
The first time you meet, how to make the 12 signs feel good about you?

The first time you meet, how to make the 12 signs feel good about you?

The first time you meet, how to make the 12 signs feel good about you?


Don't be rigid

Be generous

There's something to be said for that

Don't bend over backwards

You can quickly mix with him


Help them

Including not limited to work, life, school and other aspects

Make him feel like you're a useful person


Cooperate with ta

You laugh when you talk about it

If you talk about things, you listen carefully

He will feel like he is in love with you




Desperately quakered

Taste from his temperament

To the popular aura of ta

And then to his working family

Give him a feeling that you adore him a lot


Give it up

Even if you are armed from the strands of hair to the toes covered

Virgins can also find loopholes for you

It is better to show yourself authentically


As long as you look good

Or will dress up

Or tasteful

That would leave a good impression on Yan Control's Libra 100%.



Scorpion Fire Eye Golden Eye

No disguise can escape

Only sincerity can impress him


It's too easy to make a good impression on the shooter

It's about playing with him

He plays with him whatever he likes

The more you play, the more crazy it gets

The better your impression will be


Don't be too ostentatious

Don't be too presumptuous

Behave decently

Fall generously

Capricorn is a person who looks at inner beauty


Learn about his interests and hobbies in advance

Pretend to inadvertently show that you like it too

He will feel like he has found a soul mate

Can't wait to get close to you


Take good care of him

Plus a little bit of elaborate little romance

No Pisces can hold on

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