
The Family History of Ice and Fire Pseudohistory Southern Chapter: Tyrell, the rose of the high court opens quietly

author:Westeros Wanderers

After watching the TV series "Game of Thrones", many people like the Tyrell family in the high court, the old rose thorn queen is outstanding in politics and business, and the little rose Margaret has a skill. So today we're going to dig up the history of Tyrell's house.

The Family History of Ice and Fire Pseudohistory Southern Chapter: Tyrell, the rose of the high court opens quietly

The Tyrell family ruled the river bend land in the south, which was densely populated, rich in products, and fertile in land, and was known as the granary of the Seven Kingdoms. At the same time, the area of the riverbend is second only to the north, and the wealth of the Tyrell family is second only to that of the Lannisters.

Another point worth noting is that Riverbend is the birthplace of the knighthood of Westeros. We all know that in the time of the ancestors there were no knights, and the chivalry system, like the belief in the seven gods, was brought to Westeros by the Andals.

Many people think that the Tyrell family is not noble, because they were promoted by the head of the gardener family, and they were the "nouveau riche" of the Targaryen dynasty founded by Egon I. Not really, Tyrell is also a family with a long history. We know that most of the riverbend nobles can be traced back to the gardener family, and the Tyrell family is no exception.

The Family History of Ice and Fire Pseudohistory Southern Chapter: Tyrell, the rose of the high court opens quietly

The castle of the Tyrell family is a high court, and the family emblem is a golden rose on a verdant green background, which is familiar to everyone.

Before the arrival of the conqueror Egon Targaryen, the southern realm was the domain of the gardener family. When the Andals came to Westeros, they were initially treated as invaders. Generations of kings of the gardener family have led armies against it. The Andals were well-equipped and highly armed, and the gardener kings even sought the help of the Children of the Forest and the Forest Witches.

After playing for generations, the situation gradually changed. The descendants of the ancestors eventually began to accept the Andals, including their culture and beliefs. At this time, the gardener family produced three kings, known in history as the "Three Sages". These three are three generations of grandchildren, namely Garth IX, Monler I, and Calvin V.

Garth IX continued to believe in the Old Gods, but his advisory group included the monks of the Seven Gods, and he built the Sanctuary in the High Court; Monroe I converted to the Seven Gods and contributed to the spread of the Seven Gods in the Bendlands; and Calvin V became the first member of the gardener family to be knighted.

Sir Ellister, the founder of the Tyrell family, was originally an Andal knight, and he was very skilled, and became the acting knight and personal bodyguard of Galwin V by personal force. His eldest son, also a knight known for his military prowess, was unfortunately killed in a tournament. Alister's second son, Gareth, was not good at force, and he became the head of the royal family of gardeners. Thus began his career as head of the Tyrell family.

The Family History of Ice and Fire Pseudohistory Southern Chapter: Tyrell, the rose of the high court opens quietly

High court and river bend land

Since Gareth and his sons had excelled in the position of head of the royal family, the position of chief was inherited from the Tyrell family,—— until the conqueror Egon was furious and destroyed the gardener family.

Remember the dispute between the Peck family and the Mandalay family that we told about before? This happened during the reign of Garth X. The king had no sons, and his two daughters were married to the Peck and Mandalay families. These two families have never dealt with each other, and at this time, the issue of inheritance rights has further triggered contradictions, which eventually turned into a great civil war in The RiverBend.

And the kings did not have a fuel-saving lamp, and a few good neighbors next to them, the Storm King, the Kaiyan King, including the Dornes, all came to take advantage of the fire and loot. ——This is the autumn of the imminent survival! When so, the Grand Master of the Court, Osmond Tyrell, stepped forward and formed an alliance with the rest of the Riverbend nobles to turn the tide and quell the civil unrest. The nobles of Riverbend established Menn Gardener VI as king. The new king, too, was informed, and he married his daughter to the son of the great hero Osmon Tyrell. From then on, the Tyrells could claim to have the blood of the "green hand" Gars. According to records, there have been nine intermarriages between the Tyrell family and the gardener family since then.

