
Reveal the Battle of the Gods: The mystery of King Wen of Zhou's thick burial of white bones and the night dream of flying bears to get ginger teeth

author:A little history

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Text: A little history

Edit|Xiao Xu History

In the distant era of the gods, behind the feat of King Wu, there is a mysterious story that few people know. This story is not only about the benevolence and resourcefulness of King Wen of Zhou, but also about a noble and extraordinary ancestor, the human emperor Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor.

Reveal the Battle of the Gods: The mystery of King Wen of Zhou's thick burial of white bones and the night dream of flying bears to get ginger teeth

King Wen of Zhou's royal teacher and Jiang Ziya's divine help

The success of King Wu's war benefited from the benevolent and righteous image laid down by King Wen of Zhou and Jiang Ziya's wisdom and bravery. However, behind this, there is also a legend about white bones and flying bears.

Reveal the Battle of the Gods: The mystery of King Wen of Zhou's thick burial of white bones and the night dream of flying bears to get ginger teeth

The Mystery of the White Bones: The high-standard burial of King Wen of Zhou

King Wen of Zhou built the mourning platform, which was originally to pray for the blessing of the people and cheer for the fortune of the country. However, when the civil and military ministers dug up a huge skeleton near the altar, everything became unusual. Who is this skeleton? Why did King Wen of Zhou bury him with such a high standard?

Reveal the Battle of the Gods: The mystery of King Wen of Zhou's thick burial of white bones and the night dream of flying bears to get ginger teeth

It is rumored that this skeleton is not an ordinary person, but the remains of the Yellow Emperor, the human emperor Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, who was the bearer of the Battle of the Gods. Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, as one of the ancestors of the Chinese nation, has an extremely noble status. As a descendant of the Yellow Emperor, King Wen of Zhou had great respect for his ancestors, so he decided to bury the skeleton with the highest specifications.

Reveal the Battle of the Gods: The mystery of King Wen of Zhou's thick burial of white bones and the night dream of flying bears to get ginger teeth

Night Dream Flying Bear: The Arrival of Jiang Ziya

After burying the bones of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, something magical happened. King Wen of Zhou dreamed of flying bears at night, which became an opportunity for him to get Jiang Ziya's assistance. Jiang Ziya, a wise man with unique skills, was ordered by heaven to go down the mountain to assist King Wen of Zhou, and jointly plotted to overthrow the tyrannical King of Shang.

Reveal the Battle of the Gods: The mystery of King Wen of Zhou's thick burial of white bones and the night dream of flying bears to get ginger teeth

The encounter between King Wen of Zhou and Jiang Ziya was not accidental. It was precisely because of King Wen Zhou's pious admiration for Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor and his generous burial that Jiang Ziya was invited. This legendary story not only demonstrates the benevolence and wisdom of King Wen of Zhou, but also embodies the traditional virtues of respecting ancestors and ancestors of the Chinese nation.

The battle of luck: from Lutai to Lingtai

In the War of the Gods, luck and days became the key factors that determined the victory or defeat. The king built the deer platform, in a vain attempt to seek the protection of the gods by sacrificing to the sky; King Wen of Zhou built a spiritual platform to respond to the auspicious omen of disasters and pray for the blessing of heaven. The two approaches are similar, but the results are very different.

Reveal the Battle of the Gods: The mystery of King Wen of Zhou's thick burial of white bones and the night dream of flying bears to get ginger teeth

King Xu's blasphemy and disregard for Nuwa Niangniang and Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor eventually led to the fall of the Shang Dynasty; King Wen of Zhou, on the other hand, won the support of the people and the Mandate of Heaven because of his devotion to his ancestors and his conformity to the way of heaven, and finally succeeded in overthrowing the Shang Dynasty and establishing the Zhou Dynasty.


The story of King Wen of Zhou's burial of the bones of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor and the story of flying bears and getting Jiang Ziya in a night dream is not only a legendary story, but also a symbol of the Chinese nation's respect for ancestors and conformity to the way of heaven. This history tells us that only by being in awe and following the way of Heaven can we achieve true success and prosperity.

Reveal the Battle of the Gods: The mystery of King Wen of Zhou's thick burial of white bones and the night dream of flying bears to get ginger teeth

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