
The game goddess is not only Final Fantasy Alice, but the mirage characters of "Magic Tower" are even more eye-catching

With more and more games to contact, it is estimated that there will always be a few goddess characters in the game, which will leave a deep impression on you. Like Alice in Final Fantasy VII, Gianna in World of Warcraft, and so on. These deep impressions may come from their looks, or perhaps because of the stories behind them. Of course, in addition to these classic characters that we are familiar with, there is no shortage of new blood, such as the imitation of the mobile game "Tower of Illusion", which brings us a lot of goddess characters worth exploring.

The game goddess is not only Final Fantasy Alice, but the mirage characters of "Magic Tower" are even more eye-catching

Take the white-haired royal sister Meryl, which many players like, her background in the game is an elite agent who worked for the federal government before the cataclysm, and she is very meritorious and very cold. Although the character design sounds very emotional, at first many players' evaluation of Meryl was almost limited to the appearance and costume design, and there was not much discussion about her character development and backstory. It wasn't until after experiencing the exclusive plot that Meryl's character became plump, transforming from an emotionless iceberg beauty into one of the popular characters.

The game goddess is not only Final Fantasy Alice, but the mirage characters of "Magic Tower" are even more eye-catching

Meryl's exclusive plot list sounds very emotional, called "If you still stand in the pure white land". From this story, we can understand that behind the unsmiling Meryl, there is a sensitive heart and a sad story. She is not an emotionless tool person, it is precisely because she has witnessed too many changes, so she closed her heart and became increasingly indifferent. As for the specific plot process, there are no spoilers here, interested friends can personally understand it, I believe you will also fall in love with Meryl.

The game goddess is not only Final Fantasy Alice, but the mirage characters of "Magic Tower" are even more eye-catching

Through Meryl's plot, it can be seen that the production team's shaping of mimetic characters does not only stay in the form of text describing the background, but allows players to participate in the plot and understand and observe them at close range. Among them, the exclusive plot of the mimetic character Semel, "Cat and Mouse Game", is very representative in terms of plot design and sense of substitution.

The game goddess is not only Final Fantasy Alice, but the mirage characters of "Magic Tower" are even more eye-catching

Although Semir is also the image of a royal sister, her personality is more like that of a child who has not grown up, and she has excellent tactical ability but likes to play pranks. The emergence of this personality stems from her childhood, and in the "cat and mouse game", we can deeply understand her past. And this exclusive plot not only has a wonderful plot reversal, but also interspersed with small gameplay such as combat and puzzle solving, so that we can participate in it.

The game goddess is not only Final Fantasy Alice, but the mirage characters of "Magic Tower" are even more eye-catching

There are many mimetic characters in "Phantom Tower", such as Claudia in the shape of a military lady, cat ear Lolita Cyro, etc., these mimetic characters have their own characteristics and have their own points of view. There are still 3 days before the official launch of "Magic Tower", if you are curious about these mimetic characters, you may wish to pay attention to the appointment and wait until December 16 to experience the "Magic Tower" yourself.

The game goddess is not only Final Fantasy Alice, but the mirage characters of "Magic Tower" are even more eye-catching

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