The Family History of Ice and Fire Pseudohistory Southern Chapter: Tyrell, the rose of the high court opens quietly

Here to add: Do not think that the "chief steward" is a servant, they also have the status of nobility. For example, Winterfell's governor, Vijan Poole, also has aristocratic origins, otherwise you think the servant's daughter Jenny Poole can really be friends with Sansa, the big lady of Winterfell? As another example, Rosso Frey, the head of the twin cities of Frey's family, was himself the son of the Marquis of Varde, and his mother was Briwood.

Mention must be made here of the Battle of the Conqueror's War. The King of Riverbend at that time was Munn Gardener IX, who formed an alliance with King Kaiyan and had a force of 55,000 men. The Targaryens were less than one-fifth of the size. The Allies had the upper hand during the engagement, but then the Targaryens appeared on the battlefield: the Three-Headed Dragon.

I don't know if Munn IX had an intellectual problem or if he was thrown out by someone, but it was very counterintuitive for the whole clan to throw in a battle. The result is that the gardener family is dead. The grand chancellor at the time, Harlan Tyrell, remained in the High Court, and he offered the High Court to the conquerors. Egon was also generous, and gave the court to the Tyrell family along with the riverbend land. The Harlan grand admiral later disappeared in the desert of Dorne with his army in the First Dorne War.

The Family History of Ice and Fire Pseudohistory Southern Chapter: Tyrell, the rose of the high court opens quietly

There's another interesting Tyrell we'd like to mention: Leonor Tyrell.

During the Targaryen Civil War, where blood dragons danced wildly, the opposing sides were the Greens and the Blacks. The core members of the Green Party were Empress Dowager Allison of Egon II and Prime Minister and Grandfather Otto Heyto. The Hightowers were Tyrell's vassals. So when the war broke out, everyone thought that Tyrell the Rose of the High Court would definitely take sides with the Greens.

Unexpectedly, however, Lord Leonor, Duke of the High Court at the time, was still a small infant and was regent by his mother (unfortunately, the name of the lady was not left in the data). The lady decided to remain neutral. Therefore, during the whole Blood Dragon Dance, other families were fighting lively, and the nobles of the RiverBend took sides, while the Tyrell family, as the crown prince, had been watching from the dry shore. If this were not the case, this Lord Leonor might not have lived to grow up.

Lionor grew up, the Blood Dragon Dance has long been turned, and the Targaryen family has no dragons, but there is a fierce man Daron I, that is, the "Little Dragon King" who conquered Dorne.

Gossip aside, Dylan I conquered Dorne by force and became the first Targaryen to unify the "Seven Kingdoms", and Duke Leono Tyrell was one of his main forces. The battle was over, the king was satisfied, and the class was triumphant, but Donne couldn't ignore it, right? Leonor was appointed Governor of Dorne.

The Family History of Ice and Fire Pseudohistory Southern Chapter: Tyrell, the rose of the high court opens quietly

Darren Targaryen I

This is a bitter pain for lord Tyrell. Because as soon as the king left, the Dornes, who had originally surrendered, jumped out one by one to do things. Lord Leonor, who was suffering from a bitter fate, had no choice but to lead the army to the east and west to suppress the bandits and the right to suppress the rebellion.

On this day, when we arrived in Gravel City, Lord Leonor planned to rest. So he stayed "as is customary" in the lord's room, which had a large bed with a velvet canopy. The adult probably felt that the bed was too big and too cold, and needed to find someone to warm up, so he pulled the ribbon at the head of the bed to summon the maid. But I didn't expect that the customs of the Dorne people were probably different. The bedside ribbon that the Riverbends used to summon the maid summoned a hundred red scorpions at the top of the tent in Dorne... In this way, Lord Leonor dodged the dragon, but not the scorpion.

The Family History of Ice and Fire Pseudohistory Southern Chapter: Tyrell, the rose of the high court opens quietly

In the novel, Tyrell is a big family. Olena, Queen of Thorns, Fat Rose, Duke of Gaoting, Margaret the Little Queen, and Loras the Hundred Flowers Knight, all appear in the Game of Thrones TV series, and the role is not small, but some places are still different from the original.

The first point to clarify is that Hundred Flowers is not the only son of the Rose Family. In the novel, he is the third oldest, and there are two older brothers Vilas and Garland on the top.

The character of Vilas also does not appear head-on in the novel. However, after the Roses arrived in King's Landing, they originally planned to let Sansa marry Vilas, but Littlefinger learned of this and revealed it to Tywin, so he was cut off by the Lannisters, and Sansa married Tyrion.

