
Led by North Huachuang, 10 domestic semiconductor equipment suppliers were released

Jiwei Network News, on December 15, at the 2021 China Semiconductor Equipment Annual Conference and Chongqing Semiconductor Industry Innovation and Development Forum (the ninth), Jin Cunzhong, executive deputy secretary general of the China Electronics Special Equipment Industry Association, delivered a speech entitled "Review and Prospect of China's Semiconductor Equipment".

Jin Cunzhong pointed out that in 2020, the special new crown pneumonia epidemic has made China's semiconductor equipment industry experience unprecedented challenges, and in China, it has quickly defeated the epidemic, and China's semiconductor equipment industry has accelerated production expansion after the mass production of integrated circuit production enterprises invested in China and promoted by the national photovoltaic power generation policy, and has obtained rapid development opportunities and shown a trend of continued rapid development.

According to the statistics of China Electronics Special Equipment Industry Association, Chinese mainland 56 major semiconductor equipment manufacturers completed semiconductor equipment sales revenue of 24.290 billion yuan in 2020, an increase of 38.7% year-on-year; the total profit was 5.192 billion yuan, an increase of 80.5% year-on-year. Among them, the total sales revenue of integrated circuit equipment was 9.677 billion yuan, an increase of 59.0% year-on-year.

Jin Cunzhong said that in 2020, the top 10 units of China's semiconductor equipment sales revenue completed sales revenue of 19.212 billion yuan, accounting for 79.1% of the total sales revenue of 56 semiconductor equipment manufacturers. Among the top 10 units, North Huachuang ranked first with sales revenue of 4.391 billion yuan, an increase of 54.5% year-on-year.

Led by North Huachuang, 10 domestic semiconductor equipment suppliers were released

Among the top 10 semiconductor equipment companies in terms of sales revenue in the first half of 2021, North Huachuang still ranks first with 2.735 billion yuan. In addition, Huafeng Measurement and Control also ranked among the top 10 with sales revenue of 324 million yuan.

Led by North Huachuang, 10 domestic semiconductor equipment suppliers were released

Jin Cunzhong said that domestic equipment not only sales and profits are growing rapidly, but also new products continue to enter the industrialization stage at the innovation level, such as the 12-inch inductive channel plasma dry metal etching machine of North Huachuang, the 3D silicon through-hole electroplating equipment of Shengmei Shares, and the deep ultraviolet LED MOCVD equipment of Zhongwei Shares.

Led by North Huachuang, 10 domestic semiconductor equipment suppliers were released

However, Jin Cunzhong also pointed out that the global market share of domestic equipment is still low, and the market share in China is slowly increasing. In 2020, China's semiconductor equipment (56 companies) has a global market share of only 5.2%, and a market share of only 17.3% in Chinese mainland, which is basically the same as in 2019.

In addition, domestic equipment still needs to rely on imports in key areas of integrated circuits. Jin Cunzhong said that although there have been successful development of domestic lithography machines, related products have not yet entered the integrated circuit wafer mass production line. Among the domestic equipment that has entered the wafer mass production line, there is still a big gap between wafer manufacturing measurement equipment, chemical vapor deposition equipment, ion implantation machine, lead bonding equipment, probe test bench and international similar equipment, and the market share is low. (Proofreading/Sunset)

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