
Xiaozhuang died, the 76-year-old minister went to Beijing to cry for mourning, Kangxi: Hurry up, you don't have to kneel all the time

"Convergence Digest" is a daily classic, not seen or scattered.

In December 1687 (the twenty-sixth year of Kangxi), the city of Beijing was full of snowflakes, but the Kangxi Emperor was not in the mood to enjoy the snow scene, because his grandmother, Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang (谥号), was seriously ill, and Kangxi served soup medicine day and night, but Xiaozhuang was old, and he still completed the last journey of his life on the twenty-fifth day of the 25th month of the Waxing Moon, at the age of 75.

Xiaozhuang died, the 76-year-old minister went to Beijing to cry for mourning, Kangxi: Hurry up, you don't have to kneel all the time

Empress Xiaozhuang successively supported shunzhi (Fulin) and Kangxi (Xuanye) two generations of young lords, "the cultivation of filial piety in the unification of the two dynasties", Kangxi said:

"Remembering his weak age, he lost his shame early and tended to inherit his grandmother's knees for more than thirty years."

There is no doubt that Kangxi and his grandmother had a deep affection, and the death of Xiaozhuang made Kangxi extremely sad, and regarding Xiaozhuang's funeral, Kangxi also attached great importance to it, and the Qing History Manuscript • Shengzu Benji records:

Crying and looking at the pants, cutting the braids and serving the decline, Ju Cining Palace Luci. Jia Shu Chinese New Year's Eve, and the courtiers asked to return to the palace, but they were not allowed.

This means that Kangxi, as a grandson, personally cut his braids and served in disgrace, guarding the coffin of Xiaozhuang at the Cining Palace, and on the day of Chinese New Year's Eve Night, the courtiers advised Kangxi to go back to rest, but Kangxi still did not go back.

Xiaozhuang died, the 76-year-old minister went to Beijing to cry for mourning, Kangxi: Hurry up, you don't have to kneel all the time

In fact, not only Kangxi respected Xiaozhuang, but even many old ministers of the Qing Dynasty also admired Empress Xiaozhuang. On the day of weeping, the courtiers knelt down in turn to worship the coffin of Xiaozhuang, and Kangxi saw an old minister trembling and kneeling on the ground, crying loudly, Kangxi was horrified, and hurriedly said to him: "Ai Qing quickly please get up, you are not in good health, you don't have to kneel all the time!" Kangxi then beckoned zhang Ying (Zhang Tingyu's father) next to him, and asked Zhang Ying to support the old minister. The old minister's name was Doolittle, and he was one year older than Xiaozhuang, and he was 76 years old at the time.

The Draft History of the Qing Dynasty, Volume 250, records:

Twenty-six years later, the empress dowager was bereaved, and (Du) Li De Yijingshi cried, remembering his old illness and not worshipping, and ordered the scholar Zhang Ying to help him to do it, and even comfort him.

Who is Du Lide, and why did he get such a lot of love from Kangxi?

Xiaozhuang died, the 76-year-old minister went to Beijing to cry for mourning, Kangxi: Hurry up, you don't have to kneel all the time

Du Lide, also spelled Chunyi, was directly subordinate to baodi (now part of Tianjin), who was born in the Wanli dynasty, became famous at a young age, and passed the examination during the Chongzhen period, but was not used by the Ming Dynasty. Later, when the Qing army entered the customs, Du Lide was recommended to Dolgun by Song Quan, the inspector of Shuntian, and since then he has been reused, and has served in the Ministry of Works, Officials, Soldiers, and Punishment. Because of his profound knowledge, he also briefly served as a teacher to the Shunzhi Emperor. During the Shunzhi period, the Manchu and Han cultural conflicts were serious, and many of the Eight Banners disciples infringed on the interests of the people by illegal means, and during Du Lide's tenure as Shangshu of the Punishment Department, he was selfless in his iron face, and even ministers such as Soni and Aobai were afraid of him. Shunzhi once commented on Doolittle: "Do not covet a single dollar, nor do you kill a person in vain." ”

This sentence was highly praised at the time, and Doolittle faced threats from the magnates many times, but he never gave in, and Shunzhi admired him very much.

Xiaozhuang died, the 76-year-old minister went to Beijing to cry for mourning, Kangxi: Hurry up, you don't have to kneel all the time

Before Shunzhi's death, Du Lide was already the crown prince Shaobao and Hubu Shangshu. In the ninth year of the Kangxi Dynasty, he served as a scholar of the Bohol Temple, a rebbe Shangshu and a prince. After the outbreak of the San Francisco Rebellion, Kangxi was young and impulsive, and made several fatal mistakes in a row, And Empress Xiaozhuang specially asked Du Lide, Li Xia, Feng Pu and other three people to assist Kangxi in handling military affairs, and Du Lide and others patiently guided Kangxi and helped Kangxi through the most dangerous and anxious moments. In the process of quelling the Rebellion of San Francisco, everyone only saw Tu Hai, Yue Dong, Zhao Liangdong and other famous generals killing the enemy in front of the battle, but few people noticed that Du Lide and others were behind the scenes to help Kangxi plan.

Xiaozhuang died, the 76-year-old minister went to Beijing to cry for mourning, Kangxi: Hurry up, you don't have to kneel all the time

Twenty years after Kangxi, the San Francisco Rebellion was settled, Andu Lide was 70 years old at the time, and when he reached the age of Zhishi, Doolittle wrote to plead for retirement, and Kangxi insisted on retaining Du Lide on the grounds that "the south was initially decided, and everything was complicated". In the following year, Du Lide fell ill and could not go to the court, and again wrote a letter to plead with the old man to return to his hometown, Kangxi could not bear it, so he ordered Du Lide to be made the crown prince's master, and sent someone to send Du Lide back to his hometown in Tianjin. Doolittle has since retired from the court and recuperated at home.

Unexpectedly, in the twenty-sixth year of the Kangxi Dynasty, Empress Xiaozhuang died, and the 76-year-old Du Lide was too sentimental and insisted on letting his son drive him to the capital to cry and mourn. So there was the scene written above, Kangxi saw ThatDu Lide dragging the sick body to come personally, quickly let him get up, and let the university scholar Zhang Ying help. The reason why Kangxi did this was first out of concern for the old minister, and secondly out of gratitude and respect for Doolittle.

Xiaozhuang died, the 76-year-old minister went to Beijing to cry for mourning, Kangxi: Hurry up, you don't have to kneel all the time

Du Lide died in the thirty-first year of the Kangxi Dynasty at the age of 81, and kangxi sent the crown prince to attend his funeral, known as "Wenduan". Kangxi Yun:

Doolittle is thick and honest. Speaking bluntly, it can be described as a virtuous minister!

Eight years after Du Lide's death, Kangxi toured the south, and when passing through Tianjin, he specially sent people to pay tribute to Du Lide's tomb, summoned Du Lide's son to come, and wrote the four words of "Eternal Words But The Old" in the imperial pen to give to the descendants of the Du family.

Xiaozhuang died, the 76-year-old minister went to Beijing to cry for mourning, Kangxi: Hurry up, you don't have to kneel all the time

Whether it is the Ming Dynasty or the Qing Dynasty, it is part of Chinese history, And Doolittle was born in the Ming Dynasty, emerged in the Qing Dynasty, and played a very important role in the integration of Manchu and Han cultures and the pacification of the San Francisco Rebellion. From Kangxi's attitude towards Doolittle, it can be seen that Doolittle is an admirable person in both character and contribution.

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