
The Japanese Emperor's concubine requirements: beautiful looks are secondary, and more importantly, they must have this

The Japanese Emperor's concubine requirements: beautiful looks are secondary, and more importantly, they must have this

The ancients once said that to marry a wife is to marry a virtuous wife, in ancient times all men adhered to this view to find their own other half, and what is a virtuous wife? That is to obey the three from the four virtues.

In the years of feudal rule, no one knew the harm of the marriage of close relatives to the next generation because of imperfect medical conditions. They believed that marrying a close relative would guarantee that they would be close to each other and that they would be of pure blood.

The emperor's first consideration in choosing a concubine was the entire imperial relatives of the state, many of whom were related to the emperor, so that they felt that the purity of the royal bloodline was guaranteed.

The Japanese Emperor's concubine requirements: beautiful looks are secondary, and more importantly, they must have this

With the continuous development of modern medical conditions, today's medical research has slowly found that the negative impact of marriage between close relatives on future generations is extremely significant, and now the law also clearly stipulates that close relatives are not allowed to marry.

But the Japanese imperial family continues this tradition, and the Japanese emperor must choose relatives of pure blood.

Since learning the imperial system in China, Japan has followed the emperor system from beginning to end, and it is precisely because of their study of China that there are many similarities between the Chinese feudal rule period.

The Japanese Emperor's concubine requirements: beautiful looks are secondary, and more importantly, they must have this

China, on the other hand, had completely overthrown feudal rule after the Xinhai Revolution, and the backward feudal ideas that had been abandoned after the founding of New China had been abandoned. Japan, on the other hand, was completely different, and after the Meiji Restoration they retained some of the feudal class system.

They believe that these are cultural relics that are worth preserving, that the identity of the emperor cannot be shaken, and that the power of the emperor cannot be taken away by anyone.

The Japanese Emperor's concubine requirements: beautiful looks are secondary, and more importantly, they must have this

In Japan's history, the emperor system was an important guarantee for the rise of their nation and played an indispensable role, and even Japan's launch of World War II was a decision made by the Japanese Emperor.

The Japanese Emperor's concubine requirements: beautiful looks are secondary, and more importantly, they must have this

Today, japan's emperor has no substantial power, but he still occupies a very important position in the minds of the Japanese people, who feel that the japanese emperor has always been the ruler of Japan.

The Japanese Emperor's concubine requirements: beautiful looks are secondary, and more importantly, they must have this

As we all know, the Japanese have a foolish and loyal bushido spirit, are a stubborn nation, and their etiquette still has the shadow of the feudal emperor's reign, and the most representative of which is the system of blood inheritance.

The concept of the Japanese Tenrō clan has always been that no matter how the times develop and how they change, their families should maintain the sacredness of the imperial family and not let their bloodline be defiled, and the only way to maintain the purity of this bloodline is the concubine system.

The royal family in today's society is trying to maintain its own authority, so in order to make the imperial power more mysterious and solemn, the members of the royal family have taken many measures.

They preserved as much of their family's royal lineage as possible, and maintained and managed them to ensure the majesty of their power. Because maintaining the authenticity of the family lineage and facilitating the management of the family has always been the most important topic.

The Japanese Emperor's concubine requirements: beautiful looks are secondary, and more importantly, they must have this

The selection of concubines belonging to the imperial family is an important and rigorous part of the emperor, and there is no room for error.

The Japanese Emperor's concubine requirements: beautiful looks are secondary, and more importantly, they must have this

In order to ensure the pure blood of the royal family and ensure that the crown prince is born with thousands of eyes in one, so the selection of concubines must follow many fixed rules and regulations, and find the imperial concubines who meet their own rules in these rules.

It is precisely because the royal family pays too much attention to its own bloodline and strictly grasps the various conditions of the concubine selection system, so that it fails to master the "degree" in this process, which leads to many scandals.

The Japanese Emperor's concubine requirements: beautiful looks are secondary, and more importantly, they must have this

A large proportion of these scandals are related to women, and there is disrespect for women. For example, some women who marry into the royal family live miserable lives.

