
The 2021 China Semiconductor Equipment Annual Conference and Chongqing Semiconductor Industry Innovation and Development Forum were successfully held

On December 15, the 2021 China Semiconductor Equipment Annual Conference and Chongqing Semiconductor Industry Innovation and Development Forum was held in Chongqing. The conference was hosted by the Organizing Committee of China International Intelligent Industry Expo, China Electronic Special Equipment Industry Association, Semiconductor Equipment Branch of China Electronics Special Equipment Industry Association, Chongqing Beibei District People's Government, Beibei Park of Western (Chongqing) Science City, Chongqing Caijia Smart New City, Shanghai Microtechnology Industry Research Institute, Microelectronics Manufacturing, etc., with the theme of "integrating the advantages of the industrial chain and improving the supporting supply capacity", attracting the participation of relevant research institutions, enterprises and experts from all aspects of the semiconductor industry chain. The number of participants exceeded previous sessions.

Dr. Wang Hui, President of the Semiconductor Equipment Branch of China Electronics Special Equipment Industry Association and Chairman of Shengmei Semiconductor Equipment (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., said in his speech at the opening ceremony of the conference: "Under the changes in the trade environment, China's semiconductor equipment industry has ushered in new historical challenges and has also encountered a once-in-a-lifetime window of development. In 2020, the global semiconductor equipment market increased by 18.9%, and China became the world's largest equipment market for the first time, with a growth rate of 39%. In the first half of 2021, China's semiconductor equipment market sales showed a continuous growth trend, reaching the highest level in the same period of history. In order to further promote the rapid development of China's semiconductor equipment industry, promote the integration of industry resource advantages, and enhance brand value, this conference invited industry experts and entrepreneurs to discuss the path and method of promoting the linkage development of China's semiconductor equipment industry, study and exchange new progress in the core components of semiconductor equipment, new opportunities for the development of domestic semiconductor materials, and accelerate the promotion of china's semiconductor equipment products core components and materials into the global procurement system. Cooperate with colleagues in the semiconductor equipment industry at home and abroad for mutual benefit and win-win results, and contribute to the rapid development of the global semiconductor industry. ”

The 2021 China Semiconductor Equipment Annual Conference and Chongqing Semiconductor Industry Innovation and Development Forum were successfully held

Yang Zhenghua, deputy director of the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology, said in his speech: "As the birthplace of the first integrated circuit in New China, Chongqing has always kept in mind the mission of strengthening the heart and unswervingly regarded the development of the integrated circuit industry as the core and key to promoting the high-quality development of the city's manufacturing industry. In recent years, Chongqing has focused on the layout and development of emerging industrial clusters such as "core screen device nuclear network", and has successively issued a series of policy documents to support the development of the integrated circuit industry, continued to exert efforts in work strength, element guarantee and policy support, and accelerated the construction of a "2 + N" industrial pattern with Chongqing High-tech Zone and Liangjiang New Area as the core and Beibei and other related regions working together. Last year, Chongqing was included in the scope of the major productive forces layout of national integrated circuits for the first time, becoming the core area supported by the state and an important milestone in the history of the development of the integrated circuit industry in Chongqing. In the future, Chongqing will take the characteristic process as the main direction of attack, take IDM as the main path, focus on the five key areas of power semiconductors, silicon-based optoelectronics, analog and digital-analog compound semiconductors, and MEMS, build high-quality integrated circuit municipal key industrial parks, create distinctive industrial clusters, accelerate the construction of Chongqing into the country's largest power semiconductor industry and integrated circuit characteristic process technology highland, and concentrate on building the integrated circuit industry into a new business card of Chongqing's manufacturing industry.

