
Win11's explosive "refresh" function has caused a large number of users to be dissatisfied

How many Windows users here are used to using the "refresh" feature?

If your answer is yes, then I urge you not to upgrade to Windows 11 for the time being.

In the early version of Windows 11, Microsoft moved the "Refresh" button in the right button to the submenu of "More Options", and finally "changed" after being frantically complained by users.

However, the regression of "refresh" is limited to the desktop right button, and resource management cannot refresh the folder, or go to the hidden menu to find it.

In the Windows feedback community, there have been many petitions, hoping that the global "refresh" can be returned on Win11, to which Microsoft engineer Jen Gentleman replied that he attaches great importance to user opinions, for users who have folder refresh needs, you can click the refresh button in the address bar or use F5 on the keyboard.

Win11's explosive "refresh" function has caused a large number of users to be dissatisfied

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