The Japanese Emperor's concubine requirements: beautiful looks are secondary, and more importantly, they must have this

The imperial family exists in many countries, and the Japanese imperial family is the Japanese imperial family. As our neighbor, Japan is full of very mysterious atmosphere, and the mystery of the Tenrō clan is well known.

The Japanese Emperor's concubine requirements: beautiful looks are secondary, and more importantly, they must have this

This country is an incredible country that has extremed the contradictions between ideas, cultures, and nationalities, and the emperor's family has existed in this part of Japan since there is a historical record.

The Japanese Emperor's concubine requirements: beautiful looks are secondary, and more importantly, they must have this

In Japan, the Imperial Family has a unique status, which is considered sacred and inviolable by their countrymen. The Japanese people believe that the imperial family has the blood of the gods, and recognize them as the purest and most sacred bloodline family in Japan.

The Japanese Emperor's concubine requirements: beautiful looks are secondary, and more importantly, they must have this

Throughout history, Japan is a country with a history of nearly 3,000 years, and it is recorded that in this long history, the emperor's family has not severed their inheritance, let alone overthrown.

The Japanese Emperor's concubine requirements: beautiful looks are secondary, and more importantly, they must have this

It is such a long-standing family, for the purity of its own blood, the Japanese emperor family is extremely harsh in choosing the object of marriage, and some regulations even have to be described as inexplicable and mad.

Its madness is reflected in the scandals of their abuse of the Japanese imperial concubines and the imprisonment of the Japanese imperial concubines, and they make the women who marry into the imperial family give up their lives to prepare for the development of their heirs. This is contrary to human morality.

The Japanese Emperor's concubine requirements: beautiful looks are secondary, and more importantly, they must have this

Its outrageousness is first reflected in the fact that in the 3,000-year history, the "intermarriage" of the Heavenly Royal Family has never changed, and this provision has been implemented as always.

The Japanese Emperor's concubine requirements: beautiful looks are secondary, and more importantly, they must have this

Secondly, in order to ensure the purity of blood to the greatest extent, the only one who can marry the Japanese emperor's family is the Goto family, and the Goto family has always existed as the direct blood of the Japanese emperor's family, and from this point of view, this is the marriage of close relatives.

The Japanese Emperor's concubine requirements: beautiful looks are secondary, and more importantly, they must have this

Moreover, the Japanese emperor family has an almost ruthless and incomprehensible fertility law. They demanded that every emperor must have his own heirs in order to inherit the nearly 3,000-year-old family lineage.

The Japanese Emperor's concubine requirements: beautiful looks are secondary, and more importantly, they must have this

Because of this rule, women who marry into the royal family carry heavier burdens than other women.

At the same time, what is even more inexplicable is that women who marry into the royal family must also have high appearance, such as white skin and beauty. It can be said that these regulations are really a bit bizarre.

The Japanese Emperor's concubine requirements: beautiful looks are secondary, and more importantly, they must have this

Summary: The world is developing, and the times are changing. Many countries have entered a different stage of development than in the past and have developed in a completely new way. Some countries have developed while retaining something old, which is inextricably linked to their own history.

Kingship and imperial power are unique products of feudal society and indelible fragments in the long river of history. We also developed from that era.

The Japanese Emperor's concubine requirements: beautiful looks are secondary, and more importantly, they must have this

Some countries, such as Japan and the United Kingdom, retained the imperial family and accepted its status and role in their own countries, which was their choice for their own historical development. As outsiders, we have to look at it rationally and dialectically.

What the Japanese imperial family did was their own choice, and these strange regulations made the Japanese imperial family the most traditional and strict imperial family in the world, and some of their scandals also pushed the imperial family to the cusp of public opinion.

The Japanese Emperor's concubine requirements: beautiful looks are secondary, and more importantly, they must have this

The complexity of royal life is worth exploring, and in the process of discussion, we must look at the problem with a dialectical attitude and be a scientific evaluator.

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