
"Drive slowly", can it really ensure safety?

Driving safely, no matter how careful it is, it is not too much. Whether it is a driver or a passenger, many people believe that as long as they "drive slowly", they can avoid many risks. So, can "driving slower" really guarantee safety?

Of course not. "Driving slowly" does not apply to all situations, except for special circumstances such as road construction, rain and snow weather, most of the time, "driving slowly" is not only unsafe, but also a dangerous violation.

"Drive slowly", can it really ensure safety?

* The speed is too slow, which is also a disguised "overspeed"

Motor vehicles that do not drive at the prescribed speed refer to the speed of the motor vehicle driving on the road above or below the specified speed, including not only exceeding the maximum speed, but also including the speed below the minimum speed. That is to say, whether it is "driving fast" or "turtle speed driving", it is "speeding". It's good to be safe, but there's no room for mavericks on the highways.

* The speed of the car is too slow, and the pit is pit and the pit is self

Driving slowly ≠ safe driving, and in many cases, too slow a car will become the main cause of traffic accidents.

1. Cause traffic jams or rear-end collisions

Slow driving can be said to be the "safety killer" on the highway. The lanes on the highway are set according to the principle of "the fastest on the left and the slowest on the right", the passing lane and the small lane are set on the left side of the road, and the truck and emergency lane are on the right. Usually, the leftmost lane of the highway is not only the fast lane, but also the passing lane.

However, in actual driving, we often encounter the situation of occupying the fast lane to drive a "slow car". Such behavior will not only affect the normal driving of other vehicles, reduce traffic efficiency, cause traffic jams, but also easily lead to high-speed vehicles in the rear when suddenly encountering ultra-low-speed vehicles in front, the driver is too late to react or improper operation, resulting in rear-end collisions and other traffic accidents.

Even if it is not on the highway, "driving slowly" will lead to frequent traffic accidents: vehicles driving below the average speed of traffic will force vehicles behind to overtake from other lanes, resulting in an increase in the probability of scraping and rear-end accidents. If the driver of the rear car is a violent temper, it may cause more harm and disputes.

2. Increase vehicle fuel consumption

Many people have the wrong view that the slower the speed, the more fuel efficient it is. But the truth is not so, the most fuel-efficient way is to try to keep driving at a uniform speed.

Typically, the most fuel-efficient vehicle speed ranges from 70 to 90 km/h, with speeds below 2,000 rpm. When the speed is too low, the vehicle has been maintaining a high speed, low speed, the engine speed can not reach the best state, the lack of vehicle inertia, a long time in the state of fuel injection work, fuel consumption does not reduce but rises.

3. Lack of concentration

When the speed is less than 40 km / h or caught in a slow traffic flow, people's attention will drop rapidly, and it is easy to cause accidents due to lack of concentration. The most typical example is the driver sitting in the car playing with the mobile phone, the passage is not timely, causing rear-end collisions. Here is also a reminder that for the safety of yourself and others, do not play mobile phones while driving!

Finally, I would like to remind everyone again: driving slowly ≠ safe driving, for the safety of your own and the lives of others, please drive reasonably in line with the road conditions, do not speed "flying car", do not "turtle speed driving"

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