The 2021 China Semiconductor Equipment Annual Conference and Chongqing Semiconductor Industry Innovation and Development Forum were successfully held

Guan Zixiao, Integrated Circuit Division, Department of Electronics, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said in his speech: "The semiconductor industry is a strategic, basic and leading industry that supports economic and social development, and is an important embodiment of national competitiveness and comprehensive national strength in the new round of global industrial transformation. At the same time, we see that domestic equipment enterprises are still facing a large gap with the international advanced technology level, low market share, lack of complete sets of research and development verification platform and other issues, the world today is experiencing unprecedented changes in a hundred years, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial change represented by a new generation of information is booming, semiconductors as the cornerstone of the information base, the status in the national economic and social development is further highlighted, semiconductor equipment as an important basic link, its development level directly determines the competitiveness of the industry. Next, we will continue to adhere to the application of traction, to meet the actual needs of the industry as the goal, accelerate technological innovation, continue to improve the support capacity of semiconductor equipment links, promote the coordinated development of the whole industry chain, adhere to the market orientation, give full play to the decisive role of the market in the allocation of resources, support backbone enterprises to become bigger and stronger, continuously optimize the industrial layout, stimulate the vitality of market players, adhere to openness and sharing, further increase the intensity of opening up, enhance the level and level of international cooperation, and build a mutually beneficial and win-win industrial chain and supply chain community. ”

The 2021 China Semiconductor Equipment Annual Conference and Chongqing Semiconductor Industry Innovation and Development Forum were successfully held

In the next summit forum, Xu Yongde, deputy secretary of the Beibei District Party Committee of Chongqing Municipality, delivered a speech on "Zhiqi Beibei And Create the Future", he said: "Chongqing Beibei has ushered in a period of major historical opportunities, based on its superior geographical location, profound ecological and cultural heritage, rich resources of the new city of science and technology, solid industrial development foundation, and strong six support platforms, Beibei is rising rapidly. Established in August 2020, the Beibei Park of Western (Chongqing) Science City was established, and in the next period of time, with the convenience of internal and external transportation, the foundation of the sensor industry and the carrier of the industrial platform, the Beibei Park will focus on the "1+6+N" strategy to create a sensor industry highland, focus on 6 major application scenarios, and cultivate champion enterprises in N subdivisions. It aims to achieve an output value of 50 billion yuan during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, and will build a 100-billion-level park in the next ten years. ”

The 2021 China Semiconductor Equipment Annual Conference and Chongqing Semiconductor Industry Innovation and Development Forum were successfully held

Jin Cunzhong, executive deputy secretary general of the China Electronics Special Equipment Industry Association, delivered a speech on the theme of "China Semiconductor Equipment Review and Prospect", he said: "In the first half of 2021, with the effective control of the domestic epidemic, driven by the domestic integrated circuit and solar cell market, China's semiconductor equipment industry has achieved rapid growth. According to the statistics of 51 semiconductor equipment manufacturers above designated size by the China Electronics Special Equipment Industry Association, in the first half of the year, the sales revenue of semiconductor equipment increased by 53.0% year-on-year to 12.88 billion yuan. Statistics from the China Electronics Special Equipment Industry Association on 47 integrated circuit equipment manufacturers show that the sales revenue of integrated circuit production equipment in the first half of this year reached 5.903 billion yuan, an increase of 123.7% year-on-year.

Among them: the sales revenue of integrated circuit wafer manufacturing equipment is 3.922 billion yuan, the sales income of integrated circuit packaging and testing equipment is 1.844 billion yuan, and the sales income of integrated circuit silicon wafer production equipment is 137 million yuan. ”

The 2021 China Semiconductor Equipment Annual Conference and Chongqing Semiconductor Industry Innovation and Development Forum were successfully held

In this conference, Shanghai Micro technology industry research institute, Wuxi Cr Huajing Microelectronics Co., Ltd., Chongqing Wanguo Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai Microelectronics Equipment (Group) Co., Ltd., Beijing North Huachuang Microelectronics Equipment Co., Ltd., Xiamen Yuntian Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd., Shengmei Semiconductor Equipment (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and other well-known enterprises also delivered speeches in the summit forum of the conference, sharing the latest semiconductor equipment market dynamics and trends with the industry.

The conference also has a special forum, so that the participating experts, scholars and entrepreneurs will conduct in-depth discussions on the new challenges of the global semiconductor industry under the new situation, the challenges and opportunities faced by the development of the equipment industry, and issue initiatives on jointly building a semiconductor equipment industry ecosystem, accelerating the development of the semiconductor equipment industry, and related technological innovation issues, and talk about the development of China's semiconductor equipment industry.

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