
"Master Shang Father" Jiang Ziya died naturally at the age of 139, leaving 15 children, what is the current situation

Jiang Ziya, ziya, born in 1156 BC, died in 1017 BC, also known as Jiang Taigong, Taigong, Lü Shang, etc., is a great military, politician and Taoluo family in China, he once fished on the edge of the Wei River, and then met Ji Chang, who was then the Marquis of Xibo, Ji Chang asked him to be his own taishi and assist him in achieving the thousand autumn hegemony.

Later, after King Wu of Zhou ascended to the throne, he respected him very much, called him "Shi Shang's father", and appointed him as the military commander of the Zhou State, which was deserved, and later he helped King Wu of Zhou defeat Shang and establish the Zhou Dynasty, Queen Wu of Zhou enfeoffed Jiang Ziya as Qi Hou, and established the capital at Yingqiu, and later Jiang Ziya assisted Zhou Gongdan in ruling, quelled civil unrest, and also opened up the territory of the Zhou Dynasty, known as the rule of Cheng Kang. Jiang Ziya is such a great person, so what about the achievements of his descendants? Presumably, this is a problem that many people are concerned about.

"Master Shang Father" Jiang Ziya died naturally at the age of 139, leaving 15 children, what is the current situation

According to the records in the ancient books, Jiang Ziya was called Jiang Shang, also known as Lü Shang, Jiang because Jiang Ziya was surnamed Jiang in his ancestors, and Lü was because Jiang Ziya was sealed to Lü after his meritorious service, and many of them in ancient times were called surnames according to fiefdoms, according to the novel:

Jiang Ziya was more than forty years old when he went down to Kunlun Mountain, and he was more than ninety years old after the emperor destroyed the Shang Dynasty and established the surrounding area, so according to the theory, Jiang Ziya should have no descendants, in fact, Jiang Ziya not only had descendants, but also had a son and a daughter, the son was called Lü Ling, and later inherited the throne of Jiang Ziya, and the daughter was called Yi Jiang.

"Master Shang Father" Jiang Ziya died naturally at the age of 139, leaving 15 children, what is the current situation

Generations after Jiang Ziya, there is a descendant called Qiu Chunsheng, he is a Guangdong Hakka, in the 1860s, when China rose a wave of immigration, very with this trend, Qiu Chunsheng came to Thailand, settled in Bangkok, and also married a Thai girl as a wife, Qiu Chunsheng was good at business, mixed up in Thailand, and also gave birth to 6 children, of which his son Qiu Chang, qing out of blue and better than blue, in Thailand has a large-scale garment processing factory, Moreover, he purchased fine silk from Jiangsu and Zhejiang as raw materials, which was very popular with the Thai people;

So that the Thai royal family ordered clothing from his factory, with the development of his career, Chu Chang also married a Thai girl as a wife, according to Thai law, the third generation born of foreigners settled in Thailand is automatically called Thai citizens, Chu Chang's surname in Thailand is called Shinawatra, the Shinawatra family's business in Thailand is expanding, gradually involving multiple departments, in Thailand is one of the most prestigious families, Thailand's two prime ministers Thaksin Shinawatra, Yingluck Sinawa's father is Yochchang's son, Lot Shinawatra.

"Master Shang Father" Jiang Ziya died naturally at the age of 139, leaving 15 children, what is the current situation

Jiang Ziya's descendants are gradually from the State of Qi, that is, from the current Shandong Province gradually migrated to the west and south, the earliest is living in Henan, and then moved from Henan to Meishan, Guangdong, Qiu Chunsheng's ancestors are this group of people who moved from Henan to Meishan, the latter group of people moved to Thailand, and a group of people moved to South Korea, surnamed Lu, because Jiang Ziya's 11th generation descendants, at that time they were very supportive of Qi Henggong, and then Qi Henggong gave lu this surname to his descendants, and the Lu family is also developing more and more strongly. The Tang Dynasty was in chaos;

At that time, a university scholar named Lu Hui of the Lu clan brought a large family to Silla, which is now Korea, and has been developing in Korea for a long time since then. South Korean Presidents Roh Tae-woo and Roh Moo-hyun are also descendants of Kang Ziya. And Roh Tae-woo also became the president of South Korea with his own wisdom and efforts, and later insisted on returning to the ancestral parents to worship.

As a great man with great achievements in history, Jiang Ziya's descendants also lived up to expectations.


1. "Qi County Chronicle" Zhou Chengbin

2. "Yinqueshan Han Tomb Bamboo Jane" Book of Taigong, also known as "Book of Zhou" in ancient times

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