
blunder! Chongzhen should not have killed Wei Zhongxian, he had two measures to make the Qing soldiers dare not violate the border

There is a word called The Book of Bamboo, which is used to describe the nine-thousand-year-old Wei Zhongxian of the Ming Dynasty, which is not exaggerated at all. During his reign, he suppressed dissidents and mutilated Zhongliang, resulting in the people of the world, who only knew that there were nine thousand years old, not only the emperor. Such a person is spurned by the world. However, nine thousand years old has a move that is admired by future generations.

blunder! Chongzhen should not have killed Wei Zhongxian, he had two measures to make the Qing soldiers dare not violate the border

Speaking of the court at that time, many people probably thought that the Donglin Party was a good, righteous aspect. This is not the case, the civilian officials of the Donglin Party only care about their own interests, eat vegetarian food, and do not do things for the people. After Wei Zhongxian came to power, he deliberately cultivated his own forces in order to engage the Donglin Party members who looked down on him. From this point of view, Wei Zhongxian's suppression of the Donglin Party was only a little bloody, and it was essentially a partisan struggle.

blunder! Chongzhen should not have killed Wei Zhongxian, he had two measures to make the Qing soldiers dare not violate the border

In the late Ming Dynasty, it was in a state of being attacked from the belly and back. There is a peasant uprising inside, and there is Houjin outside, and the tiger is looking at it, and has always wanted to enter the Central Plains. Hou Jin was unable to enter the Central Plains because of Wei Zhongxian's existence. He made two measures to prevent the invasion of HouJin.

Appoint the famous general Yuan Chonghuan

For Hou Jin's iron horse, Wei Zhongxian was very raw with Yuan Chonghuan and other famous border generals, they stubbornly guarded the border, and Hou Jin wanted to defeat Yuan Chonghuan, and there was no way at all. In addition, Wei Zhongxian also strengthened his jurisdiction over ethnic minorities.

blunder! Chongzhen should not have killed Wei Zhongxian, he had two measures to make the Qing soldiers dare not violate the border

Develop the economy

The food of the border guards needs the support of the state treasury. Wei Zhongxian's industrial and commercial tax on the southeast coast, in addition to private profits, also enriched the national treasury to a certain extent. It provided a strong backing for the food and grass problems of front-line soldiers.

Regarding the industrial and commercial tax on the southeast coast, after the fall of Wei Zhongxian. The Donglin Party was canceled. This cancellation is actually for self-interest. Because most of them were wealthy merchants on the southeast coast.

blunder! Chongzhen should not have killed Wei Zhongxian, he had two measures to make the Qing soldiers dare not violate the border

Wei Zhongxian made these two measures, although it was credited to the Ming Dynasty. But it can't erase some of his stains on history. Overall, this man is still infamous and hateful.

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