
Farmers in Wuhan were surprised by the Shunzhi Sacred Will to record the Tui En system more than 300 years ago

International online Hubei news: A few days ago, when the literature and history experts in Xinzhou District of Wuhan City excavated literary and historical materials, the original sacred will issued by the Shunzhi Emperor in August of the eighth year of Shunzhi (1651) in the eighth year of Shunzhi (1651) in the home of Cao Liejun, a villager in Kechangwan Village, Xugu Street, the district, was found. After more than 300 years of ups and downs, the Holy Will has been yellowed and damaged, but it is generally well preserved.

Farmers in Wuhan were surprised by the Shunzhi Sacred Will to record the Tui En system more than 300 years ago

Part of the Sacred Will Photography Lee Forest

This sacred material is silk fabric, and the left and right sides are written in Chinese and Manchu, respectively, and the middle is covered with the emperor's jade seal, which shows the four Chinese characters of "Treasure of Destiny". The Holy Will is 120 cm long (remnant) and 31 cm wide. The main text of the Holy Will, the Chinese part is written in dignified small letters, the font is neat and beautiful, and the writing is concise and smooth.

According to Li Lin, an expert who has long been engaged in the study of local history and culture in Xinzhou District, the holy decree is two edicts, one is to seal Cao Benrong as Wenlin Lang, and his wife Li shi is a widow, and the other is to seal Cao Benrong's father Cao Dafu and mother Yu shi. The Holy Decree reflects the Qing Dynasty's system of tuien conferral. Wen Lin Lang is a loose official name given by the Qing Dynasty Zheng Qipin civil official. Cao Benrong was of good character and serious work, and was rewarded by the imperial court, and according to the system at that time, his father, mother, and wife were also rewarded. The Holy Decree conferred on Cao Benrong and Cao's father Wenlin Lang; Cao's mother and Cao's wife were widows. This reward system of "love house and wu" was called "Tui En Feng Gift" at that time.

Li Linlin said that this sacred decree truly records the system of Tui En in China's feudal society, and has high historical reference value for the study of social culture in the early Qing Dynasty. Combined with relevant historical materials, the reproduction of the Holy Will reflects the popular cultivation and reading of heirlooms in Xinzhou from the side, which has a positive effect on inheriting excellent history and culture and promoting the in-depth study of Xinzhou's "Qingjin culture". (Wen Li Yu)

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