Why didn't Vilas come to King's Landing for his sister's wedding? Because this child's legs are not good. During a tournament, Vilas was maimed by Dorne's Red Viper. So since it is not convenient for him to go out, it is just a matter of staying in the high court as an heir.

It is said that this Vilas liked flowers, plants and small animals, and not only did not hate the red poisonous snake, but also had academic exchanges with him, in short, he was a good young man with a disability.

The Family History of Ice and Fire Pseudohistory Southern Chapter: Tyrell, the rose of the high court opens quietly

Garland Tyrell

Garland Tyrell, handsome and good in martial arts. He looked a lot like a hundred flowers, but stronger. Hundred Flowers admitted that Garland was stronger than him with his sword. In addition, the Battle of the Blackwater River was also worn by Garland in blue armor.

This Garland is a bit interesting, he is very low-key, not like to participate in the contest like Hundred Flowers. After coming to King's Landing, he often said nice things about the little devil, which was also quite strange as a Tyrell.

Finally, at the wedding feast of Emperor Joe, Garland's seat was right next to Tyrion. According to my own estimation, he was probably the one who poisoned The Emperor Qiao's wine glass.

In the book, after the Battle of blackwater, Tywin seals the city of Brightwater to Garland. After Tywin's death, the roses who attended the wedding funeral also left one after another: Fat Rose led the soldiers to fight the Wind Breath Fort, it was Cersei who deliberately separated him, this side was easy to deal with the little rose; the old rose and Garland returned to the bay, the old rose returned to the high court, Garland may plan to go to Bright Water City to take office; Hundred Flowers went to Dragonstone Island, seriously injured and disfigured, not dead.

Although MacE Tyrell abandoned the siege of Windsor Castle and returned to King's Landing after Margaerly was detained by the Sparrow, it was necessary to let the roses come back like the TV series, but there seems to be no good reason for it at present.

Finally, let's talk a little bit about the Queen of Thorns gossip.

The Queen of Thorns' real name is Olena Redwin. This gossip story takes place during the reign of Egon V.

Miss Olena of the Redwin family originally had an arranged marriage. Her original marriage was supposed to be Prince Dylan, the youngest son of Egon V.

Prince Duncan, the eldest son of Egon V, preferred to give up the throne for love, setting a very bad example for his younger siblings.

The Family History of Ice and Fire Pseudohistory Southern Chapter: Tyrell, the rose of the high court opens quietly

Egon V and his sons

Prince Jaehaeris, the second son of Egon V, was arranged to marry a girl from the Tulip family. But he and his sister Princess Shayala are in love. The two secretly married the round house with their father on their backs, and the father was stunned. Because Princess Shayala originally had a marriage contract, it was the heir of the High Court, Ross Tyrell.

On the other hand, Prince Dylan and Olena Redwin were only nine-year-old children when they were engaged, and presumably there is neither sufficient understanding nor reason to oppose this political marriage. But as Prince Dylan grew older, he found his little friend, Sir Jeremy Norigi, far more attractive than Miss Olena of redwin's house. At the age of eighteen, Prince Dylan formally repented of marrying the Redwin family and never married. Five years later, he and his dear friend Sir Jeremy were both killed in a counter-insurgency.

So Olena Redwin and Rose Tyrell, two poor children who had been repented of by targaryens, came together and lived a happy and happy life.

In addition to Fat Rose's son, Olena has a daughter who is married to Patrick, the current lord of the Redwin family. The Queen of Thorns is Patrick Redwin's aunt and mother-in-law.

Olena's husband, the Duke of Ross, died in an accident. He went hunting, and on the way he only looked up at the eagle and did not look at the road, so he fell off the cliff with his horse. - The IQ of the current Duke of The High Court, Metz, is apparently inherited more from his father.

The Family History of Ice and Fire Pseudohistory Southern Chapter: Tyrell, the rose of the high court opens quietly

Family History Series of Ice and Fire Pseudohistory:

Family History of Ice and Fire Pseudohistory Northern: Anecdotes about the Stark Family You Don't Know

The Family History of the Pseudohistory of Ice and Fire: The House of Valyria beyond Targaryen

Senior fans of the original, enjoy "A Song of Ice and Fire" with you. Thanks for reading and welcome to @Westeros Wanderers

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