
She is a Japanese nurse, her husband is a famous anti-Japanese general, teaching her children Chinese, and now she is a household name

She is a Japanese nurse, her husband is a famous anti-Japanese general, teaching her children Chinese, and now she is a household name

When it comes to the recent history of our country, everyone must feel very tortuous. During this period, many able people also appeared, and during the War of Resistance Against Japan, they put forward the correct military theory of China's anti-Japanese resistance, and this theory was also the support of Chinese. The person who proposed this theory was Jiang Baili, who also studied in Japan. At that time, it was also known as one of the three masters of China. At that time he was very famous. Moreover, his martial arts are also very good, and his writing is also very good, and he wrote "Introduction to Qing Dynasty Scholarship". Very talented, and his wife is also very talented. His wife was Jiang Zuomei.

She is a Japanese nurse, her husband is a famous anti-Japanese general, teaching her children Chinese, and now she is a household name

His Japanese name is Sato Yaden. It was preceded by a nurse, and by a very fortuitous chance, they met. During the Beiyang years, Jiang Baili, the principal of the Baoding Military Academy, applied to the Army for funding because of urgent needs, but the application was unsuccessful many times, so he was very angry. After the lecture, he originally wanted to commit suicide in public, but was stopped by people on the left and right. The bullets didn't hurt anything important either. He was then admitted to the hospital, and the nurse who took care of her was his future wife.

After the operation, the doctor said that he would observe for a long time, so the little nurse stayed behind to take care of him. During that time, in addition to taking care of him, he persuaded him to live well. After staying for a long time, the two people have feelings. But I did not expect that the woman's family did not agree to the two people interacting. But she herself is very determined, even at the expense of severing ties with her family.

She is a Japanese nurse, her husband is a famous anti-Japanese general, teaching her children Chinese, and now she is a household name

After the two of them got married, he gave his wife a Chinese name was Jiang Zuomei. Two people live happily ever after, very sweet. But in 1938, he was appointed president of the Army University. Unexpectedly, in the process of moving the school, there was an accident and he died. Moreover, this period of time was the War of Resistance Against Japan, and the relationship between our two countries was also very anxious. After her husband's death, she made up her mind never to return to Japan. Nor did I tell the children anything about Japan. During this period, she was also very active. Wounded soldiers were treated in the rear, and donations were organized.

She is a Japanese nurse, her husband is a famous anti-Japanese general, teaching her children Chinese, and now she is a household name

When she was old, the reporter interviewed her, and everyone should be curious about why she did this in those days. Her answer was very bland, and she believed that our country was the party of justice at that time. She also died in 1978 at the age of 88, and her deeds also made our people very moved. They also had several children in this life, the most famous of which should be her third daughter, who was Qian Xuesen's wife. I believe that everyone is familiar with her. His name is Jiang Ying.

She is a Japanese nurse, her husband is a famous anti-Japanese general, teaching her children Chinese, and now she is a household name

Although her life was also very tortuous and ordinary, she did extraordinary things. This allows us to remember her forever.

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