
Records - looking for feelings and traces of growth

author:The voice of self-improvement

0.806 · word count 2466 · Read 394 2019-03-22 11:14

Record the 47160321 of the Calendar

------------------ Looking for feelings and traces of growth

Hui Ziqiang

Life is made up of countless details. Lao Tzu taught us: "The diagram is more difficult than its ease, and it is greater than its fineness." That is, to solve difficult problems, start from the easy, (want) to do big things, (must) start from (deal with, solve) every detail. Record is an indispensable detail (method) for building the edifice of life that is often overlooked. Let's talk about it:

Records, the use and role in the growth education and family education of primary and secondary school students

What is a record?

Simply put, no matter what you do, before doing it, write down the year, month, day (hour), and then write down what you did, which constitutes a record.

Records exist widely in life, study, and work, but many people, only remember the matters, do not remember the date, after that, often can not remember when it happened. It can be seen that starting from "writing the year, month, day (hour)" will avoid many regrets.

Records should generally contain two aspects: 1. The time recorded. 2. Matters recorded.

Time attribute of recording: In the growth education of primary and secondary school students, the written materials formed by purposeful work and marked with years, months and days form an objective record.

Records, there are active records and passive (unconscious) records. In a large number of learning behaviors of primary and secondary school students, before writing, the year, month, day and start and end are marked, resulting in a "unconscious" type record, as long as the teacher (teacher, parent) is willing to collect and keep, across half a year, a year (need to correct the error in time, constantly), the effect will appear (growing from it).

In the education and teaching behavior of teachers and students in primary and secondary schools, regular silent writing and spot checks have the potential of recording, as long as the year, month and day are marked before starting the pen (which constitutes a record), if it can also be marked with the start and end of the time, it is better (easy to calculate the length of time, calculate the efficiency), but because the leader (teacher) does not feel (habitual), the actor (student) does not know, the parents do not understand, so many materials with great recording potential function disappear like flowing water.

If a student starts from the first grade of primary school to develop the habit of recording and diary, insists on 12 years, and gradually combines with reading and thinking, when it comes to the college entrance examination, there will be a calm and solid sense of harvest. So from the first grade of primary school, how do parents and teachers guide their children to make records, and gradually rise to the point where records and diaries run parallel?

Guidance from school teachers: Knowledge points are recorded in class, and the key content learned in this lesson is recorded. (In the first grade, the language subject should be used to record words and sentences.) Diaries need to be thought about, need to concentrate on refining sentences, sending words to make sentences, so students often feel difficult; recording, just recalling, consulting or enumerating, is much simpler.

Parents can make special records for their children (such as the length of getting up, the length of homework; writing comparison).

Silent writing of the record book. The biggest difference between it and the silent script is that the record always needs to indicate the date (year, month and day) and the start and end time. For example: 2018.3.5 (A) 8:03 ~ (indicating the start time), when silently writing, the number of words that will not be used should be consistent with the number of spaces. The end should also be marked with the time: ~8:11 〈8') (indicating the time of the end; the length of the angle bracket is 8 minutes). After reviewing, write each typo or space word three times per word.

In fact, students start writing assignments from the moment they start school. And students' daily homework has the potential to record. The reason why it is called homework and not a record is because it is assigned by the teacher, written by the student, and then checked by the teacher, or right and wrong (and a date) or given points (the lower grades of elementary school are often given points, and a little more serious, often 100. 100、100、100...... The lower grades of primary school often get 100 (meaning very simple), and the older you get, the harder it is (because the knowledge you learn is more complicated, and the more complex the knowledge you learn, the harder it is to get a full point. Because it is homework, whether it is teachers, parents, students, it is rare to know and cherish. This is a huge waste. When standing in the perspective of cherishing, accumulating, and collecting (that is, the perspective of growth), as long as students and children are asked to mark the next month and day (called the date) before they write every day and the second time, it is perfect. Stick to a week, a month, a semester, a year, and even 12 years, and this naturally becomes a record of discipline growth. Our country, schools, teachers, parents, rarely have such requirements.

This is exactly what we are trying to do and improve – in fact, on the surface, it does not seem difficult at all: before writing, we must first mark the next year's month and day (and the start and end time). As long as you do it realistically, collect it, and insist on sticking to it from the first year of high school to the third year of high school, 12 years of persistence, it is a record of life growth. Narrator 1: This is not only a matter of student education, but also a matter of national quality cultivation.

Recorded value: 1, mark the next year's month and day (date). 2. Generate contrast. 3. If there is a mistake, it must be corrected.

After students have developed the habit of recording, in the "extensive" daily records, they choose to be meaningful or interested in the daily book, which is a diary!

Only by recording and forming accumulation can it be meaningful; only by being willing to collect and use it can it be valuable. If our country, schools, teachers, and parents can start from the first grade of primary school, students can make a special list, summary, and report every week, form a record and collect, grow, and grow in it. Narrator 2: In our country, we must study, decide, and implement as soon as possible - in primary and secondary schools, even kindergartens, establish student and teacher growth files, and schools have a (permanent) collection of student and teacher growth materials.

Sharing the first, third or third year of high school, some students who are good at learning often establish "wrong question books", which is a typical "special" record book. Without a date, it will be a big mess (no record). Example: In 2006, I taught an outstanding student in the third year of junior high school, and she did the most math problems in the whole school year. After graduation, she specially collected her third-year graduation mathematics materials. At the time of writing this article, it has been 12 years since the opening inspection (2018.5), but because there is no year, month and date (date) in the mathematical monographs, the historical loss has been lost.

Share 2. Examination paper folder, special storage. First of all, from the beginning of enrollment (primary one, junior high school, high school), we must adhere to consistency. Second, develop the habit of marking "year, month and day" first. Each examination paper can be changed according to the actual situation, such as once a weekend, and reach its maximum height three times (taking primary high school or junior high school as an example: students at the middle and upper levels can be required to reach the full point; and the middle and lower levels, according to their abilities, are required as appropriate. )

Share 3. The name of the project that can be recorded in the phased training: 1. Classic recitation. 2. Silent writing of new words (same as English words). 3. Poker superposition training (improve brain reaction speed and memory): Take out a pair of poker and take out the A, 2, and 3 of the four suits、...... 10, a total of 40 poker cards, washed three times, and then stacked one by one and timed. 4. Basic mathematical knowledge of reading seconds (memorization timing training). 5. English: Count training in one breath.

The role of the record

In the education of primary and secondary schools, the greatest role of record is to urge the correction of mistakes and thus witness growth. With the mark of the year, month and day, it is easy to supervise and form a sense of timeliness. Whether it is homework records, test paper records or exercise book records, develop good habits of correcting mistakes in time, do not procrastinate, do not lazy, and naturally improve learning efficiency and growth rate.

Parents are the first teachers of their children. To grow, you need to get the Law; the environment, influence people; the atmosphere, edify people; the program, guide people; attitude, influence people; habits, create people. What is education? Education is the comprehensive shaping of the environment, atmosphere, procedures, attitudes, and habits, that is, creating an environment, creating an atmosphere, controlling procedures, correcting attitudes, and nurturing habits.

Recording (journaling), reading, thinking, exploring, trying (acting), and creating are the elements of making a difference in life. Parents, if they have been educated by records (diaries), then it is relatively easy to transition and affect their children. If we spend a lot of effort to cultivate, influence and guide today's primary and secondary school students to develop the habit of recording (diaries), then in 20 years, when they become parents, when their descendants record (diaries), it will be easier to get more guidance and become easier.

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