
Tesla Cyberruck Road spy photo exposed! Detail adjustments, new large wiper

"Blowing" + "urging" Tesla Cyberteruck for several years, this highly sought after Tesla pickup truck may not be able to meet it on the road in the near future.

Recently, foreign media exposed a set of road test spy photos about Tesla Cyberruck. As one of Tesla's biggest "gimmicks", Tesla Cyberruck has completed its official debut as early as 2019, and since its debut, this "Mars" pickup truck has been controversial and sought after by netizens at home and abroad.

Tesla Cyberruck Road spy photo exposed! Detail adjustments, new large wiper

It is understood that the Tesla Cyberruck in the road test spy photo exposed this time may be the final mass production version of the new car. So as a "new century" pickup truck, what are the highlights of this Tesla Cyberruck?

Tesla Cyberruck Road spy photo exposed! Detail adjustments, new large wiper

In terms of appearance, it can be clearly seen from the exposed spy photos that compared with the prototype car previously unveiled, some details have been adjusted, but the overall appearance design and prototype car are basically not much different.

Tesla Cyberruck Road spy photo exposed! Detail adjustments, new large wiper

In terms of details, the new car has made some adjustments on the wiper, headlights and rearview mirrors; for example, the wiper added to the new car is different from our common wiper, such a large wiper, it is really a bit unexpected, due to the requirements of the regulations, this can not be avoided; the headlights have cancelled the penetrating LED light bar, considering that this is still a beta model, the follow-up may also be added; the last obvious change is the rearview mirror, and the wiper is the same, it is not allowed by the regulations, so the rearview mirror is a must.

Tesla Cyberruck Road spy photo exposed! Detail adjustments, new large wiper
Tesla Cyberruck Road spy photo exposed! Detail adjustments, new large wiper
Tesla Cyberruck Road spy photo exposed! Detail adjustments, new large wiper

In terms of battery life, the new car will provide three different endurance versions in the future, with a cruising range of 402km, 483km and 804km respectively. Finally, the new car may be launched in 2023 and the official production version of the model will be delivered.

Tesla Cyberruck Road spy photo exposed! Detail adjustments, new large wiper

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Edit: YY

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