
What diseases can exercise cure?

Mr. Wang, 37, has a history of diabetes for 4 years and insists on jogging for one hour in the morning and one hour in the morning and one day. So far, no medication has been taken, and blood sugar control has been good in the first 3 years, but most of the recent year, fasting blood glucose has been above 8mmol/L.

What diseases can exercise cure?

Mr. Wang approached me and asked, "If you increase your exercise by an hour every day, can your blood sugar be normal?" "I made it clear to him that I couldn't, and proposed the following reasons:

Athletes can also get sick, excessive exercise itself may become the cause of some diseases; it can be assumed that people are a car, and the car that has not moved for a long time will break down, so it should be moved frequently, but if the car is malfunctioning, is it better to run more? Obviously not; exercise is only one of the characteristics of healthy life, other characteristics of life also include defense and self-repair, growth and reproduction, internal environment homeostasis control, etc., exercise is good for other functions, but can not replace other functions; there is no panacea in the world, if exercise is a medicine, it will not be a panacea.

After Listening to Mr. Wang, he seemed to have some understanding, and I explained in detail from another aspect:

Diabetes is a multifactorial disease, such as genetics, obesity, eating more, less exercise, aging, environmental pathogenic factors, etc., exercise can not replace other etiological control. The reasons for high blood sugar are eating too much, consuming too little, poor utilization and poor conversion, etc. Exercise mainly solves the problem of low consumption, which is good for improving utilization and conversion, but it cannot replace dietary control. The pathogenesis of diabetes is very complex, in addition to insufficient insulin and poor insulin sensitivity, there are factors such as too much sugar in the liver and kidneys, and exercise cannot repair all pathological problems.

At present, the treatment of diabetes still relies on comprehensive treatment, and dietary control and appropriate exercise are the basic treatments. If these measures can effectively control blood sugar, you can skip medication; if your blood sugar is still not up to standard, you need adjuvant drug therapy.

Exercise can cure diseases caused by lack of exercise, such as obesity, fatty liver, muscle atrophy, joint stiffness, etc., and assist in the treatment of diabetes, hypertension and so on. However, in addition to exercising, these diseases also require changes in lifestyle habits such as diet. When these diseases are severe, medication is needed.

About author:Chenguang Tian, Professor, Chief Physician, Graduate Supervisor. Chief science popularization expert of Henan Province, director of the Department of Endocrinology of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, director of the Medical and Health Committee of zhengzhou Municipal Committee of Jiusan Society. He has been practicing medicine for 35 years and specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of endocrine and metabolic diseases.

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