu, Wang Ruofei, Ye Jianying, Wu Yuzhang, Lu Dingyi, and Deng Yingchao, headed by Zhou Enlai, to Chongqing to attend the Political Consultative Conference. During the Chongqing negotiations and after the signing of the "Double Tenth Agreement," the Kuomintang never stopped attacking the CPC Liberated Areas; at the same time, the people's anti-civil war and pro-democracy movements in the areas ruled by the Kuomintang were rising day by day, making the KMT realize that a full-scale civil war was not yet ready, so it announced the convening of a CPPCC meeting.

On the 27th, the CHINESE Communist deputies attending the CPPCC session proposed in writing to the Kuomintang the method of stopping the civil war: (1) both sides should order their subordinate units to temporarily reside in various parts of the country and stop all military conflicts; (2) all issues related to the avoidance of civil war, such as surrender, disarming the enemy army, disbanding the puppet army, stopping the use of the enemy's puppet army, resuming transportation, transporting troops, liberating the areas, and recovering the areas, should be resolved through peaceful consultation after the military conflict stopped; (3) under the guidance of the Political Consultative Conference, Organize civil war inspection delegations from all walks of life throughout the country to go to the areas where the war occurred, conduct on-the-spot investigations, and report the truth at any time and publish them.

On the 31st, the Kuomintang deputies replied with a reply to the CCP's proposal to stop the civil war: (1) Stop all military conflicts in various parts of the country and resume railway traffic. (2) In connection with the obligations of our country to allies to surrender and to send prisoners of the enemy, all matters related to the cessation of military conflicts and the restoration of communications and other matters related to the restoration of peace in the country shall be accompanied by the Government and a representative by the Chinese Communists, and shall agree with General Marshall as soon as possible on the methods and submit them to the Government for implementation. (3) Five impartial persons are presumed by the National Council of Political Participation. Organize military expeditions to investigate military situations, traffic situations, and other matters related to the restoration of peace in the country in areas of conflict throughout the country, and report and publish the truth at any time.

On the night of December 16, 1920, a sudden and violent earthquake occurred in the Haiyuan area of Ningxia, and people had just woken up from their dreams and were buried in the ground by collapsed houses. The earth is shaking, the sky is overcast, there is thunder, the wind is continuously roaring, there is a flicker of light in the sky, and wild beasts are clustered above the wilderness, wailing.

The earthquake was 8.5 magnitude. A vast area within a radius of 300 miles was affected. From the west of Jingzhou to Huining, south of Haiyuan to Qinzhou, a total of more than 60 counties and districts can be felt. At dawn, aftershocks continued, the north wind whistled, dust filled the air, and the 4 cities were in ruins, and no human voice could be heard. The death toll from the earthquake has reached 230,000. Due to the vast area, there is almost no rescue work, with more than 500,000 dead and injured.

On December 16, 1920, at 20:06:09, a magnitude 8.5 earthquake occurred in Haiyuan, Ningxia! According to the investigation and analysis of later earthquake workers, the degree of damage in this earthquake was even stronger than the 8.5 level confirmed at that time, because the macroscopic intensity of the area around the dry salt pond in Haiyuan, which was the most damaged, reached 12 degrees, and the aftershocks lasted for 3 years...

The mountains shake, the lightning and thunder, the sun and the moon tremble, and the heavens and the earth are fiercely windy.

The earth is rifted innumerable, the man and beast are dead, and a team of camel merchants is trapped in the cracks of the ground.

Seventy cities, without a shadow, hundreds of square meters, were destroyed.

Today in history on December 16th

The Ningxia Haiyuan earthquake crack is now attached

Today in history on December 16th

The tree was split

Hundred counties died, two hundred and thirty thousand. For more than 20,000 miles, there was no trace of anyone.

The new Qingshan-Gansu, Jinsuichuanyun, the eight provinces are shaken, and the Shanghai is shaking the port.

Three years aftershocks, historical inscription: 8.5 magnitude, Kaihara testified.

In October 1929, the Independent 15th Brigade of the Kuomintang Army drove from Hankou, Hubei Province to Daye, Yangxin, Tuanfeng and other places to garrison, preparing to "attack" the Red Army. Before leaving Hankou, the communist organization secretly established by the brigade had contacted the Military Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to determine that an uprising should be held at an appropriate time. In early December, he also contacted the CPC Daye Central County Committee and the 5th Column of the 5th Army of the Red Army operating near daye County, and made preparations for the uprising. On the evening of December 16, more than 500 people from the 2nd Battalion of the 2nd Regiment of the Independent 15th Brigade stationed in Daye County held an uprising under the leadership of Cheng Zihua (then platoon leader), the head of the brigade's Communist Party organization, and withdrew from the county seat the next day to meet the 5th Column of the Red Army that had come to meet them. On December 5 and 24, more than 80 people each from the 2nd Company of the 1st Battalion stationed in Yangxin and the 9th Company of the 3rd Battalion, which had just arrived in Daye County, also held uprisings under the leadership of Communists Bai Yijie and Wang Yu and joined the Red Army. The troops of the Daye Uprising and the Yangxin Uprising were combined into the 2nd Detachment of the 5th Column of the Red 5th Army, with Cheng Zihua as the detachment leader and Chen Qi as the party representative.

On December 16, 1598, the Battle of Luliang broke out. On the same day, the Japanese army Shimazu Yoshihiro sent more than 500 warships (a total of 20,000 people) to rescue the Ōnishi Commandery, who was besieged in the Suncheon area, and was intercepted by the Sino-DPRK joint navy (65 Chinese warships and 85 Korean warships, a total of 15,600 people) led by Chen Lu and Li Shunchen. During the battle, the famous Korean general Li Shunchen and the Chinese general Deng Zilong were killed. The Japanese army was annihilated more than 300 (200 were sunk, more than 100 captured, and more than 10,000 were killed) under the joint siege of Chinese and Korean warships, and about 670 Chinese and North Korean troops were killed (1 Ming warship was sunk), and Shimazu Yoshihiro led the remnants of the ships to retreat. The Japanese commander Konishi's troops fled by boat while the two armies were fighting. After the Battle of Luliang, all the remnants of the Japanese army on the Korean Peninsula were wiped out, and the Japanese invasion of Korea was declared a complete failure.

Comments: If the future Qing Dynasty can have the courage and courage of the Ming Dynasty, it will definitely not suffer from such a tragic history of modern history, and the backwardness of the Manchus determines all this

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