
Emotional analysis: Wang Lihong has been married for 8 years and has had 3 children, why the marriage has come to an end

Emotional analysis: Wang Lihong has been married for 8 years and has had 3 children, why the marriage has come to an end


Recently, Wang Lihong announced the divorce, this news came out, it is really a bit surprising, after all, Wang Lihong and his wife have given birth to 3 children, the two have been married for 8 years, why did the marriage still come to an end? It's a bit confusing.

It really confirms the lyrics: lovers are always divided and merged. Looking back at the past of the two people, it is indeed quite romantic.

In the early morning of November 27, 2013, Wang Lihong posted a photo with Li Lianglei on Weibo, officially announcing the love affair, Wang Lihong revealed that his girlfriend's name is Li Lianglei, a 27-year-old student, and happily said that his girlfriend is "a girl who can hold hands and spend the future together."

To tell the truth, at that time, I was still in junior high school, not allowed to play mobile phones, when I saw the news that the second brother was getting married in the newspaper, and then learned some stories of the second brother and the second sister-in-law, I felt particularly beautiful.

Emotional analysis: Wang Lihong has been married for 8 years and has had 3 children, why the marriage has come to an end

Later, according to Wang Lihong's agent, the two have known each other for more than 10 years through family introductions, and the two have known each other since Li Lianglei was in her 10s.

In December of the same year, Wang Lihong held a concert in Jinan, Li Lianglei appeared, and Wang Lihong generously showed love to his wife in the audience when singing love songs such as "Forever Love", "The Only", "Still Love You" and so on. Fans collectively spawned, Wang Lihong responded: "Please give a little time, will work hard."

On May 18, 2014, Wang Lihong announced that his wife was pregnant, and on July 9, Wang Lihong's daughter, Wang Carrie, was born.

On November 28, 2015, the two climbed a tree to celebrate their second wedding anniversary. On the 27th, Wang Lihong said in an interview at the 20th anniversary of his debut that he said that he most wanted to get "God's gift" at present, and it was suspected that the couple was planning a second child.

Emotional analysis: Wang Lihong has been married for 8 years and has had 3 children, why the marriage has come to an end

On February 17, 2016, Wang Lihong announced that Li Lianglei was pregnant with her second child. On May 18, 2016, Wang Lihong's 40th birthday, the night before his wife Li Lianglei held a party for him, secretly sending him a surprise, the two sweetly embraced each other on the spot. On October 7, Li Lianglei gave birth to a daughter in the United States, named Wang Jiana.

On the evening of April 13, 2018, Wang Lihong confirmed the good news that his wife was pregnant with three children and announced that he would become a father again, and he revealed that the third child was a son. On August 24, it was announced that his wife Li Lianglei had given birth to a son, named Wang Jiayao.

The most touching thing is that Wang Lihong once composed the song "One in 7 Billion" for Li Lianglei, and when he sang this song, the sweet picture of the wedding of the two people was played on the screen, "In this colorful world, how small we are, if you calculate it, this probability is one in seven billion, I can only be with you, I should buy lottery tickets, you are one in seven billion of mine." ”

Looking back, the marriage between the two is full of sweetness and warmth, and such a happy marriage makes people wonder why they will come to the end of divorce.

Emotional analysis: Wang Lihong has been married for 8 years and has had 3 children, why the marriage has come to an end

Wang Lihong's response is this: Lianglei and my private life is very simple and simple, so I will not respond to any media again. I have done too much in these years of marriage, and I feel sorry for it. Now we have different ideas and plans for the future way of life so we decided to live separately. Although the application has been made, we will always be a family. Implore the outside world to give privacy and space and not to disturb the family. Thank you all for your concern.

From his response, it can be seen that the two have differences in their life plans, have experienced various run-ins, or cannot reach an agreement, so they can only choose to break up peacefully.

In our impression, we always hope that a lover will eventually become a family member, hoping that love can last, but the reality is that love is full of fluidity, and it is the perversion of feelings.

Wang Lihong has been married for 8 years and has had 3 children, why did he still come to the end of his marriage?

Emotional analysis: Wang Lihong has been married for 8 years and has had 3 children, why the marriage has come to an end


Marriage will have a burnout period, can not survive, will eventually miss

The first 3 years of marriage are the run-in period, the 7th year or so is the dangerous period, and after 10 years it enters the burnout period. The so-called middle-aged marriage is in this period of burnout. In dangerous periods, each other will be more cautious. In the period of burnout, each other is like holding the right hand with the left hand, feeling numb and dull, no longer so much care and caution, no more words, or there is no need to say, once you speak, often complain to each other. As a result, the emotional barrier rises, and the hearts of the two people living together are getting farther and farther away.

In this case, if both parties do not know how to communicate, the relationship will not go on at all.

At the beginning of any relationship, two people are particularly in love with each other, but no matter how deep the feelings, they cannot withstand the passage of time, under the passage of time, but if one party is shaken, the relationship will not go on.

The enlightenment to us is to cherish the days when two people are together, spend a little more time and energy on each other, create more freshness, and let the other party feel that you have him in your heart.

Emotional analysis: Wang Lihong has been married for 8 years and has had 3 children, why the marriage has come to an end

The development of the two sides is unbalanced, and the differences between the two are getting bigger and bigger

In a marriage, if one person walks fast and the other person stays in the same place, after a long time, the person who walks fast will slowly abandon the person who walks slowly.

Middle-aged couples, their respective careers, concepts and other aspects of development will be different, there will be imbalances. If this imbalance is very large, such as a thriving day, a twilight poor, it will have a great impact on the relationship between husband and wife.

Therefore, in a relationship, if you want to keep the relationship between you long-lasting, at any time, do not lose yourself, do not believe that men love you, I raise you.

The person you can rely on in the world is yourself, and if you lose yourself, then when the person you love deeply abandons you, you will have nothing.

Emotional analysis: Wang Lihong has been married for 8 years and has had 3 children, why the marriage has come to an end


Middle-aged people, whose marriage is not a chicken feather, can not be sorted out and unclear. No betrayal, no domestic violence, just trivial life that wears away all passion.

Marriage is not 1 + 1 = 2, but 0.5 + 0.5 = 1, and the two people each cut off their personalities and shortcomings in half, and then recombined in a marriage.

Love is easy, marriage is not easy, a marriage can go on, feelings and communication methods are indispensable.

I hope that everyone in the marriage can grow old with the other half.

Today's Topic:

Wang Lihong has been married for 8 years and has had 3 children, why is he still divorced?

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